how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Thursday, January 06, 2011
iElites are somewhat rulers, and rulers exist by having managers and subordinates, in the context elites are somewhat parasites but managers becomes parasites themselves, by this metamorphosis, parasites create a world of their own. This is precisely what the article somehow reveals, two Americas one of parasites and the other of producers. Capitalism is capital; therefore, capital is what the parasite side requires to exist, while toil is what the other side requires to exist. The working side produces while the parasite does not produce matter; they have the invisible capital and the rhetoric that goes along with it. These divisions created by education, one has more education than the other does. The real problem here is that we got two victims, as we know parasites end up killing the host body and by consequence they kill themselves and they kill you as well. Wars are collective suicides, and as the logic of the parasites dictates wars are the best method to reinvigorate a dying economy and a falling empire, therefore WW was an economical suicidal nightmare; that benefited the parasites and destroyed many of the host bodies. In conclusion men is not going forward it is regressing and this upside-down modern middle age that the global parasites are imposing on the planet can lead to the extinction of the species something non rational animals not even do to themselves. Reflect for a minute; and you shall clearly understand that dehumanization and a fall into barbarism is our future. Unless we reform our logic and begun to accept the wise and reasonable as our guides humans certainly, will not be here for much longer, even mother earth is hinting to all of us humans that it is time to change before it is too late.
I will add that dehumanization is as well a consequence of this mayhem; therefore, what is taking place in the world’s arena is as well happening in the family circles. The greedy parasite in Wall Street has become your neighbors. He is the friend you once knew who today has change into a selfish gene.
Groups and save the family is the motto to each individual, however we all live together, but the actual reveals that that is no longer real, we all exist apart isolated and alone.