Sunday, May 21, 2017

Obama Calls for 1967 Borders for Israeli-Palestinian States

president Macron 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable as Charlemagne would have said § hope you  can make president trump understand 2017 is 1917// !! before is too late !! israel must return to 1967 borders the good way or the sad way....!!!

Alfred North Whitehead Philosopher & Mystic

Alfred North Whitehead Philosopher & Mystic

Trump Brexit fantasies / ignorance meets insanity, the Saudi realm // Washington will you ever become a civilize nation/ Stephen hawking claim earth only years 100 years; to evolve, get the hint President trump is directed to Washington morons and the outdated CIA. congress republic. //
this is like left hand echoes like the right hand no difference than 1963 & the Vietnam war, in fact nothing has taken place just anew face which is the same as the old face, meaning lost, a, as blind man on a foggy night.

Santana : Every Step of the Way

Trump Brexit fantasies / ignorance meets
insanity, the Saudi realm // Washington will you ever become a civilize nation/
Stephen hawking claim earth only years 100 years; to evolve, get the hint
President trump is directed to Washington morons and the outdated CIA. congress
republic. //

this is like left hand echoes like the right
hand no difference than 1963 & the Vietnam war, in fact nothing has taken
place just anew face which is the same as the old face, meaning lost a as blind
man on a foggy night.