Monday, March 18, 2019

The Economic Crash America Can Avoid... but Won't (w/ Richard Wolff)

special EMMANUEL MACRON GRAND DÉBAT pour bien comprendre les choses !! economie gilet jaunes sécurité sociale ..

HOW ISRAEL RULES — Barbarians Inside The Gates [Brendon O'Connel Mirror]

all about "you
are fire” democracy on the land of the insane home of the slave!!!!!!!!
MAKING it is not a sovereign continent "NATO" is a concrete fact of
how EUROPE is dominated by the 1900 CAPITALIST bourgeoisie and Washington DC
troops is a proof of European servitude to DC & ISRAEL/ hoping the European
renaissance will give Europe the chance of independence yellow vest is a
confirmation of these enslavement by DC. and the confusion of the French government
which somehow is also teleguided by DC. terrorism is another fact "made in
the usa tested in the Bataclan" facts.