Friday, November 24, 2017

The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)

   The upsidedown world revealed//  cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated.  a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.

The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)

   The upsidedown world revealed//  cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated.  a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.