Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Trump Imposes Full Economic Embargo on Venezuela

TRUMP imposes sanctions to those that have deals with Venezuela sanctions is a multiple way affair, sanctions against IRAN are sanctions against Europe Russia and china/ sanctions against Venezuela are sanctions against Europe or any nation that deals with Venezuela, grabbing property is elites grabbing Venezuelan gold money property banks is elites grabbing/ trump is just a puppeteer moron  & yes you are rigth it is  moron trump the front page / remembers president get killed not elites

Trump Imposes Full Economic Embargo on Venezuela

TRUMP imposes sanctions to those that have deals with Venezuela sanctions is a multiple way affair, sanctions against IRAN are sanctions against Europe Russia and china/ sanctions against Venezuela are sanctions against Europe or any nation that deals with Venezuela, grabbing property is elites grabbing Venezuelan gold money property banks is elites grabbing/ trump is just a puppeteer moron  & yes you are rigth it is  moron trump the front page / remembers president get killed not elites

Detrás de la Razón: Nuevo; ¿Trump tuvo algo que ver en la masacre de mex...

Detrás de la Razón: Nuevo; ¿Trump tuvo algo que ver en la masacre de mexicanos en El Paso, Texas? when a nation elects a somewhat not too wise fellow / the negative results are expected it is the fault of the voters they chose their killer.👽