Thursday, August 07, 2014

The True Controllers Of Israel

On the Edge of World War III: A Warning from Lyndon LaRouche

how about an eye for an eye and i wont be surprise if it does not go viral and this happens worldwide that way Jews will look a bit different to palestinians children's that they have killed for land and all this is Washington fault they are in 1492 and killing people is the will of god this is what is on Obama mind as he believes by killing all humans he does the will of god this same conclusion Israeli has in relation to Palestine kill them all is the will of god we Jews or israelis shall save the world. boycott washington global boycott if the world hopes to save Jews and children worldwide. washington is in 1492 the world are american natives and they all must obey washington is gods will, "king James bible" the guide of colonialism  this is the problem isolate washington if the world hopes to survive america is a barbaric democracy based on death and guns 1492 they are not civilize is their nature how they where created and that is what they are.   washington does not have a diplomacy neither a foreign policy they have a military policy only guns and wars 1492 america is 2014 america, exclusive military power guns like in 1492 and all the planet are natives that I Obama must kill for the will of god identical to G W BUSH, no difference, of this barbaric democracy!  the will of god this is why we invaded Iraq and killed all their children's, Iran ,Pakistan,Syria,libya, is all the will of god, we are saving the world by killing all humans on the planet "king James bible" the colonial know how of the 1492 invasion of the american continent.        today is applied to the planet citizens and humans, so wake up world isolate washington they are the cause of worlds problems from EBOLA "made in the usa to kill people to HIV made in the usa to kill people to "wars from Afghanistan to Tripoli from 2001 to 2014, and soon the hope of creating a ww 3 to purify the souls of europeans so they all shall be slaughter.   save the plane global boycott of america. everything even diplomatic ties they are barbarians unable to understand reason. otherwise is Armageddon. unite the planet against washington. alex in 1776 the enemy was London today the enemy is not in Britain is in washington is inside america and is the american government. the enemy is @home .. so use tactics that achieve that aim and people will understand that the enemy is not Russia IT IS WASHINGTON.
washington is the British empire of 1776, liberate america from washington.