Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Apprentice 15 Subtitulado Espaรฑol

The reality of the trump saga is not difficult to understand what is not easy is who is behind, who really is the puppet master. The saga begins with Bernie sanders, the democrats realize sanders is of great danger to the puppet master, he is kind of to honest and could attack the FED, even more dangerous he is Jewish, not a Zionist, and a friend of Ron Paul and Jill stein, she is also Jewish but not a Zionist. in fact, real patriots; so, they get Hillary to displace him and her. WikiLeaks gets the e-mails that they themselves created, once he is out she will do all she can to get trump elected, the media will do his bid and create as always, a hero & villain drama, knowing Americans will believe and the info-trump bunch will follow, another batch of WikiLeaks will reach the media this is quite helpful as it keeps the drama going trump will be closer to be elected and the news keeps rolling.  To be certain that trump will win; not because the elections are not rigged but you cannot rig an election when the disparity is too big, so it must be 52% trump and 48% Hillary to be credible otherwise it does not work. The next batch of WikiLeaks reaches the press just days before election show, the public cry’s out we love trump burn Hillary, and the job is done, now the rigging can be done legally as the required % can be credible, trump gets elected since he is an actor being practicing in television shows years before he can do the job and the masters keeps control of America as expected, end of the show trump gets elected and is over for another 4 years. The masters get back in control and breitbart keeps all issues out of the public eye. However, the puppet master still hiding, and now quite impossible to know who they are. The FED remains and the killing of Americans begins to reduce the population. The big brother figure remains unknown.