Saturday, February 03, 2018

The Media Have No Morals 1 of 3 - BBC Intelligence Squared Debate

Guenon joins the show/ is just temporary power, the problems are not the giant
corporation, but who runs it, manages, directs it.  how and to what end. temporary power applies
to the CEO, owners etc., wall street investors etc.  Not to the corporation itself. the
corporation is plural. In other words, ethereal. Facebook and networks.
networks remain. !!! users are the corporation; the owner is Facebook. Google
or any other ranked cooperation. Intelligence (). A kingdom states is no different
than a kingdom of corporations, rulers. However, how the corporation is managed
it determines the life span of its current managers owners. They are replaced
as the corporation demands it.     

René Guénon Terreurs chimériques et dangers réels

René Guénon - The Crisis of the Modern World

BRIGITTE FONTAINE devaste moi 1966

BRIGITTE FONTAINE devaste moi 1966

The First Annual REAL Fake News Awards

The Israeli Lobby - A Danger To The World. Banned Documentary

David Duke 'Trump is Playing 3D Chess'

AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is on free fall, what is going to happen to Israel, after the collapse, not mentioning the fake media// AIPAC brainwashing that does not longer work // . AIPAC has reached the end of the rope. and there is no way out .RIP.for AIPAC.