Saturday, March 30, 2013

Économie : L\’Argentine fait son offre aux \ « artslogic

Économie : L\’Argentine fait son offre aux \ « artslogic
En Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street)  il ne existe pas de justice pourtant des lois à l'avantages des banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, (FED, IMF,WORLD BANK) et banques prive est l'origine du casino financier, global ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voilà un exemple de leur connivence "BCE-FED". Guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX, sont des cercles mafieux, organisé par des incapables. C’est un danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres à répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. Est-ce les citoyens les consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.

Économie : L'Argentine fait son offre aux "fonds vautour" -

Économie : L'Argentine fait son offre aux "fonds vautour" -
en Amérique du nord (FED-BCE-WALL Street)  il ne existe pas de justice mais de lois à l'avantages de banques prive, les quelles sont dans leur dernier jour d’existence, car le cercle mafieux, FED, IMF,WORLD BANK et banque prive est l'origine du casino financier, mondial ce eux la cause de l’austérité est le malheur de Chypre cet eux le promoteur de la corruption, cet eux les promoteur des crimes est injustice, de la destruction d'emplois et principalement de guerres, en complicité avec les nations Unies, voila un exemple de leur connivence BCE-FED. guerre mondial avec la Corée du Nord. DONC ARGENTINE LES MARCHES MONDIAUX réglé par ces incompetent cet une danger mortel pour l'espèce humaine, car l’armement et des guerres a répétition sur des mensonges de démocratie que eux même ne pratique pas, payes rien, le citoyens du monde sont avec vous. est ce les citoyens le consommateurs, et les travailleurs du monde, pas les Nations Unie ni les banques prive.

World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic

World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic
strange as it looks nuclear nuclear war rather than currency war or they are together. schizophrenia in other words. basically mental collapse sometime soon.

World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic

World War – QE III…The world is in a Currency World War…MUST WATCH! « artslogic

Currency wars & Nuclear Wars.
A war is always a war, and they are bloody in most cases; as currency wars are wars between financial partners, and enemies!  There are no currency wars, between the old roman coinage and the brand new euro, or is it?
Whatever the developments are is all most go into military spending, therefore it is more likely as a financial military battleground, by coincidence on finance the aim is to survive, while on wars there is no aim, just communal suicide. Wars unfortunately cannot be predicted, there is no way today that a winner can be call a winner if there is a nuclear-currency war.  Simply because nuclear wars are fought on the environment, on the planet itself, more precisely it is a declared war against nature, currency wars are as well against nature, they got weapons of mass destruction themselves they call it finances. However we might ask? what keeps the organism alive if you like? Nuclear wars or currency, wars. As insane as it appears, a war is a war, as a man as a mind, when they declared a currency –nuclear war to the “Pacha Mama”, the Greeks call it Gaia. You might ask what has made humans the desire to declare war on to planet earth, when they exist on it! Strange behavior you might say, quite strange, however it is true it is call a currency-nuclear war.
On one hand we got the most powerful army bankrupt, and what is the use of a wonderful powerful army if the nation is bankrupt; I think not much as in fact is not protecting the nation, which is his purpose, but rather destroying it. Therefore the most powerful army has destroyed its own nation, more precisely the people of that nation, with a nuclear-currency war.
Therefore we can say nuclear wars are close related with financial wars, therefore China and the BRIC nations are probably at war against the dominant currency dollar, while North Korea is exercising the nuclear option, which is nothing more than a financial currency war. It makes the dollar-army on many fronts, while Iran is encircled by the army-dollar; in many fronts. As a consequence the dollar-army is being encircled by a nuclear-currency. The currency war married to the military-dollar is by no means a nuclear war; however, a nuclear war married to a currency war is a nuclear war. Envelope on a currency war, the probability that we are capable of being destroyed by a nuclear war is probable.

Now what we got here is a question of logic, reason, reasoning in relation to a situation, it looks simple as it is complicated, it has a psychological side that styles it closer to an organism than to many organism, a singularity rather than an absolute.  Humans in size in relative terms to the planet are minute.  As a mass, a nuclear war could kill all humans on planet earth and the planet probably will survive the event and continue existing as a sphere! Therefore probably this battle against nature; the dollar and the nuclear devices are impotent, between themselves; and amongst themselves, they can never win, and they cannot reach the countless dimensions, which the sphere is able to.  However they could create an atom bomb and blow themselves off, but they could never, create a globe. An sphere where living organisms exist, the currency-nuclear technology wars reasoning could never reach such a degree of amplitude, they are condemn to their own size, just like the penguin is condemn to his own size, otherwise he would not be a penguin, as a humanoid is a human.
The logic of the military men is we bomb them, nuclear war (“axis of evil”) (the logic of the financier we bankrupt them currency wars) the financier has institutions, (FMI, WORLD BANK, and plays the dominant currency) “the military man has weapons of mass destruction” however to obtain those weapons he needs money, and the financiers are quite happy to lend them the money, therefore the financiers logic would be to make money, though the bankrupted nations in consequence will be defeated. Therefore sanctions and military strategy is part of a currency war.
In this context the logic of the military men is the same as the logic of the financier, or is it?
We can ask what logic is or what it would be; on this setting of existence, suicide. Or fear!
The advertising men being ingenious he thinks that fear is the key, advertising, brainwashing; however, he needs as well finances to carry out his project, as the one that makes the breed needs grains to make his bread.  He grows them or he buys them.
And we all know that without bred there is no wars, soldiers must eat, as financiers and adverting fellows, they all got to eat at some point. So we got now an unexpected guess, the baker, our good friend the baker, we should ask him what does he thinks of the currency wars, and the nuclear wars. I believe! He thinks he rather have the advertising once and for all, as nuclear wars are unknown to us, we only got Hiroshima, as an example and collapsing nuclear plants. They are part of a nuclear currency wars.  A nuclear war in Asia, now would not be good for Japan, neither for China; however a nuclear war in Miami can be more convenient for them, or better say the environment, in china, even if nuclear clouds do travel.
On the Middle East could be very dangerous to Europe, as the Middle East is closer to Europe than to china or Miami.  In geopolitics it appears geography is quite an important factor, location, where you are at the moment, and were everyone is, stays, remains, location matters, it can be a very important factor on a nuclear war as on a currency war.
So there is no defense, to the unaware. You are on Your own, no one, and everyone, wholly alone in some ways, only the stronger will survive, on this nuclear-currency war, being the law of the tougher, is it in such a environments that we shall know, will he just die like the rest or survive? Can a bodyguard protect you from a heart attack, or a lack of oxygen? No, certainly not; he can’t, only time and space could do that, and as time is getting short, I propose the Bren 25% silver to end the nuclear-currency wars.