Friday, April 25, 2014

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

US, NATO team up to wage war over Ukraine: Analyst

Interview de Pascal Marchand, spécialiste de la géopolitique de l'Europe...

basica america does not exist you got a Ceasar, however i'll advice, you folks are slaves, and forget the constitution, human rights bill of rights, today you are on the mayflower days, the king ceasar rules all over you slaves, and there is nothing you folks can do, just obey and die like in 9/11, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, and the rest of the american invasions, for no reason and no benefit to the 99% of american slaves. they are done for banks and americans are slaves to banks, so who cares how many americans die, as long they have top gun believe on sitcoms, and work and obey the moment they have being chosen for slaughter, sad as america no longer exist as well surprisingly Ceasar has another problem the us is actually splitting internally, from zionism, to christian zionism, to jews to mormon and muslim, the end of america is coming so you slave folks do have a chance when the nation disintegrates; internally.

Ukraine : éviter la Guerre mondiale