» ‘I am a Ukrainian’ Video Exposed As Kony-Style Scam Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
PressTV - Next 48 hours to decide Ukraine civil war: Journalist:
Syria coming to Germany beware, Ukrainian civil war, at the borders of Germany........!! and the borders of Russia, French troops, very little american troops and other minions..however the complication looks is complicating itself, so president: putin will have no other choice but to nuke Israel to make a point......! Or the Saudi kingdom to make a proxy wars point of warning....., before the peace talks begun......! sensible and real strategy of peace... Russia and the USA could have a war between themselves which anyhow will be worse.
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how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Thursday, February 20, 2014
PressTV - Next 48 hours to decide Ukraine civil war: Journalist
PressTV - Next 48 hours to decide Ukraine civil war: Journalist:
Syria coming to Germany beware, Ukrainian civil war, at the borders of Germany........!! and the borders of Russia, French troops, very little american troops and other minions..however the complication looks is complicating itself, so president: putin will have no other choice but to nuke Israel to make a point......! Or the Saudi kingdom to make a proxy wars point of warning....., before the peace talks begun......! sensible and real strategy of peace... Russia and the USA could have a war between themselves which anyhow will be worse.
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Syria coming to Germany beware, Ukrainian civil war, at the borders of Germany........!! and the borders of Russia, French troops, very little american troops and other minions..however the complication looks is complicating itself, so president: putin will have no other choice but to nuke Israel to make a point......! Or the Saudi kingdom to make a proxy wars point of warning....., before the peace talks begun......! sensible and real strategy of peace... Russia and the USA could have a war between themselves which anyhow will be worse.
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La ruée de l'Occident - rts.ch - archives - télévision - culture - les dossiers de l'histoire
La ruée de l'Occident - rts.ch - archives - télévision - culture - les dossiers de l'histoire:
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« Le prolétariat [...] n’a ni assez de cohésion, ni assez de conscience de classe, ni assez… et cætera, — pour passer à l’offensive, et conquérir le pouvoir ! Quant au capital, vos réformistes s’imaginent, parce qu’il cède du terrain, qu’il se laissera grignoter, de réformes en réformes, jusqu’au bout. Absurde ! Sa volonté contre-révolutionnaire, ses forces de résistance, sont intactes. [...] avant de se laisser déposséder, le capital jouera toutes ses cartes ! Toutes ! Et l’une de celles sur lesquelles, à tort ou à raison, il compte le plus, c’est la guerre ! La guerre, qui doit lui rendre, d’un coup, tout le terrain que les conquêtes sociales lui ont fait perdre ! La guerre, qui doit lui permettre de désunir, et d’anéantir, le prolétariat !… Primo, le désunir : parce que le prolétariat n’est pas encore unanimement inaccessible aux sentiments patriotiques ; une guerre opposerait d’importantes fractions prolétaires nationalistes aux fractions fidèles à l’Internationale… Secundo, l’anéantir : parce que, des deux côtés du front, la majeure partie des travailleurs serait décimée sur les champs de bataille ; et que le reste serait, ou bien démoralisé, dans le pays vaincu ; ou bien facile à paralyser, à endormir, dans le pays vainqueur… »
Le reste du roman se charge de faire méditer à quel point, vivant au jour
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Ukraine Riots -- A New Cold War? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Ukraine Riots -- A New Cold War? | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:
all wars have an economical origin, here i do not understand Jews, why are they doing all they can to engender a global war, BHL, LE crief, la lycra, aipac, Israel is all they aim at war austerity death. all wars have economical roots, Jews knowing that they will be blame, because they themselves run the finances of most nations and probably will be cremated on the process. so why this folks do as they do; that is suicide insane incoherent irrational??
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all wars have an economical origin, here i do not understand Jews, why are they doing all they can to engender a global war, BHL, LE crief, la lycra, aipac, Israel is all they aim at war austerity death. all wars have economical roots, Jews knowing that they will be blame, because they themselves run the finances of most nations and probably will be cremated on the process. so why this folks do as they do; that is suicide insane incoherent irrational??
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Regardez Comment les Médias Nous Manipulent - YouTube
Regardez Comment les Médias Nous Manipulent - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/fJ7phvSsOA8"
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all wars have an economical origin, here i do not understand Jews, why are they doing all they can to engender a global war, BHL, LE crief, la lycra, aipac, Israel is all they aim at war austerity death. all wars have economical roots, Jews knowing that they will be blame, because they themselves run the finances of most nations and probably will be cremated on the process. so why this folks do as they do; that is suicide insane incoherent irrational??
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all wars have an economical origin, here i do not understand Jews, why are they doing all they can to engender a global war, BHL, LE crief, la lycra, aipac, Israel is all they aim at war austerity death. all wars have economical roots, Jews knowing that they will be blame, because they themselves run the finances of most nations and probably will be cremated on the process. so why this folks do as they do; that is suicide insane incoherent irrational??
Dieudonné montre l'hypocrisie de BHL à propos de la Libye !
BHL détruit PSA, ruine la famille Peugeot détruit la justice et désire un bain de sang en France. puis il détruit Renault, et avec sa promotion de haine détruit l’Europe aussi bien. lui même dans le future, voila la folie étranges des ce sort de gendre. mais la presse l'aime et le pouvoir le vénéré..
BHL - Le philosophe milliardaire - YouTube
BHL - Le philosophe milliardaire - YouTube:
il a détruit PSA, Renault, et avec sa promotion de haine détruit l’Europe aussi bien. lui même dans le future, voila la folie étranges des ce sort de gendre.
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il a détruit PSA, Renault, et avec sa promotion de haine détruit l’Europe aussi bien. lui même dans le future, voila la folie étranges des ce sort de gendre.
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BHL - Le philosophe milliardaire - YouTube
BHL - Le philosophe milliardaire - YouTube:
il détruit PSA, Renault, et avec sa promotion de haine détruit l’Europe aussi bien. lui même dans le future, voila la folie étranges des ce sort de gendre.
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il détruit PSA, Renault, et avec sa promotion de haine détruit l’Europe aussi bien. lui même dans le future, voila la folie étranges des ce sort de gendre.
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Ukraine & WW3 -- Lyndon Larouche | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Ukraine & WW3 -- Lyndon Larouche | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:
why does a black president hates white Russians and Ukrainians, this race war might have others behind like Mr DIAMOND of questionable origin? perhaps is an engendered race war by proxy and president Obama is just a victim of this GOLD... !! DIAMOND; BHL, lévy folks...........???
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why does a black president hates white Russians and Ukrainians, this race war might have others behind like Mr DIAMOND of questionable origin? perhaps is an engendered race war by proxy and president Obama is just a victim of this GOLD... !! DIAMOND; BHL, lévy folks...........???
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