Monday, March 30, 2020

Freeman Dyson on Living Through Four Revolutions

are a box inside a box / the tiny box is a bit like a computer / the
solar system is as well a box inside a box/ and the whole process is
computable / reason why a virus is
to modified the cells and reprogrammed , the very small & the
very large are in fact the same/ humans are a machine & a
consciousness/ consciousness is as well somehow mathematical/ what
the realm looks like is that humans are a somewhat experiment by
which the aim is to understand what the machine does as it computes
its consciousness , the researcher those not seek to understand the
final product but to grasp what is in-between, as if the interest of
a DNA strand is not how they
or say but what is happening between one signal the "time stops"
and its receiver the "frozen time" between the sending
signal & the moment it reaches its destination/ in relations to
humans the consciousness contend seems is not that important . as if
the investigation is on a level of an environment & the human
machine & its consciousness/ the frozen time lapses on a
functioning machine.đŸ¤”