Friday, November 29, 2019

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila  & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the  170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣

100+ million Native Americans Were Murdered By The American Government

NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila  & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the  170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣

1989 - American Indian Activist Russell Means testifies at Senate Hearing

NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila  & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the  170 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣

100 million Native Americans Were Murdered By The American Government

NAZI REGIME OF BOLIVIA & ISRAEL 😣😣no wonder the world according to Israel holocaust is expanding from gaza Palestine to Bolivia the new genocide nation of the israelí domain & PLANET OF THE APES Camacho the Gorila  & the fake bible & mesa the chimp 🤔🤔🤔/ a worse genocide than the holocaust of 1492-- as the 70 millions natives that were exterminated in 1492 now the trend is a global holocausto on israelí terms.🙄😥😣😣

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chomsky explaining real anarchism

it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔

How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise

it is called main media democracy/ reason why media distribution is concentrated on a few hands & the existence of world markets such as wall street/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.🤔

How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise

it is called main media democracy/ executed in animal farm usa of america/ get MAGNA CARTA save your do not have a democracy in america you have a Janus democracy / a system of democrats & Republicans that are in fact one/ the world according to Israël is no different than Russian bashing/ the roman forum of retarded american politicians/ Europeans just enjoy the show and their bank accounts.

�� El presidente que quebró 6 Empresas | Biografía Donald Trump

Friday, November 08, 2019

Petrodólar: descanse en paz (E1121) - Keiser Report en español

el petro se puede utilizar de dos formas local y global/ local es una cosa de la nación y global es para empresas y el estado // TRUMP ON ART OF THE 🤡🤡🤡🤡 TRUMP the master of all tricks on art of the 🤡🤡🤡

Monday, November 04, 2019

Eduardo Galeano: Allende contribuyó a restituir la dignidad perdida del ...

more 🚘 proclaimed presidents / the story that never ends/ the allende coup/ on Bolivia 2019// 1989/ perestroika USA version 2019/ back to the future 🤔/// more havoc // 9/11 🤔

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Meghan Markle Doesn't 'Want People To Love Her' She Wants Them To 'Hear ...

Perestroika/ On american elections 20/20 on a 2019 version/  same purpose of the 1989 version/ end of wars 🤔 hope  the same mistake would not be made 🤔👽 climate change  👸

Blowback: US-armed 'moderate rebels' slaughter Kurds in Syria

Antes de comprender la inteligencia artificial es importante saber cómo funciona su propio cerebro y hoy día nadie sabe cómo exactamente funciona el cerebro humano y mucho menos lo que llaman consciencia / es decir AI es algo aproximativo de la maquina humana // el ser humano es una dualidad/ está compuesto de maquina el cuerpo y mente lo que rige la maquina “cuerpo” el mismo cuerpo existe en una dualidad “masculino /femenino” el cuerpo humano vive en un mar de oxigeno y diferentes partículas sub atómicas respira/ se alimenta y muere/ en su mar invisible/ como el pez en su mar tangible.  debido a esta particularidad acciones que parecen totalmente lógicas para el cuerpo pueden ser realizadas por la mente y destruir a su propio cuerpo/ NAYIB BUKELE es un ejemplo / ya que su acción de expulsar a diplomáticos venezolanos es totalmente en contra de su propia nación/ / Por que dicho presidente actúa contra su propio bienestar 🤔 y el bienestar del salvador 🤔 esto le sucede a presidentes como a obreros y elites de una nación, pais, familia comunidad🤔👽👽

Saturday, November 02, 2019

F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz

F1 is the real winner of US Grand Prix 2019 — Quartz

Après la délocalisation de la COP25 à Madrid, Greta Thunberg demande de l'aide pour revenir en Europe

ENTREVISTA con famoso CriptoEmpresario ruso Alex Belov ������ | Marshal Lio...

bit coin trump dijo que el auto 🚘 proclamado va a excitar las chicas venezolanas en el episodio 11/ 😉😉mes de noviembre / que sudaran de placer😋 y serán electrificadas en todo el cuerpo✨✨ y el alma🎇 y que disfrutaran hasta el mes de enero 20/20*🎐🌅 y tendrán grandes noches😋😉 & días y mañanas 🤗de placer y gritaran en el momento exacto 💜💌"LIBERTAD" 👸👱‍♀️👩‍🦰👩👩‍🦱😉😋🍾🍷🥂👩‍🦳😋😎

Friday, November 01, 2019

Gladiator Barbarian Horde Battle Scene

roman forum gladiators ///// World arena//  Roman Orgies different kind  of gladiators & they have more fun. 🤔 the 1% leads the charge / est tube baby's * male & female 👸😋 suffering on the roman forum 🤔🍾🍾roman orgies even for roman slaves, ✨ the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest  🤔 freedom of the press 🤔Brave new world 👽Test tube baby's * male & female

suffering on the roman forum

roman orgies even for roman slaves,

the 1% leads the charge// no test tube baby's. sex protest

freedom of the press Brave new world