Saturday, October 14, 2017

WAR ROOM (3rd HOUR) Fri - 10/13/17 • Alex Jones Infowars • Kaya Jones Th...

Senator BOB Corker blasts Trump for ‘publicly castrating’ Tillerson, great help trump MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, castrate the entire congress and follow the trend at school. MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN TRUMP START WITH TILLERSON CRUZ WILL FOLLOW  even RON PAUL who knows, alex jones infowars etc. ???  IVANKA HELP MEGAMIND TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN the nation wants it the military the public they want a GAY NATION .. US GAY US GAY US GAY.hurra. DONALD TRUMP! MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN!


It's Happening! Trump going to the heart of the Elite Pedophile Network ...

Senator BOB Corker blasts Trump for ‘publicly castrating’ Tillerson, great help trump MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, castrate the entire congress and follow the trend at school. MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN TRUMP START WITH TILLERSON CRUZ WILL FOLLOW  even RON PAUL who knows ???  IVANKA HELP MEGAMIND TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN the nation wants it the military the public they want a GAY NATION .. US GAY US GAY US GAY.hurra. who knows even alex jones is willing to promote GAY AMERICA !!