Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Behind the US-backed Venezuelan opposition's massive corruption scandal

"the adventures of a auto proclaimed president send by Hollywood to excite the south american women" // episode 10 octobre 2019--  on your desired channel// 🙄

(Full Audiobook) This Book Will Change Everything! (Amazing!)

audio books & conspiracy theories🙄  /alex jones 🤔joins vettel & Ferrari conspiracy theories  🙄😶😐 // wages exist for all of us / charles leclerc &  wages/ number 2 you / number 1 vettel /today number 1 you/  number 2 vettel / the reality shows wages/ simple wages goes with merit/ you have shown leclerc  that merit exist and the best men merits a better wage 😇. and do not forget about climate change. 😇👽

(Full Audiobook) This Book Will Change Everything! (Amazing!)

audio books & conspiracy theories🙄  /alex jones 🤔joins vettel & Ferrari conspiracy theories  🙄😶😐 // wages exist for all of us / charles leclerc &  wages/ number 2 you / number 1 vettel /today number 1 you/  number 2 vettel / the reality shows wages/ simple wages goes with merit/ you have shown leclerc  that merit exist and the best men merits a better wage 😇. and do not forget about climate change. 😇👽