Sunday, December 28, 2014


Sheikh Imran Hosein :Destruction of American Empire, Russia and UK,Israe...

Sheikh Imran Hosein :Destruction of American Empire, Russia and UK,Israe...

Gerald Celente - This Week In Money - December 27, 2014

move wall street to beaumont texas, it creates a balance with real money, as well 20th century was the east coast, 21 century is the west coast. the pacific: china and russia, the BRICS, forget new york, now is beaumont texas. it also changes peoples minds, and the $ certainly as global currency is gone, however the domestic $-, he can do wonders. as the rubble and the euro. all under the BREN 25% silver. and the balance is keep. for progress and les wars.

Mear One - Humanity vs The Machine HD (Offical Video)

Amazing Street Art Painting 3d pictures

Ex CIA Chief Michael Scheuer Israel is Worth Nothing to United States.

 The Chicago Tribube.

Un tel comportement de la Chine signifie la perte par l'Amérique du rôle du lien p
Lire la suite:

China is making U.S. stealth technology obsolete

Alan Watts - Teaches the Art of Meditation [FULL]

Meditation - How to Meditate in a Moment - Omharmonics Meditation Traini...