Sunday, October 19, 2014

L'Ukraine renonce à s'associer avec l'UE, Ioulia Timochenko reste en prison

L'Ukraine renonce à s'associer avec l'UE, Ioulia Timochenko reste en prison: "Kiev a renoncé jeudi 21 novembre à l'accord d'association proposé par l'UE, une semaine avant sa signature prévue et longuement attendue. A la place, l'Ukraine propose la création d'une commission tripartite incluant Moscou et l'UE sur le commerce. L'objectif, selon le Premier ministre Mykola Azarov : "assurer la sécurité nationale, relancer les relations économiques avec la Russie et préparer le marché intérieur à des relations d'égal à égal avec l'Union européenne"."

'via Blog this'

Kiev a renoncé jeudi 21 novembre à l'accord d'association proposé par l'UE, une semaine avant sa signature prévue et longuement attendue. A la place, l'Ukraine propose la création d'une commission tripartite incluant Moscou et l'UE sur le commerce. L'objectif, selon le Premier ministre Mykola Azarov : "assurer la sécurité nationale, relancer les relations économiques avec la Russie etpréparer le marché intérieur à des relations d'égal à égal avec l'Union européenne".

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012

1502: a
number to remember as Bc but 1502 ac is the new Atlantis "America":::
don't forget Mosses and the comet as mosses 1 did have a comet over Egypt
before he decided to take his trip across to Israel, this time is the same only
different Mosses 2 will do this in Palestine, the new chosen people of 2014,
and Jerusalem will be the capital of the new Palestine as Israel return to the
1967 borders. it was not Mosses 2 choice it is god's choice, he knew everyone
is expecting the messiah however he decided for mosses 2 as it is more
convenient for the current realm. And the result is what matters to god not
what is written on the bible or on the main media, or MOSSAD, NSA, CIA. American
congress and AIPAC.

Animal Farm (1954) [360p] - Full Movie, George Orwell

simply to create havoc, nations do not exist what exist is farms animal
farms in America you got a farm full of Americans they are the animals of that
farm the border is where the animals of the American farms ends, and the Mexican
animal farm begins. However they the main media propaganda and others make you
believe that the Americans animals on this side of the border are different
than the Mexican animals on the other side of the border. in fact they are the
same, but as long they remain divided is simple to handle them control them, if
they unite them there is a problem, same goes in Europe reason why languages
are different so people will have difficulties understand each other’s and
there is the French animal farm full of French animals bordering the German
animal farm full of German animal citizens, same plot same idea same result
divide and them is easy to manage, and at the same time they will slaughter each
other’s because they fail to understand each other’s even if the lot are just
animal’s on a very large farm with virtual border. 

Bible Time Lines and Chronology

Bible Time Lines and Chronology

1502: a number to remember as bc but 1502 ac is the new atlantis "america"::: don't forget Mosses and the comet as mosses 1 did have a comet over egypt before he decided to take his trip across to israel, this time is the same only different Mosses 2 will do this in palestine, the new chosen people of 2014, and jerusalem will be the capital of the new palestine as israel return to the 1967 borders. it was not Mosses 2 choice it is god's choice, he knew everyone is expecting the messiah however he decided for mosses 2 as it is more convenient for the current realm. and the result is what matters to god not what is written on the bible or on the main media, or MOSSAD, NSA, cia. american congress and AIPAC.