BANKS & INVESTORS Preparing For The COLLAPSE Of The EURO Economic MELTDOWN By 2013 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog « artslogic
global financial collapse coming soon, buy gold, financial system cannot function under current logic, wealthy individuals will have 3 choices, 1) share their wealth, 2) turn humans into robots and zombies, 3) thermonuclear war and kill us all. technology purpose is to alleviate manual task, and replace them by machines and robots, therefore jobs will not exist never gain. the global civil war that begun in the ME and is now in souther EUROPE, "it is call Arab spring" but it is a global civil war on the making, can only be change when the finances evolve and recognise that their system has collapse. wars will create a bigger problem not a solution "now"
how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..