Monday, February 09, 2015

Sheikh Imran Hosein 2015 : Beginning of Destruction of the Universe and ...

Kiev is not Jerusalem.
NATO OTAN ∷ upside-down world, "nato says Russia is the Soviet Union, but they are the west, in fact they are Hitler, the axis, Soviet Union china India, are the allies. Upside-down. Washington is doing a ww2 replay. War in Europe marshal plan, and save the economy that has collapsed as the dollar. And a new Nixon in the future. Russia does not agreed and explains we are in 2015. And Russia is not the Soviet Union is Russia a nation of the European continent, moreover what are Americans doing in Europe, in fact in relation to Europe Putin is somewhat shy, because in fact what is Washington doing in Europe, is not of his business Kiev is not Jerusalem.

Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky