Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jeff And Jordan Maxwell - Civilization At The Brink...All You’re Told Ar...

special gilet jeunes & the surprising ORWELLIAN Big Brother who is now controlling you  !!!

Peter Joseph Talks Capitalism, Sustainable Alternatives, RBE & Ephemeral...

Peter Joseph Talks Capitalism, Sustainable Alternatives, RBE & Ephemeral...

Solaris by Andrej Tarkovskij - Levitation (full scene)

It also means he does
not have flesh.
It is quite possible that
the coming messiah is actually someone from the past a Celtic lord. And he just
returned from the past to conquer Rome. On one hand the church indeed has
problems as the middle east shows, the holly land is a battlefield, the father
that Jesus said will return, is this Celtic Lord. The one he learned his wisdom
from; his father. The men from the north. It could be quite a question for both
cities the Vatican & Jerusalem. However, if that takes place Paris becomes
the new holy land, and the incredible experiment of the existence of a soul as
energy form begins. If the body dies the essence of the dead person becomes energy,
it could be what the ancient Egyptians were looking at to be on the ancient pyramids.
 However, that also poses a question, is
the energy soul ourselves on another dimension, or is it someone else on a different
form. The animal mechanism and his self can be used as a suit for an energy
form. For instance, a rat can have a device implanted that can make her behave
as you wish. It can also have an energy form exactly as the shape of the rat,
same as a second you, it inhabits your mind on your own body, she is just
energy form its body as a suit, directs and manipulates the body of the rat to
his own wishes. if the rat dies, he does not perish, he remains as an energy
form. And it can even enter any of the animal kingdoms residents as he likes.  It also means he does not have flesh.
Invisible as a picture
as the pope said. Not quite just not perceptible. However real as the facts