Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Mysteries of Hieronymus Bosch

Art &
Truth is
when the past confirms the present, in practical terms prophets do not exist
just one individual tells the truth.   And
what he say’s is what he sees. Therefore, a truthful person is a person that
perceives reality which is.
 Truth & Beauty.
Reality confirms
itself by the present, is often said that the present is a continuity, it is
mathematical. it is not being an experience that you now perceive. Truth becomes
the present for the simple reason that perception is done in the past not in
the present. In practice a large % of individual exists sometimes day’s hours
or weeks in the past, is a memory freeze, time exist but is not perceived as it
is, present however it is perceived as a past, therefore you do not see the
present. It is quite possible that these eventual realms, drive the individual
to even mistake present facts and exist on a dream land. In the book 1984 by George
Orwell’s the one that control the past controls the future. “controls the present”
it translates in time & space, and the proper perception of time &
space, which leads to the present which is perceiving reality as it is.
 On an artwork we got Hieronymus bosh garden of
delights. The perception of the chaos is in fact the present, however ignored
by the crowds it continues to be a fact today 400 year later. The perception of
the artist displayed on the canvas is his legacy, he himself knew what he was
showing to the world of his time & space. His work is beautiful because it
tells the truth. However, you might perceive knifes and swords, they are beautiful
as they show their opposite visually. The reason could be attempting to communicate
with the subconscious, as the eye inverts the image that it perceives? An upset-down
world if you like. He painted reality and no one saw it. Making it the truth. In
consequence beauty.  


Putin tells world Why AMERICA MUST GO!

stay away from animal farm America land of the slave home of the insane history has shown you keep away from sociopath insane minds the 1776 hoax shall be revealed zombie land shall be explained with time hope russia  china India Iran Pakistan and Europe, south America Australia Asia get the message they will be consume by psychopaths which is the main breeding product of America, terrorism made in the USA tested in Paris. And the rest of the planet