Friday, January 31, 2014

Alex Jones -- Obama's Complete Destruction of America is Underway | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Alex Jones -- Obama's Complete Destruction of America is Underway | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art,
skill, cunning of hand" technological art; new way to use only acrylics to
achieve; the same as cunning of prices, have a new technological
meaning, no longer bound by the art of war......! just what it does to the
mind. as it is the mind that imagines, or this way or that way, am I am I not,
or to B or not to B.
Art technology is not the same as technology
applied to art, the applied technology is a tool, a form, while the
art-technology is applied to the mind; the perception; how you see, perceive cognate,
and think. a picture on a screen is fix, while a picture with art-technology it
moves subjectively on the mind, the tools art is objectively, for instance the
wireless, the network, the I phone, or Smartphone, is static. The phone remains
the same; reason why the new model is a new phone, not a new device of communication,
it does not make you telepathic if you like, is just remains a phone, static. While
art-technology evolves with time, it renews itself on your mind. It is kinetic.
However it can do the same as tools technology, on what wars are related,
social, and political events even economical ones, as it functions mostly on
the mind, rather than on the tool side of technology which is the qualified of
the past technology evolution, its linear development and tool characteristics.
String theories are linear for instance, and its conclusion is due to the
linear technological past, as that is how minds have operated under the
technological forms of tools. As a result the conclusion is geometrical and
leads to a circle a geometrical configuration of straight lines. Steel is a
form of static technology. Art-technology is a painting that as it remains fix,
its communication evolves with time. And what it displays is the present that
is becoming the future; it is timeless to the mind.  Art technology does not work the same way as
tool technology, it works on the mind, the perception, the subjective non
geometrical side of it. 

Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Ann Barnhardt -- USA Economic Collapse 2014 - Dollar Crash Coming - Prepare! | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Goldman Sachs enemy of the human race, as it has destroy europe greece, italy palestine, iran, tried as hard as it can to russia south america, china, japan india all of africa; in the 21 century multinationals are the  problem not individual banks, as well corporations such as louis vuitton, microsoft apple, boeing, raytheon, etc, big banks are the problem to employment, and traders are the soldiers of death.  therefore it is the end of the Rothschilds banking logic, from 1789, It has ended folks, so big banks must disappear; by their own weight, and miscalculations.