Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Se acelera la crisis de la civilización moderna. ¿Oportunidad para crear...

PRESIDENT MACRON when the ying & the yang make one, the system collapse*  the path is to follow after the system has collapse it cannot be fix/ dollar is dead👑👑💀💀 cannot be revived all you know about finances is gone, however you can build on the old carcass a new system / it is possible & it is not that complicated . HINT .💞💓 better get closer to the human & get the landlords under control.to avoid further problems.🤗 understand that not all can understand since most are under the propaganda conditioning / new rules for the main media Barons will do a lot of good.⚖⚔🛡🧰

Entrevista a Gastón Soublette - Parte III: La Cultura Mapuche

FORGET MICHEL JORDAN THE NIKE "BOY" resistance since 1492 BLACK LIVES MATTER wake stop the BS / act now ** ALL FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER/ so YOU IMPROVE THE RAP🎼🎵🎙🔊📲 & THE Clash/ 🧵 for BLM afro Americans so they really understand the roots of resistance/👽 Por qué el pelo afro aún es tabú en América Latina? El discurso 'oculto' sobre el cabello


30 jun 2020 12:55 GMTMeyby Ugueto-Ponce, psicóloga social comunitaria con doctorado en Antropología, considera que "el cuerpo es el primer signo, la referencia externa, que hace que la violencia se exprese".

Esta afrovenezolana explica que el cabello, el color de piel, los labios, la nariz, la estructura ósea y física "muestran una historia y un simbolismo que implica un rechazo, una categorización y, en consecuencia, prácticas internalizadas de discriminación".

The 10 Laws of William the Conqueror

A new wake up book/👽 Washington discovers the MAGNA CARTA*MAGNA CARTA👑🛡 Interpol says it can't act on Iran's request to arrest Trump for ordering the killing of General Soleimani

29 Jun, 2020 14:46🤔😥👽