Thursday, July 11, 2013

What is evolution? Charles Darwin’s brilliant idea explained – YouTube « artslogic

What is evolution? Charles Darwin’s brilliant idea explained – YouTube « artslogic
However we can conclude that Charles Darwin did not discover the Origins of evolution, but rather the functioning of capitalism.  how can that be possible, as evolution is science while capitalism is mainly economics. the reason is explained as such, Charles mind did look for the origins of evolution, however his perception had a deviation by which it is the system that he existed by the capitalist system by which he existed under that he desired to understand.  he however follow the scientific path, as logic goes. his subconscious mind follow a different path. the economical one, and if you do look at all Darwin findings you will realise they can be applied to economy. the survival of the fittest is not from a living organism but from a living system, in this case the capitalistic system, so he did inquire on scientific terms the Origin of humans however the capitalistic system was indeed as well a living organism on a different form.