Sunday, May 07, 2017

Aldous Huxley - Knowledge and Understanding

A cancer patient is somewhat similar to a
troll on the web system, the web system creates the trolls to reorganize the
system. For instance, worry, insecurity, rather than assurance, in other words
fear dominates its antonym. On a cancer patients fear multiply the cancerous
cells, this cell perhaps exists or they do not exist, but out of fear they wake
up. And fear being the antonym of security it means to the mind cells or atoms
or even photons, that something is wrong and they spark a signal. On the web
system world interconnected globe, the same event takes place and you go from
web blogs to alternative media.   Which are the same cancer cells on the system,
that is somehow healing itself.
However, the body & mind is a lot more
complicated than the worlds internet. On the cancer realm is quite possible that
small elements such as cells, have some kind of consciousness, and they react
to the mind in order to correct the fear and revolt, then adopt security. Anxiety,
uncertainty, reveals, that the human cells for some reason reject tension and
prefer, relaxation, pleasure rather than pain.  

Technology functions as a self-healing
system, it’s evolving process is always neutral, it does not have any side or
preferences is how it is used. It does not have a parent being a creative
process; is a sort of common parent, globalization is technology if you like. However,
it has his rules in relation to the beneficiaries, as technology exist as it is
used, the usage is where the rules are, however written by technology itself regrettably?
Technology is a common process its rules are from the common process, its
balance rule is on its gratifying evolution.
From the smallest to the larges inside the
globe, we can say that cells might communicate amongst themselves by magnetic
waves and they are together the fathers of technology. In reality the
technological advances belong to the many, there is no one mind that can possesses
and later create the whole of technology.  however, some have contributed more than
others. But all are together, as fact.
A global interconnected realm as all minds
are somewhat telekinetic, as cell themselves might.