Tuesday, September 27, 2022

CrossTalk Home Edition with Self-Determination (RT)

ARTS: 🎨2014:🎼🎼 BHL/ BIDEN 🎥🎥/ W🎬🎬all street/ The💔💫🕳〽🔚 media 😥🤳 Nuclear🪳 Roach motel:😥 ARTS 😥🎨🖼🎭 Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.Sun Tzu/ BHL/ BIDEN / Wall street/ The media 😥🤳, Magna Carta For The Web.😉👑👑 "PARLIAMENT" London: ASSANGE goes free, The solution is on the media that communicates via social media 😥. First casualty of Ukranian War. 🤔🤔😉😉🛰🛰✝☯🕎☸🎨 Main Media social networks "Who controls the Media é" 'Crostalk" 😉 As some once said 🤔📡WHO CONTROLS THE MEDIA 😉🍾Now under control / RT/🤗 🍁☘️🌹🌷 CLIMATE CHANGE.☘️🍁

Friday, September 16, 2022

Global economy is ‘out of balance’ says World Economic Forum Founder

The intrigue of the World Economic Forum is that they function against their own purpose, soothing something  that is quite strange, (The electronic book is facing a Fahrenheit 451)  tells the story of Guy Montag and his transformation from a book-burning fireman to a book-reading rebel.🤔✍️ How to you expect to have a global bitcoin currency when you do all you can to destroy the global network's. Eastern Bitcoin vs WESTERN bitcoin ? Gutenberg  printing press purpose was to give more people the opportunity to read what others have to say from different languages and locations. The WEF, is doing quite the opposite "confining minds to a one set of ideas & believes transforming what the printing press is into a controlled divided world  information network, a sort  of Orwellian economical Bitcoin electronic currency realm, forcing a global network to behave as a fractured network . very strange for 20/21 century  realm to evolve into a more united world by dividing  ➗ the networks which are made to exist as a global interconnection for the people to communicate & hopefully understand each others regardless of their location on the planet. An upside-down reality that is increasing since it is nothing new 2001/ 2017 as 2015, everything is done to coerce the logical path of what the internet is all about coercing journalism, as information, with the sole purpose of having the population under a total controlled behavior. it is understood that governments want their population behave as domesticated citizens, however once you have a global network, domestication cannot function as leaders do all they can to fracture the network that already exist as a global matrix of communication.    ✍️🤔⛽〽️🤑🤐

The Chris Hedges Report: Ukraine and the crisis of media censorship

Possibly the Main media apartheid might create secondary effects that could be more harmful than just mind control / as well distort & disturb the whole network by creating Browsers & media corporation wars* it positions journalism in between the laws of the network , the CEO of media corporations dictum and the public / making journalism a somewhat on a dangerous position and deprives journalism & the public of achieving an approximate clear vision of what is reality & what is fiction or better say manipulated information to have the people believe something that is false. False information leads to unconscious dangerous behavior . Rather than uniting a network it generates disturbances on the networks regressing gradually trust, believes & creating technical problems that could be avoided.😥⛽〽️