Sunday, October 30, 2022

Dennis Kucinich: where are the pro-peace Democrats?

The purpose of government, CEO "ELITES" 🐑is to brainwash its citizens Subconscious mind to control them,🐑 create obedient🦮 workers, stupid bourgeoisie 🎥🎬🎭 slave conscious minds 😫to the main rhetoric of MAIN MEDIA📱🔌🖥️ government official media outdated laws⚖️, corrupt political oppositions & malfunctioning democracy 🦮 decaying civilizations the result is they themselves, rulers presidents and media outlets become brainless, insane presidents crazy CEO/ blind bankers & entrepreneurs🐑☹️ as a result you get the blind leading the blind & Tibetan monks.😥 Biden is not quite of sound mind sort of an Epsilon / however you do not have any ALPHAS + to replace him you only got another Epsilon . the result is a loop of insanity that gets worse & worse since 1776/1789/ the republics domain nothing works but wars and decay progress are the machines however machines, do not think, they do what the human tells them to do, since you are surround by idiots the machines reproduce idiocies on a daily basis, Israel is an example since 70AD nothing has change / they still at war even after 1947/ and it is not the people the jews that are responsible for this havoc but their own leaders and CEO, sponsors and rulers . The poor jews of Israel are victims as the Palestinians are victims of their rulers. creating the chosen Idiots created by their own government and rulers.😥 no Wonder everyone is looking for Jesus to return to save them, unfortunately there is no Messiah no Jesús & no Alien that will ever get involve on the idiocy.😥👽😇😫

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism Conference: China, AI and Human Rig...

welcome to the zombi western civilization  Abraham Lincoln THE 16TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES/ to enlighten The hoover institute we shall travel to the civil war in america: one side had one ideology the north/ the other side had a different ideology the south, no different than today rhetoric of CHINA & WASHINGTON GOOGLE : DIVIDED to be conquered the result of the civil war, and the martyr Abraham Lincoln got assassinated no different than Jhon F Kendy. : In the ZOMBI civilization the hoover institute the south claims that CHINA brainwashes his citizens, the problem is the North EU WASHINGTON does exactly the same thing. Washington claim they know democracy however to impose the western zombi democracy they have to brainwash their own citizens to make it appealing they have "china" the authoritarian regime, no different than the American civil war north south dispute. The western norther zombi society does not have any other choice but to keep their slaves brainwashed by technology, to keep the sheep americana citizens believing they are free while the other side exist in slavery / Intelligence knowledge understanding does not come with a Pfizer pill / and a uneducated stupid society requires a sophisticated google NSA CIA, BBC wall street.  Brainwashing machine / google cannot bring critical thinking or intelligence to his audience it is not on their interest / as long as you are a zombi they accept you the day you happen to think for yourself you are out of the game. to have google NSA governments EU NSA, main media BBC the military to bring you any knowledge humanity and understanding you will have to change the whole directive apparatus from CEO to the janitor same with the White house  EU or any other western zombi civilization, replace the lot with integrity sanity understanding knowledge *  How to achieved quite difficult..😥🐑🛒⌚

Demons: Putin Addressed the West in the Words of Dostoevsky at Valdai Di...

President Biden : SHOW Me  a balanced Parent and I will show you a balanced child:🤔 "you should reflect"👦 Intelligence knowledge understanding does not come with a Pfizer pill 😥💉💊/ There are no ways a Pfizer pill can increase your intelligence understanding, You do not even understand the reason of your current chaos, 2022. Google, CIA, DARPA, C NEWS CNN main media can brainwash the public, they cannot make them any intelligent neither increase the critical thinking of the population, they function on a Merchant of Venice mentality 🤐🤑😂🤣 shylocks DEBT Riba system. There are exceptions and they exist because of Imagination, EINSTEIN Poincare, Karl Jung,  Actors are the worse victim of the system & they often end up on a suicide drug chaos incomprehension, their children's often get to be on the red carpet however most end up with a distorted plastic surgery.   when you have any nation run by idiots is because you have a run down stupide population & the stupid population is created by the stupid leaders, reason why Brainwashing is essential in the 21 century. That is the way to a floating ignorance  and the slaves believing on an American🛒🐑 dream that does not exist is rather a continuous nightmare since 1776/1789/😥 Perhaps in the distance future the current 2001/2011/2014/1913/1917/ 2022. riddle will be understood by the current elites of the so called western civilization today as a fact the zombi civilization. 😥🎨🖼️⌚. there is a reason why you cannot win the conflict with Russia, however it is not the reason you logically believe of 2014/2022.😥

Sunday, October 09, 2022

The Pathway to a Negotiated Peace in the Ukraine with Jeffrey Sachs

President Putin// RUSSIA*/ news time ⌚ the real problem of Washington IS EUROPE/ NOT CHINA "reason is the 1500 new rich & kings  & the current system $ banks the lot has died / 1913 / 1917 / 1947/1967/1989/2001/2011/2014/ Ukrania* 😥💀☠️ forget the 44 nations  x 44 = 88/  EUROPEAN Sydney Disney illusion  Washington knows and understand that a UNION RUSSIA EUROPE will be the end of the 1492 Nation & all its economical might/ collateral damage will be ISRAEL* , forced to return to his 1947 borders or disappear. Is not china , the problem President XI neither Taiwan/  WASHINGTON Headache  is EUROPE his mind technology & history know how. 1492/1500 ✡️🕎 AIPAC Washington  / the 1500 bankers & entrepreneurs logic  & reasoning of value growth and ideology is no longer needed & wall street neither / That is the reason for the UKRANIAN WAR / and why today the elites of the 1492 /1500 realm new rich are at war with the people the citizens is not a Russians war is a war rich & poor. Zalesnki the actor works for wall street not Ukrania & vogue magazine works for wall street as the LGTB  political hub. However you know the facts & understand the facts / how the fix the problem is the problem. for now "there is no external intervention" 😥 however you already won the conflict is the day after that matters.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Fiorella Isabel re: the Ukrainian Kill List | (clip) from The Politics o...

70/AD: POPE FRANCIS✝️✝️ perhaps the GOD PARTICLE is helping you out 🤔✝️🕎✝️ 2 new martyr ✝️of the JEWISH 🕎 ELITES 😥🕎✝️ Jesus was a JEW 🕎 and he was put to death by JEWS. However by a clever manipulative design🎬PROPAGANDA📱. When Jesús was alive he talked to the people looks he was more an economist than a religious men, "JESUS & the market" The Jewish ELITE propaganda used the plural on what the name JUDAS is. Those that had the economical power had at that time a propaganda machine no different than HITLER , however they did not have radio or microphones, they had the JUDAS GANG spreading lies and propaganda about JESUS. Since Jesus dislike the monetary economical JEWISH 🕎 Elites / he found himself in hot water the Bankers shylocks & entrepreneurs had to get rid of him and they crucify him using the MANY JUDAS at their disposal and the propaganda to create a trend blaming JESUS as an evil men, quite simple no different than BONHOFFER and his theory of stupidity DURING HITLER DAYS , Stupid JEWS believed on the JUDAS ELITES propaganda and the plot to kill Jesús was done, however 70 AD gave the stupid jews a long walk around the planet , and you are the product of these idiocy 😥✝️🕎👽 The Jewish🕎🕎😥😷🤡🤠 Elites is out at it again, reason why a new 70 :AD might be on the agenda & the stupid Jews might do exactly the same thing that they did 2022 years ago.!!!! embedded on propaganda by the JEWISH 🕎elites, and they are now the new victims of these financial JEWISH🕎 ELITES no different than 2022 years ago .😥 . 

Fiorella Isabel re: the Ukrainian Kill List | (clip) from The Politics o... #bankers #water #entrepreneurs #power #people #design #