Monday, December 24, 2012

Bohm\’s Gnosis: The Implicate Order « artslogic

Bohm\’s Gnosis: The Implicate Order « artslogic
l’inévitable fracture nous ramené a l’actualité du temps.  est si ce temps la est réel, voila le jugement... si non ce que du temps, grave ou perdu..

Monday, December 17, 2012

Obama: 'We can't tolerate this anymore, these tragedies must end' | World news |

Obama: 'We can't tolerate this anymore, these tragedies must end' | World news |

sense we are all connected, Israel, AIPAC, congress and the military complex weapons sale, is the main cause of tragedies. example, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, viet-man and the many other places were weapons became part of society. so to end the tragedy end the support for Israel and stop supplying weapons to Israel, stop AIPAC and its warmongering attitude, and its crazy insane crusades. until them horror will cover america, without any way to change it or stop it. the ball is on your camp.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie

Prison » US official: New Iran sanctions measure to ‘lock up’ oil earnings « artslogic

Prison » US official: New Iran sanctions measure to ‘lock up’ oil earnings « artslogic
how is it that a government imposes his will on another government it means most governments are not independent but bound to a voice of a government. however who has giving the right to that particular government to impose sanctions but fear. therefore fear is the key and the only way Washington knows to implement fear is with weapons, reason why the planet is going nuclear to protect itself from Washington weapons. so the real cause of mayhem on this planet is (WASHINGTON USE OF WEAPONS ) the planet must decide or to live freely without Israel and Washington or continue to exist in terror and death under Washington barbaric dictum.