Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The real problem here is that so call economist such as rubini and any other do not understand the changes they do not perceive how their learned academic logic is no longer applicable. In fact, most if not all financial studies and theorist will have to be, revised and revisit clearly all you have known is gone. The world of now is not the world or Ronald Reagan, Wall Street, as you know it or even the classical knowhow of any university. What it is call culture is no longer valid? Anew culture with new values and more important with a new dimension. Wall Street is gone with all those commentators’ financial advisors and the lot. Even more exciting your current neuronal synapses and how they work and communicate among them is as well changing. The electrical impulses no longer follow the common classical reasoning they have evolved. All this is due to the system, which has collapse, the quantity of people on the planet, new technologies and the cosmic radiations around us.
So folks forget this wizards of Wall Street they know nothing they are the same as the know burglars and crazy economical diplomats. It is a whole that was once separated between have and have not that is returning this original position were all men are like and all servants of the same master

in reference to: Nouriel Roubini Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)



Matt Taibbi : Why Isnt Wall Street in Jail? | Marc Faber Blog

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Friday, February 18, 2011

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

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reality on the move

What a lot of insanity Trump is worse than Hitler if you ask me he is absolutely crazy, no wonder the nation is in ruins, they have ruin the nation is a better way to put the answer and the question. OPEC is there and prevents a fall out nuclear war as anarchy on the oil rigs will create havoc on all the pipelines existing these days. It is better to accept reality, and bend to it. The USA of America is no longer an empire “the rich fellows of the USA of America the lot from trump to trumpet” it is the monetary system, which has collapse. reflect clearly. Moreover, the insane elite such a buffet, trump gates, and the European lot. One thing the rothchidls have done at least is keep the traditional ancient nobility domains alive. Nevertheless, they got off track as anyone else.
Forget it trump it is over, republicans and democrats are the same. Therefore, what is the reason for democracy elections the lot nothing just more hardship disasters wars and dissolution that is all trumps mind and the lot are able to accomplish. The rest is BS on capital letters..

in reference to: Even Donald Trump Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming (view on Google Sidewiki)

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YouTube - IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH - Chapter I Part 7 Orwell's '1984'