Monday, January 30, 2012

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

War on Iran Would Mean World War III | Global Research TV

War on Iran Would Mean World War III Global Research TV

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Sheikh Imran Hosein - 2012 Will The World Economy Takes The Greatest Plu...

Attack on Iran will crash US economy

Attack on Iran will crash US economy

The Petro-Dollar and the EURO

The Petro-Dollar and the EURO

The Petro-Dollar and the EURO

The Petro-Dollar and the EURO

Proof that Israel is responsible for 911, 1/2 - YouTube

Proof that Israel is responsible for 911, 1/2 - YouTube

Israel's role in 9/11--Mark Dankof and Nashid Abdul Khaaliq pt1

Israel pulling the strings for war with Iran - YouTube

Israel pulling the strings for war with Iran - YouTube

Life Off The Grid ! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Life Off The Grid ! Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Obama Ruling by Executive Order | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Obama Ruling by Executive Order Gerald Celente Trends Blog

IRAN: DRUMS OF WAR BEATING LOUDER: U.S. Mounts Further Military Build-Up in Persian Gulf

IRAN: DRUMS OF WAR BEATING LOUDER: U.S. Mounts Further Military Build-Up in Persian Gulf

Occupy Oakland JAN 28 2012 - Police State America | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Occupy Oakland JAN 28 2012 - Police State America Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship | Global Research TV

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship Global Research TV

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship | Global Research TV

Beyond SOPA: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship Global Research TV

» Elitist Rioters Run The Global Financial System, And They Are Using America To Create Hell on Earth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Elitist Rioters Run The Global Financial System, And They Are Using America To Create Hell on Earth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

NATO’s Grisly Crimes in Libya: Extensive Evidence that NATO Deliberately Targetted Civilians

NATO’s Grisly Crimes in Libya: Extensive Evidence that NATO Deliberately Targetted Civilians:

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“L’embargo pétrolier, erreur stratégique de l’Union européenne”

“L’embargo pétrolier, erreur stratégique de l’Union européenne”: "Les Européens ont fait une grave erreur stratégique. Ils pouvaient jouer un rôle constructif en engageant un dialogue avec Téhéran : au contraire, ce geste a détruit les fondements des relations entre Europe et Iran établies au dernier siècle. Les sanctions, de tous types, vont créer des dommages pour l’économie iranienne et pour ses citoyens, mais ne pousseront pas l’Iran à renoncer à ses droits légitimes garantis par le Traité de Non Prolifération, qui incluent l’enrichissement de l’uranium. L’Iran a subi des sanctions depuis la révolution de 1979, et cela n’a pas empêché le pays de faire de grands progrès dans les domaines du nucléaire et des technologies chimiques, biologiques et balistiques.

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The US/Saudi Agenda and the Syrian Rebellion

The US/Saudi Agenda and the Syrian Rebellion:

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Uncivil Libya — RT

Uncivil Libya — RT

Economic collapse in the Western nations-On the Edge with Max Keiser-01-27-2012 - YouTube

Economic collapse in the Western nations-On the Edge with Max Keiser-01-27-2012 - YouTube

Politics are theater for the masses - Max Igan | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Politics are theater for the masses - Max Igan Gerald Celente Trends Blog

War is Big Business | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

War is Big Business Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Friday, January 27, 2012

America’s Bad Girlfriend: Mossad Agents Impersonate CIA To Foment Trouble In Iran | Disinformation

America’s Bad Girlfriend: Mossad Agents Impersonate CIA To Foment Trouble In Iran Disinformation

Should the US attack Iran? Monitor Facebook fans speak out. -

Should the US attack Iran? Monitor Facebook fans speak out. -

Anti ACTA protests in Poland 25.01.2012 - movie. - YouTube

Anti ACTA protests in Poland 25.01.2012 - movie. - YouTube

Anti-ACTA protest video: Thousands march in Poland

Creation & the Gods - The Universe According to Esoteric Philosophy - Ma...



The Economic Debt Tsunami is about to hit America | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

The Economic Debt Tsunami is about to hit America Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Washington amène le monde plus près encore de la guerre

Washington amène le monde plus près encore de la guerre

Tensions flare over Falkland Islands -

Tensions flare over Falkland Islands -

Thursday, January 26, 2012

David Icke: "To Destroy America" (The Middle Way Channel)

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Why Dollar & Euro Collapse is Guaranteed

Your Wages Will Be Cut In Half !

Chaîne de goldasmoney - YouTube

Chaîne de goldasmoney - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 2 - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 2 - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 1

World Dollar Collapse part 1

Chaîne de Snordelhans - YouTube

Chaîne de Snordelhans - YouTube

Elsewhere - YouTube

Elsewhere - YouTube

Talking New World, New Age System Blues. - YouTube

Talking New World, New Age System Blues. - YouTube

Something is Hidden in the Remote Places of the World. - YouTube

Something is Hidden in the Remote Places of the World. - YouTube

The Death of American Democracy - YouTube

The Death of American Democracy - YouTube

L'Iran envisage d'interdire l'exportation de pétrole vers l'Europe - Le Nouvel Observateur

L'Iran envisage d'interdire l'exportation de pétrole vers l'Europe - Le Nouvel Observateur

Chaîne de GrahamHancockDotCom - YouTube

Chaîne de GrahamHancockDotCom - YouTube



Sheik Imran Hosein - US$ Iran Syria Zionists UnNatural Disasters Arab Sp...

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

secret teachings of all ages pt4

secret teachings of all ages pt4 - YouTube

secret teachings of all ages pt4 - YouTube

The Occult World of Commerce - by Jordan Maxwell & Jason Whitney

The Occult World of Commerce - by Jordan Maxwell & Jason Whitney:

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Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SomaFM: Groove Salad: A nicely chilled plate of ambient/downtempo beats and grooves. Commercial-free, Listener-supported Radio

SomaFM: Groove Salad: A nicely chilled plate of ambient/downtempo beats and grooves. Commercial-free, Listener-supported Radio:

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‘Iranian MPs mulling plan to cut oil exports to Europe’ - Tehran Times

‘Iranian MPs mulling plan to cut oil exports to Europe’ - Tehran Times:

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Chaîne de allkpop - YouTube

Chaîne de allkpop - YouTube

Ya’ll want to know what exactly Real Filthy means? Well here it is….Bet that room smells like it looks. |

Ya’ll want to know what exactly Real Filthy means? Well here it is….Bet that room smells like it looks.

War with Iran?... - YouTube

War with Iran?... - YouTube

The True State of the American Union - YouTube

The True State of the American Union - YouTube



inventions on a candel flame

The purpose of this event is to try to explain and hope to further enhance the perception and curiosity of the reader and direct him towards an observation of reality outside of what actually most of us consider as real.

Reality is assume as what the objective tangible world presents us with, what is tangible what is matter, on the other hand we got something we call mind and in this context we assume that reality is what is inside our minds and reality somewhat exist inside ourselves as it exist outside ourselves, our bodies become  a point of reference.

The conclusive facts cannot determine what certainty actually is, if it is a combine action between our minds and the outside world, if is just the outside world that reacts with predetermined concepts, or even it could be just an ethereal manifestation of an external force. We can put as many philosophical and scientific theories about the subject and still we will find ourselves with questions that have no answers of what is inside us and what does exist outside ourselves. In other words humans don’t really know what reality is as an absolute, they can only follow their own survival guidance and avoid to many difficult questions about what they are, what actually is a mind and even less determine what consciousness is. This is the principal purpose of this expose, as the aim is to twist the mind and excited it towards an acceptance of new concepts in order to further its own investigation about reality as well open further inquiries about what reality is all about.

To achieve this feat I shall use art as my method of communication as well as tool of experiment.

To begin with, I shall expose to you a painting, a particular painting that depicts symbolically the events that our realm actually is currently experiencing. I shall point out that the detailed events are events into which we happen to be immersed; however, most of us fail to recognize and identify.

The reason of this denial can be attributed to our programing, more precisely how our minds have being form to function in correlation to our cultural programing and the information put into it as it is this precedent information that determines what we think of one subject, and how that subject is accepted or denied by our own consciousness. However regardless of our convictions proper actions prevail over improper actions, this fact determines that somehow, there is a guideline of conduct, there are certain parameters that stay put regardless of what the individual consciousness is prime to rely on. Examples of this reality can be, tested by the latest attempts of men to follow their own individual beliefs, even if they seem to be in contradiction to a set of facts. More precisely the individuals believe that what he thinks is what will happen in our realm. Certainly this facts have multiple outcomes, never the less when the believe address an inconsistency it’s outcome is always negative. We can take for instance Hitler, the war in Vietnam, the war in North Korea, the war in Iraq, the Israeli state and many other examples in our current realm.

All this events begun with a believer acting in accordance with reason, and delivering the most comprehensive and logical argument of what he was doing was the right thing to do. From Israel rhetoric to the war on Iraq, we have experience dissolution, rather than a satisfaction. Even now, 2012 Israel is set into creating another holocaust with Iran. This behavior designs clearly how concepts not only determine what the individual believes but also even shape his actions. We can argue that politicians act politically nevertheless; consequences are facts not political speech making. A nuclear war will kill many individuals, as Hitler’s war killed many individuals.

Therefore, we have a reality that affects our bodies; however, minds are enclosing in those bodies in consequence we might ask? Do minds exist after their recipient ceases to be, or are do they have an eternal existence. In many ways mind exist in both states as a dead entity and as living one, however this living realm exist only on the minds of the existing at the moment, meaning the living container of the mind, the body. In this context it exist simultaneously in the body of those alive as well as in their minds, at the same time that mind could have existed on a body that has die long ago. Reason might come to the rescue and determine a logical conclusion, as if there was a conclusion. In fact, there is no conclusion when we look at what a quantum physicist might say about it. A particle that is at two places at once.

What does makes sense here is not the programed concept of the individuals but the different voices that emerge of the actually between the combatant. Opposite points of view, emerge as the events unfold, some on the side of the Israelis or the Nazis and others quite opposite to it.

Are this events purely on the mind or are they representing a reality? We can determine that inside each of these individuals, there is a mind as well as a body, we do know that in wars people die, as well, and we do know that the minds of those same people will eventually die as well. 

After a detailed investigation, we can conclude that in the past 900 years the number of bodies that existed at that time had minds and of those minds all exist as imprinted examples to our current realm all of them representing a positive and a negative point.

An existence and an absence of existence; they exist with us today on our memory and that took place via the information provided to us voluntarily and involuntarily. Therefore, we can conclude that many of the elements that determine our mental behavior are stored on memory sets. We can also say that those memory sets exist in our minds, however they as well exist on our bodies, and we can determine that is the body the one that somehow keeps the mind alive, we can imagine a hill and the top of the hill; the mind of the hill.

However logic will say that a hill does not have a mind, the summit is geological therefore does not exist as a living element, in short does not think. On the other hand, there is Moses who received the 10 commandments on the top of a hill. Logic however will not give credibility to the mind of the hill; rather it gives belief to a further mind. To our current realm the mind of Moses, exist now with us as it does not, we cannot touch it, but we can think it, extracted from our memory sets. However, we can question the existence of the body, but never the realm of the mind.   

Perhaps we can say understanding the concepts how our minds function, and what role does memory plays between the concepts we credence and the concepts that are real.

The outside in of our minds is our bodies, it is the body the sensor, and the mind the analyzer, however understanding the balance of this complex relationship demands the awareness of infinite details.

The insight out of our minds is our body, and having our body in a good harmonious relationship with our minds brings us to the enhancement of our existence and the preservation of our body.

Symbols, in our current state of mind relate us to products as well as to historical events, the Nazi swastika as the finger of a rebellion, as the color of a flag. some might argue that is the identity that determines the reasoning, however flags are all made alike what changes is the colors and the forms, sometimes shapes can be created to distinguish one from the other, but the fact is flags have no identity, the identity is in reality on the mind. The mind determines and creates the value of the flag.  

However, the body defends the flag in question the body dies for the eventual flag this indicates the value of symbols, and how a symbol can become more important to the individual than his own body; knowingly that without the body the mind ceases to be. 

So how is it that minds can drive bodies to their own death?

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

EUROPEAN UNION: Commission Consults on how to put Europe into the Lead of the Transition to Web 3.0

EUROPEAN UNION: Commission Consults on how to put Europe into the Lead of the Transition to Web 3.0:

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Possible False Flag Attack! - USS Enterprise - War With Iran | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Possible False Flag Attack! - USS Enterprise - War With Iran Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Anonymous - The First Message of 2012

Anonymous - The First Message of 2012


The 4th Media » Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China: Eurasian “Triple Alliance”

The 4th Media » Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China: Eurasian “Triple Alliance”

Gnosis "The Alchemist's Secret"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How To Avoid Voting For A Globalist Puppet «

How To Avoid Voting For A Globalist Puppet «

» Davos 2012: From Capitalism to Fascism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Davos 2012: From Capitalism to Fascism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oliver Stone: I Would Vote For Ron Paul Over Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oliver Stone: I Would Vote For Ron Paul Over Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

RON PAUL 2012 - The Worlds Only Hope Of A Brighter Future

Gerald Celente : The Bankers taking over the temple worldwide | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente : The Bankers taking over the temple worldwide Gerald Celente Trends Blog

PREPARING FOR THE NEXT CONQUEST: What does Libya tell us about Intervention in Syria and Iran? ·

PREPARING FOR THE NEXT CONQUEST: What does Libya tell us about Intervention in Syria and Iran? ·

Sanctions dodge: India to pay gold for Iran oil, China may follow — RT

Sanctions dodge: India to pay gold for Iran oil, China may follow — RT

CONFRONTATION BETWEEN MILITARY BLOCS: The Eurasian "Triple Alliance." The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China

CONFRONTATION BETWEEN MILITARY BLOCS: The Eurasian "Triple Alliance." The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China

» Leveraging the Middle East Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Leveraging the Middle East Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Manly P. Hall - Worlds in Transition

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gonzalo Lira : Time to leave America it has become a dictatorship worse than Chile under Pinochet | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gonzalo Lira : Time to leave America it has become a dictatorship worse than Chile under Pinochet | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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Press TV

Press TV

Paper: EU Debt Crisis To Intensify In 2012; Israel-Palestine Peace Talks; Iran Wants To Talk - YouTube

Paper: EU Debt Crisis To Intensify In 2012; Israel-Palestine Peace Talks; Iran Wants To Talk - YouTube:

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European Debt Crisis Explained - YouTube

European Debt Crisis Explained - YouTube

European Debt Crisis Explained - YouTube

European Debt Crisis Explained - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 2 - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 2 - YouTube:

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World Dollar Collapse part 1 - YouTube

World Dollar Collapse part 1 - YouTube:

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