how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Nigel Farage: The EUROZONE is One Giant Ponzi Scheme! Gerald Celente Trends Blog « artslogic
Nigel Farage: The EUROZONE is One Giant Ponzi Scheme! Gerald Celente Trends Blog « artslogic:
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The survival of the speculators.
it is the logic of the current economy, the dominance of multinationals such as lagardere arnault microsofth apple, GM is one of the main problems, a) because they destroy the small entrepreneur and establish a sense of conquering greed on the industrial sphere. b) those in charge rather than becoming educated and sophisticated, they become quite the opposite, the end result is a spreed of selfishness on the fabric of society. the end game becomes wars to fix economies and the illusion that terrorism and immigration is the cause of all evils, which in the end will lead to a world war the vicious circle of capitalism so far, creative destruction they call it.
I propose solutions, to the body as well to the mind, however it is the mind that one that is faulty. confusing concepts and fear not just on the poor minds and the middle class but all over a global sense of fear and insecurity is one of the main causes of the destruction of western civilization, as have no illusion it is the whole complex of though that is being dissolve into never-land.
the idea that it is the investor that creates wealth, today is totally wrong, investment is the engine that has created deregulation and consequently a financial casino. it is not laws that are needed but the opening of minds, understanding awareness and realize the epochs were we are rather than being lock into a Darwinian realm of the survival of the fittest, as it is not the fittest that is surviving but rather the malicious one, the cunning the cheater the speculator. we rather say the survival of the speculators.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Resistance Civile - Nablus,Palestine - Sous-titres français - YouTube
Resistance Civile - Nablus,Palestine - Sous-titres français - YouTube:
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comme bien comprendre le lien entre Palestine est l’holocauste hitlérien. est que la Palestine est responsable de l’holocauste juif? le lien entre les palestinien et HITLER son difficile a prouver, donc Israël ? Nation impose par la ONU dans une terre qui est palestinienne. cet histoire de terre sante est peuple élu ce le discours de HITLER. donc comme expliquer la nation israélienne sans HITLER est sans son idéologie de terre sainte? la Bible est que elle a programmé HITLER est après à désigne la terre des palestiniens comme coupable des la 2 guerre mondial. "réfléchir sur la réalité"
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comme bien comprendre le lien entre Palestine est l’holocauste hitlérien. est que la Palestine est responsable de l’holocauste juif? le lien entre les palestinien et HITLER son difficile a prouver, donc Israël ? Nation impose par la ONU dans une terre qui est palestinienne. cet histoire de terre sante est peuple élu ce le discours de HITLER. donc comme expliquer la nation israélienne sans HITLER est sans son idéologie de terre sainte? la Bible est que elle a programmé HITLER est après à désigne la terre des palestiniens comme coupable des la 2 guerre mondial. "réfléchir sur la réalité"
Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? par Ernest Renan LEXILOGOS >>
Qu'est-ce qu'une nation ? par Ernest Renan LEXILOGOS >>
Voyez les grands hommes de la Renaissance ; ils n'étaient ni Français, ni Italiens, ni Allemands. Ils avaient retrouvé, par leur commerce avec l'antiquité, le secret de l'éducation véritable de l'esprit humain, et ils s'y dévouaient corps et âme. Comme ils firent bien !
Voyez les grands hommes de la Renaissance ; ils n'étaient ni Français, ni Italiens, ni Allemands. Ils avaient retrouvé, par leur commerce avec l'antiquité, le secret de l'éducation véritable de l'esprit humain, et ils s'y dévouaient corps et âme. Comme ils firent bien !
Prison » Secrets Of The Mega Zombie Banks
Prison » Secrets Of The Mega Zombie Banks
The economic destruction of Europe is a planned event
The economic destruction of Europe is a planned event
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Epicenter ~ The Middle East by Joel Rosenberg | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Epicenter ~ The Middle East by Joel Rosenberg | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:
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friends there is no god coming from the sky, and it will not be in the future, this crazy prophesies coincidences and all this BS has created the first step towards the end of humanity, Israel a nation created by the UN, a real blunder as they did just the same as Hitler did invade and kill the natives just like the Britisher invaders killed the american natives and Hitler killed the polish nationals, Israel's realm and Hitlers are identical under the current logic. why ? who knows unless the Hitler realm is a lot deeper than what the press has say's there is no reason for the insane Israel on a occupied land "Palestine" true we do not really know what were the wheeling and deals in 1945. however the reality shows that Israel is a mayhem and ever sense it was put in place by the winning powers it has become a real mess. we do not know if that was the intend, but it is the result.
Israel will disappear under the current logic. only way out to Israel to exist is to adopt a symbolic realm. and before that return to the 1967 borders as the natural laws will not let it survive.
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friends there is no god coming from the sky, and it will not be in the future, this crazy prophesies coincidences and all this BS has created the first step towards the end of humanity, Israel a nation created by the UN, a real blunder as they did just the same as Hitler did invade and kill the natives just like the Britisher invaders killed the american natives and Hitler killed the polish nationals, Israel's realm and Hitlers are identical under the current logic. why ? who knows unless the Hitler realm is a lot deeper than what the press has say's there is no reason for the insane Israel on a occupied land "Palestine" true we do not really know what were the wheeling and deals in 1945. however the reality shows that Israel is a mayhem and ever sense it was put in place by the winning powers it has become a real mess. we do not know if that was the intend, but it is the result.
Israel will disappear under the current logic. only way out to Israel to exist is to adopt a symbolic realm. and before that return to the 1967 borders as the natural laws will not let it survive.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Corporation America the last Plantation | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Corporation America the last Plantation | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: "The Crown is The Temple Bar, lawyers who are inextricably linked to international bankers. They own nearly everything in the world, including you. PS. you are officially dead (lost at sea) .End the Fed, End income tax (it's unconstitutional) cut the illegal black ops (FISA), end the illegal pre-emptive wars, drop FEMA, drop HAARP, stop global stratospheric geoengineering. Boom, you've rescued the economy."
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Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Friday, June 08, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Déclarations d’un évêque gréco catholique à propos de « la désolation de la ville d’Homs et de la guerre de l’information »
Déclarations d’un évêque gréco catholique à propos de « la désolation de la ville d’Homs et de la guerre de l’information »
Il lui faudra à ce peuple songer à la seule option d’avenir, de paix et de progrès qui reste : sortir du système économique capitaliste décadent, inefficace, gaspilleur et destructeur de richesses pour construire la seule solution qui vaille, un système économique nouveau – socialisé –.
Il lui faudra à ce peuple songer à la seule option d’avenir, de paix et de progrès qui reste : sortir du système économique capitaliste décadent, inefficace, gaspilleur et destructeur de richesses pour construire la seule solution qui vaille, un système économique nouveau – socialisé –.
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
2012 The Enslavement of Mankind - Max Igan | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
2012 The Enslavement of Mankind - Max Igan | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:
le documentaire désastre TOBRUK, ont comprend la raison du déclin de le festival de cannes. voila un documentaire qui dit plus que des images futiles avec des philosophies dépasse et Messenger. suggestions pour les documentaristes Français philosophique et autre, nonobstant des exceptions existe comme dans tout art.
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le documentaire désastre TOBRUK, ont comprend la raison du déclin de le festival de cannes. voila un documentaire qui dit plus que des images futiles avec des philosophies dépasse et Messenger. suggestions pour les documentaristes Français philosophique et autre, nonobstant des exceptions existe comme dans tout art.
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Monday, June 04, 2012
Sunday, June 03, 2012
As Soros Starts A Three Month Countdown To D(oom)-Day, Europe Plans A New Master Plan | ZeroHedge
As Soros Starts A Three Month Countdown To D(oom)-Day, Europe Plans A New Master Plan | ZeroHedge
there is no way out, reason why wars are created often. the problem is mental the euro-zone needs minds that can open the understanding and perception of what is in reality the problem, and the problem is in the system configuration on what is related to the individual participants "consumers, bankers, industrialist and politicians" their moral behavior and the way the process reality on what the economy is concern and their existence. what are the mental requirements to freedom and democracy. the current process's of advertising and the banking system induce rather destruction than creation. therefore the problem can be solve by understanding the minds behavior not its impose finatial mathematical solutions. the same goes for the rest of the planet.
there is no way out, reason why wars are created often. the problem is mental the euro-zone needs minds that can open the understanding and perception of what is in reality the problem, and the problem is in the system configuration on what is related to the individual participants "consumers, bankers, industrialist and politicians" their moral behavior and the way the process reality on what the economy is concern and their existence. what are the mental requirements to freedom and democracy. the current process's of advertising and the banking system induce rather destruction than creation. therefore the problem can be solve by understanding the minds behavior not its impose finatial mathematical solutions. the same goes for the rest of the planet.
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Syrie: Face à Poutine, Hollande affirme que la seule solution est un départ d'Assad -
Syrie: Face à Poutine, Hollande affirme que la seule solution est un départ d'Assad -
Axe de la paix, France, Russie Allemagne chine. axe de la guerre grand Bretagne Washington..,
Axe de la paix, France, Russie Allemagne chine. axe de la guerre grand Bretagne Washington..,
Friday, June 01, 2012
Tim Rifat : The Rothschild caused the Fukushima Disaster | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Tim Rifat : The Rothschild caused the Fukushima Disaster | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
well is all crazy however the purpose I think should be life, alive. world wars gets everyone nowhere. true it eliminates people and society somehow evolves. however in this context society is not evolving is moving in circles of self destruction. why is A question to ask. however the cycle of evolution increases in time as it renews itself. meaning that time shortens itself when is faced with a similar event. therefore time to be evolutionist, demands different events. new events renew time itself in its nature, when that takes place time itself slows down.
(history, culture and technology are examples of time flexibility. time flexibility is not linear but rather wavy, it swing from one position to another, however that position, can be the same one or another. a photon is indeed a wave and a particle, however when it is considered as part of evolving time it is its length of time that differs the wave from the particle, not its simultaneous presence at one particular point. point in time is not a fix moment but rather a fix point in a wave time frame. wave times frame is what bonds atoms and structures and dissolves them on a time frame.
well is all crazy however the purpose I think should be life, alive. world wars gets everyone nowhere. true it eliminates people and society somehow evolves. however in this context society is not evolving is moving in circles of self destruction. why is A question to ask. however the cycle of evolution increases in time as it renews itself. meaning that time shortens itself when is faced with a similar event. therefore time to be evolutionist, demands different events. new events renew time itself in its nature, when that takes place time itself slows down.
(history, culture and technology are examples of time flexibility. time flexibility is not linear but rather wavy, it swing from one position to another, however that position, can be the same one or another. a photon is indeed a wave and a particle, however when it is considered as part of evolving time it is its length of time that differs the wave from the particle, not its simultaneous presence at one particular point. point in time is not a fix moment but rather a fix point in a wave time frame. wave times frame is what bonds atoms and structures and dissolves them on a time frame.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria
SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria:
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the fact is wars without money will never succeed, and a war on the ME will collapse Europe and and the global civil war will begun
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the fact is wars without money will never succeed, and a war on the ME will collapse Europe and and the global civil war will begun
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Sarkozysme, le pari d’un clan, par Alain Garrigou (Le Monde diplomatique)
Sarkozysme, le pari d’un clan, par Alain Garrigou (Le Monde diplomatique)
L’extrême concentration du pouvoir ne favorise ni le doute ni la modestie. Cette mise en scène du chef focalise l’attention sur sa personne, en une sorte de psychologie élémentaire qui alimente la machine médiatique et fait oublier les vrais ressorts de la politique. Combien de gros titres sur M. Sarkozy ? Combien de bavardages sur son caractère ? Tout cela enrobé d’adulation ou de détestation. Un piège qui amenait Victor Hugo à grandir paradoxalement Louis Bonaparte, l’auteur du coup d’Etat du 2 décembre 1851, en s’acharnant sur lui, alors que Karl Marx proposait plus lucidement d’interroger « les circonstances et les conditions qui ont permis à un médiocre et grotesque personnage de jouer le rôle de héros ».
L’extrême concentration du pouvoir ne favorise ni le doute ni la modestie. Cette mise en scène du chef focalise l’attention sur sa personne, en une sorte de psychologie élémentaire qui alimente la machine médiatique et fait oublier les vrais ressorts de la politique. Combien de gros titres sur M. Sarkozy ? Combien de bavardages sur son caractère ? Tout cela enrobé d’adulation ou de détestation. Un piège qui amenait Victor Hugo à grandir paradoxalement Louis Bonaparte, l’auteur du coup d’Etat du 2 décembre 1851, en s’acharnant sur lui, alors que Karl Marx proposait plus lucidement d’interroger « les circonstances et les conditions qui ont permis à un médiocre et grotesque personnage de jouer le rôle de héros ».
Tim Rifat : World Geopolitical Analysis - 2012 May 23rd | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Tim Rifat : World Geopolitical Analysis - 2012 May 23rd | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:
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a bit crazy however Muslims immigration and the lot are not quite responsible. on the other hand there is to many people for the system, the system reacts and creates rejuvenation, change. there is another fact which is the development of the human consciousness. this development is individual more precisely.. the human mind must solve problems on its own. it cannot be help because the aim is to develop an internal system that will correct faulty inputs. you got something call spell check. well the system is identical only difference it does not address spelling but rather the brain. the brain perform better as time goes by; if you like. because it auto-corrects itself. however not all is going well, this is the worry.
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a bit crazy however Muslims immigration and the lot are not quite responsible. on the other hand there is to many people for the system, the system reacts and creates rejuvenation, change. there is another fact which is the development of the human consciousness. this development is individual more precisely.. the human mind must solve problems on its own. it cannot be help because the aim is to develop an internal system that will correct faulty inputs. you got something call spell check. well the system is identical only difference it does not address spelling but rather the brain. the brain perform better as time goes by; if you like. because it auto-corrects itself. however not all is going well, this is the worry.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
THE NEW TYRANNY: Does The West Have A Future?
THE NEW TYRANNY: Does The West Have A Future?
Millions of unemployed Americans will be hired to view naked people before they board airliners.
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Millions of unemployed Americans will be hired to view naked people before they board airliners.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Government Taking 2012 Very Serious - Rod Class | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Government Taking 2012 Very Serious - Rod Class | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
how does a mistake becomes a realm of reason as reasoning leads to a correction of the mistake. therefore it is not error that is in question but rather its aftermath.
how does a mistake becomes a realm of reason as reasoning leads to a correction of the mistake. therefore it is not error that is in question but rather its aftermath.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Friday, May 04, 2012
Thursday, May 03, 2012
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Psychologie des foules, by Gustave Le Bon.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Psychologie des foules, by Gustave Le Bon.
Notre précédent ouvrage a été consacré à décrire l'âme des races. Nous allons étudier maintenant l'âme des foules.
L'ensemble de caractères communs que l'hérédité impose à tous les individus d'une race constitue l'âme de cette race. Mais lorsqu'un certain nombre de ces individus se trouvent réunis en foule pour agir, l'observation démontre que, du fait même de leur rapprochement, résultent certains caractères psychologiques nouveaux qui se superposent aux caractères de race, et qui parfois en diffèrent profondément.
Les foules organisées ont toujours joué un rôle considérable dans la vie des peuples; mais ce rôle n'a jamais été aussi important qu'aujourd'hui. L'action inconsciente des foules se substituant à l'activité consciente des individus est une des principales caractéristiques de l'âge actuel.
Friday, April 27, 2012
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