Thursday, October 04, 2012

The Allegory of the Cave ~ Plato's Cave | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

The Allegory of the Cave ~ Plato's Cave | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
Mélanchon le problème de la presse en France ce le même que la presse de Venezuela, elle est dans le main de multinationales PRIVE, donc ce nés pas de journalisme ni de la information, mais de la manipulation, 85% de la population mondial est manipule par la presse prive, donc des multinationales car il ne existe pas de presse prive libre ce de la presse commandé par un pouvoir unique, car les multinationales est dictatoriale . en conséquence ce ne pas ni de la démocratie ni de la information. ce de la manipulation avec des propos précis pour des résultat précis. le multinationales détruit le savoir l’inventivité est la démocratie, car leur propos est de accapare tout sur un seule guide. (lagardere, bouygues, dassault, arnault, pinneau, mittal, EXXON MOVILl, Apple, Microsoft etc) voila comme eux achète des Enterprise, en destruction des PME-- pour le fashioner a leur gout international. donc non démocratique. voila la raison du déclin de la France est ça position faible dans le monde.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top Iranian General Warns : "Nothing Will Remain Of Israel If They Take Military Action Against Iran" | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Top Iranian General Warns : "Nothing Will Remain Of Israel If They Take Military Action Against Iran" | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
what Israel does not understand is that the planet the world is not Israel, Israel is a small part of the planet. if Israel threatens humans existence it will be wipe out, not only will the land be destroy but the Jewish race descendants and religion will cease to be. for ever, practically wipe out of human memory as if it it has never existed, bible included. on the other hand as long as the world is not in danger Israel can fight wars for as long as it desires.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

ALERT: (9/11/12) An Israel Attack on Iran is Imminent! Obama Deal is On...

Overnight Summary: All Eyes On The Central Printer | ZeroHedge

Overnight Summary: All Eyes On The Central Printer | ZeroHedge
complicated issue and many words however in practice does it work, does anything work. NO it will never give the expected results. simply the virus concept still on economist and financier therefore they are still blind and we all know what happens when the blind leads the blind.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Red Ice Radio - Santos Bonacci - Hour 1 - The Holy Science

Red Ice Radio - Santos Bonacci - Hour 1 - The Holy Science:

one example of what names do and the construction of language, "Solomon, Brahman, is equal to bremont, we add a T to Solomon and we get solomont, the same with gross-man, as man transform itself into Mont which is grossmont. western civilization development begun with willian the conqueror, when he designed surnames to everyone, that created an independent mind that in consequence, the surname allow the simple individual a little help from his name.
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Il n'y "aura pas de sortie de crise avant 2018"

Il n'y "aura pas de sortie de crise avant 2018":
plutôt 3068. Joseph la logique actuel raisonnement platonic, ne fonctionne plus, elle est caduque morte, donc les problèmes actuelles sont de un origine quantique. La logique newtonienne actuelle nés pas applicable a cette réalité quantique, donc tout théorie, sera erroné car la mathématique est le lien créé par la logique newtonienne ne sont pas applicable a des problèmes quantique. tous les universités écoles économiques devient inutiles. la pense ne coordonne plus entre une réalité incertaine est un logique newtonienne certaine. donc QE 3+ QE 4 QE 5, est probablement guerre nucléer, est la fin de la civilisation occidentale.

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PressTV - UK warns Israel against possible strike on Iran

PressTV - UK warns Israel against possible strike on Iran:

bibi the system has collapse logic does not longer work, regardless of how many wars are done, therefore is pointless to act in any direction, what you knew from Plato up to now is gone over finish, kaput, in economics in morals, in reason, schools and universities become useless, all your own reason as you know it is gone. end of westerner's civilization as you know it. and the beginning of a new reasoning based on the right side of your brain, which will balance itself with the left brain on eventually.
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Dr Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion (May 2012)

Friday, September 07, 2012

Breaking the Banks

banks have a distorted ideology, therefore banks must be replace by new banks that have a different ideologies, breaking up banks is a nonsense a waste of time a ITT, and ATT rerun that achieve worse results than before folks is over the system cannot be fix, no matter what DRAGI says or anyone else. it is impossible. today you got a quantum problem, financier use a Newtonian solution, it will never work

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Jewish Conspiracy Movie (Full Documentary)

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie - YouTube

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie - YouTube

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie - YouTube

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie - YouTube

The Western Onslaught Against International Law

The Western Onslaught Against International Law
When a Chinese dissident sought asylum in the US embassy in China, the Chinese government bowed to international law and permitted the dissident’s safe passage to the US. But “freedom and democracy” Great Britain refuses free passage to Assange who has been granted asylum, and there is no protest from Clinton at the State Department.

France: Le président Hollande rencontre l’« opposition » syrienne soutenue par les Etats-Unis

France: Le président Hollande rencontre l’« opposition » syrienne soutenue par les Etats-Unis

» NATO-backed Rebels Bomb Funeral in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO-backed Rebels Bomb Funeral in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Global political issue of owning gold & silver

PressTV - Global political issue of owning gold & silver:

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Jewish Conspiracy Movie (Full Documentary)

The Jewish Conspiracy Movie (Full Documentary)

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie

The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy [The Filthy History Of Pedophilia,...

Israeli Spies Caught Celebrating 9-11

Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11

911 Motive and Betrayal (playlist)

9/11 Motives for Terrorist Attack (playlist)

9/11 Motives for Terrorist Attack (playlist)

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

Remember what Israel did to the USS Liberty and what our government did ...

Remember what Israel did to the USS Liberty and what our government did ...

McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

Friday, August 24, 2012

Antichrist will rule the Zionist New World Order - 1 of 11

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild to Nuke Iran on Christmas Day | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild to Nuke Iran on Christmas Day | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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Paul Craig Roberts : America has the Biggest Propaganda Machine | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : America has the Biggest Propaganda Machine | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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France backs no-fly zone over Syria, Russia continues cooperation with Damascus - Xinhua |

France backs no-fly zone over Syria, Russia continues cooperation with Damascus - Xinhua |

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the war in Syria + IRAN+IRAQ+ LIBYA +YEMEN is a way to have Muslims kill each others, for the beneficent for Washington, as the  aim is the control of the ME they do it already via FMI in EGYPT, so forget the Arab spring is more the ethnic cleansing Arab years.  bad news for FRANCE as tensions will create riots in France Muslim community, and the rest of Europe "Israel is in the middle of the hurricane so we shall see what will happen.. EGYPT IS BACK ON THE HANDS OF the west.

Photos: Students protest for education reform in Chile – - Mercury News Media Center

Photos: Students protest for education reform in Chile – - Mercury News Media Center:

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Colombian GM Workers on Hunger Strike Until Death Sew Their Mouths Shut

Colombian GM Workers on Hunger Strike Until Death Sew Their Mouths Shut:

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Syrie / France : Soyons un peu raisonnables

Syrie / France : Soyons un peu raisonnables
En ce qui concerne la France, l’attitude actuelle de l’opposition serait risible si elle n’était pas tragique. Jouer avec la vie des gens pour tenter de retrouver un semblant d’existence sur la scène politique nationale est tout simplement impardonnable. D’autant que l’ancien président a conduit en Libye, en 2011, une politique étrangère pour le moins contestable. En effet, ce beau succès que fut l’opération militaire de l’OTAN, pilotée depuis Paris et Londres avec le soutien indispensable de Washington‐sans qui, rien ne pouvait se faire car les moyens miliaires européens sont plus qu’insuffisants - a amené la déstabilisation durable de la Libye et du Sahel. C’est à se demander si l’attitude de notre ex-président n’est pas liée à la perte de face que lui ont fait subir Kadhafi puis Bachar el-Assad. Il les a traités avec tous les honneurs à Paris, espérant une ouverture démocratique de leur part, avant de déchanter rapidement.