Thursday, July 17, 2014

Who owns America? Ask Congress

UKIP Nigel Farage - Treating democracy with deliberate contempt July 2014

the real problem of europe are poland hungary, ukraine, all those ancient soviet regions that hate europe but also hate russia and themselves this CIA nations hope to destroy europe with spies and destruction, so keep those leaders out of europe this is your chance to unmask this spies of washington as the aim is a war with russia to the benefit of washington, to oppress the europeans by buying not european arms but americans to depend on america petrol and gas in short to be an american slave this is what Poland leaders aim for as the ukrainian hungarian and other traitors. so you UKIP bring this looters and spies to the front page unmask them throw them to the bin.   this european NAZIS from poland and hungary, ukraine. etc. liberate europe and the UK from this nazis. 1945 paperclip servants.

EU 'youth guarantee' has become 'guaranteed failure' - @UKIP MEP Jonatha...

the real problem of europe are poland hungary, ukraine, all those ancient soviet regions that hate europe but also hate russia and themselves this CIA nations hope to destroy europe with spies and destruction, so keep those leaders out of europe this is your chance to unmask this spies of washington as the aim is a war with russia to the benefit of washington, to oppress the europeans by buying not european arms but americans to depend on america petrol and gas in short to be an american slave this is what Poland leaders aim for as the ukrainian hungarian and other traitors. so you UKIP bring this looters and spies to the front page unmask them throw them to the bin.   this european NAZIS from poland and hungary, ukraine. 

Marine Le Pen vote contre Juncker

les euro-idiots comme d'habitude avec les espions américains qui désire détruire l'europe, la Pologne, l’Ukraine, Hongrie, et ces autres nations frustre, nonobstant ce leur dirigeants corrompu et espion double de la CIA.  donc, des nations espions de Washington, bonne chance pour la destruction de l'Europe. et le plombier polonais.   tous ces  ancien idiots de la union soviétique que désire ces idiots. la destruction de l'europe réellement, la servitude total de la France et l'europe a washington, des conflit interne en Europe comme l’Ukraine; et la fin de l’identité européenne. plus dangereux que le communisme.. qui et en danger  certainement pas la russie. mais tous les citoyens européens alors FN, UKIP au poste. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Fox News Bias For Israel in Gaza Conflict?

Сухой Т-50 ПАК ФА МАКС 2013 солнечно Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA MAKS 2013 sunny

McLaughlin Group's Verdict on the 2006 Lebanon War

Lyndon LaRouche Webcast, July 11th, 2014

great however be careful as yellowstone is ready to sink the scum of the earth washington to its stone age period. so be aware of this coming danger near you. but this event is a blessing to the world the moment this scum and cancer of the planet call the USA of genocide sinks into oblivion.  however the moment washington disappears the world shall breed freedom at last. do realise that americans are the most hated people on this planet 8 billion folks hate americans and hope they have never being born..! all they dream is the disappearance of the usa of america the scum of the human race. and all this alex is your government and your slaves citizens that have create this hate and disgust to any american alive. so think clearly.

Monday, July 14, 2014

• Jon Voight's Message to America • 7/12/14 •

strange discourse however america? what is america ? who are the americans ? probably the founding fathers knew it.  well they did. reason why all things are turning back in time. there is not guilty men as Obama is as guilty as G W BUSH as vietnam. the problem is finding an honest person. like the founding fathers. rewrite the constitution, and honor justice! where justice is justice not a video show.

Foucault II. Donde hay poder hay resistencia al poder.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014 July 10 Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA Trans-humani...

"Obama Murdered My Son" - Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out,...

how to destroy america ask OBAMA, how to create an ethnic cleansing war in europe ask OBAMA, how to destroy israel, ask OBAMA, how to destroy african ask obama, how to implement slavery in america and destroy african americans morale ask OBAMA, how to create a nazi state in ukraine ask OBAMA, how to destroy families and nations ask OBAMA.. how to kill  americans ask OBAMA and G W BUSH and JOHN MC CAIN..hillary clinton !

Monday, July 07, 2014

Manly P. Hall - Life in the 21st Century (complete series)

America in Bible Prophecy | Satan's Global Liaison

what is the usa doing in ukraine. remember 1492 a nation made on genocide, "GENOCIDE" if psychology 222 dfhdf  means anything you lot are somewhat born killers of the human race. look at your daily news is death genocide zombies 1% and 99% of slaves. so what gives OBAMA the men from a slave continent AFRICA that exist on a genocide nation, america 1492 the possibility of reasoning properly. this pool of insanity call washington cannot skip facts, those are facts africans were slaves still are. african americans did not find freedom in america just more insane enslavement.  can you be trusted. NO. moreover 1989, america took the wrong direction, rather americans elites, the people the folks are somewhat dim, brainwash, as you can see on the video who talks kerry obama, they dictate your decisions, just like vietnam, iraq,iran,libya,syria, afghanistan.lusitania, liberty ship.. ww1 ww2 and now ww3 today you got a police state why, you ask for it. america is a CNN home DEPOT of insanity and so far it looks it will always be. unfortunately.     alex join the arts world the music world the real one. not those 1980 flop..!! the time is now to link all of the arts on one hand one position one faith one mouvement go global. make one unity of all.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Conférence de Munich sur la sécurité : L'Allemagne et les États-Unis poussent à des politiques agressives

Conférence de Munich sur la sécurité : L'Allemagne et les États-Unis poussent à des politiques agressives

The EU Is 1 Big Scam & The Ukraine Is It's Next Victim... - YouTube

The EU Is 1 Big Scam & The Ukraine Is It's Next Victim... - YouTube

all that washington does is on the benefit of russia, simple NATO is in between, so no saudi kingdom the king of petrol becomes russia and IRAN. shiites exist all over the oil fields in saudi arabia. so end of petrol to europe and is the collapse of wall street, worse than 1927, and civil unrest all over, as nothing turns, a 1984 scenario of riots and pain for the lot of americans, so ukraine will collapse as is an artificial state like the mubarak reign. you lot think the CIA controls everything but in fact this guerrilleros use the CIA for their own benefit, CIA, NSA controls nothing. is just hollywood BS so the american public will still believe all is well, but is not, is a lot worse than you expect, reason here is no us army to save you everyone is a suspect everyone is an enemy all faces are enemies, confusion, disasters, and civil wars everyone against everyone. conclusion end of the nation and impossible to reconcile it will be impossible. so think now if you do have that possibility. it is the usa that is returning to the stone age "mentally intellectually" and you believed it was iraq. no iraq is the sword that extends from kabul to the horn of africa. to destroy what you thought you have gain. see how america is today a mess, economy, existence. americans are not getting smarter but dimer, the technicians and inventors is not the bulk of the nation the many the 99% are the ones that will suffer, out of the 99% 10% will manage the rest is chaos. 

Front National

Front National

le grand danger pour l’Europe OTAN systeme de manipulation mentale et économique, l'arme secrète de Washington pour punir la France en cas de désobéissance, puis arme pour punir les français comme les europeans économiquement OTAN systeme propagandiste contre la paix en Europe. OTAN source de guerres en Europe et représentant du plan MARSHALL 1945 qui domine tout jour l'europe. DONC MARINE LE PEN CE VOTRE PREMIER DEVOIR DE PATRIOTE, et de prouver votre patriotisme français et l'European. OTAN DEHORS.. pour une France indépendant...libers la FRANCE de la OTAN-NATO...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

U.S. Caught Training ISIS Terrorist At Secret Jordan Base

well alex you moment has come. GUN CONTROL, this is the answer... you americans hold on to your guns until washington disarm the middle east and stop sending arms to terrorist in ukraine and elsewhere. once all this nations have put down their weapons that washington has send them, and all this terrorist that washington supports them. you the people will give up their GUNS, until them you keep them and in fact buy some more. RON PAUL will be on your side on the side of the people as now he will have  your backing and you will have his. so ALEX the future of america is on your hands and on RON Pauls.  as this victory will bring all servicemen back home. 

Thursday, June 05, 2014

In the Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson HD HQ Audio

De Gaulle l'or et le dollar

president hollande Washington ce votre ennemie ce ne pas la russie, écouté bien DE GAULLE un patriote. Sarkozy 'atlantiste a mit la France dans l'OTAN, le resultat la FRANCE en faillite, chômage désastre accelere, terrorisme, la libye, MALI, centre afrique, le désastre généralisé, banqueroute, désindustrialisation.  et lui même terni détruit, puis il a détruit lui même son propre parti la UMP. vous suives ces pas atlantiste et le résulta est identique, pour la France et l'europe, les people de France démoralisé bizute en berne  et vous même. votre image terni 3% de approbation dans le hexagone de votre fonction inexistante , le PS parti Socialiste complètement détruit, terni,sans directions et divise comme la UMP. continuer a faire la même politique que votre prédécesseur atlantiste, la même démagogie idéologie de Washington, et attendre de resultat différent cet être borne, stupide. 



Stephane Hessel fustige Israël et la France

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

history as it is washingtons plot to overthrow democracy had one aim, propaganda publicity, brainwashing, edward bernays if you like. it works this way you overthrow a democratically elected government them a dictator comes along, us brainwash begun its path, mind control 1984 orwellian devices. khomeini comes along and overthrows the dictator "shah of iran" however the new rulers understand the media pavlovian brainwash, also applied to americans and europeans. how to defeat it becomes impossible, with the actual means. and this is where washington achieves the second step of media brainwash, for americans and worldwide.
washington demonizes iran via main media, irans only option like china and russia restriction of the main media, however washington will use just that action to continue its brainwashing plot this time on its own citizens and the rest of the planet, china is somehow isolated. 2014 ukraine, same plot same method same aim however inverted result. the internet just arrived. reason why america is now a police state and the end of internet is programed. so americans will once again become guinea pigs and be kill for pleasure of the main media. like in vietnam, iraq,afghanistan. the arms race is to reassure americans that they will not be killed like in the past, drones are just for the same purpose. however ineffective.

Paul Craig Roberts -- Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

Paul Craig Roberts -- Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

what do you think is taking place in europe obama the dictator is "st OBAMA the saint", the ukrainian oligarch, fascist regime is considered democratic, obama rampage and weapons programs police state is considered in europe as culture. main media in europe considers the us economy as an example, and they must follow wall street and the money changers. so europe the ones that created the usa of america is worse than america itself, they even are more corrupt than african dictators, so alex what do you think, and you americans when the planet is rule by fools and especially in america the nation that has 50 million homeless so they can purchase weapons carry out wars and impose a police state in america. only you the people can save america so act soon.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

G. Edward Griffin ★ illuminati Global Elite Debtocracy Documentary 69' -...

l'occident ce ne pas la planete des singes "usa of america" Washington, ce la planète des singes OBAMA qui colonise, les politiciens en et la Amérique latine, européens. réveillé vous ennemie ce Washington.!! que des complices de le planète des singes. donc: le résulta.  FN, UKIP, etc,  eurosceptiques: ce une preuve de cette connivence fasciste de l'europe des dirigent qui travaille avec les singes de Washington pour détruire l'europe, l'occident et pas pour la embellir mais la salir, . les djihadiste tue que des innocents, et travaille conscient ou inconsciemment pour les Washington.... mais eux al-queda préserve les criminelles comme Obama, John kerry, et tue pour eux les innocents pour perturber la guerre inutiles que détruit l'europe sa culture et civilisation..

Le Nouvel Ordre Colonial de lOccident - Tariq Ramadan et Michel Collon

Le Nouvel Ordre Colonial de lOccident - Tariq Ramadan et Michel Collon

Monday, June 02, 2014

Saudi Arabia's Secret Uprising

la morte intellectuelle de BHL continue fortement. bien comprendre (1789-1776) la version du roi. pas celui des historiens. et la vous pouvez comprendre votre raisonnement depuis 1776. car ce la naissance de la république Amérique et la république française simultanément. logique et différence entre "la république" et la France. la France sa réalité depuis le temps mérovingiens, culture, noblesse,intelligence honneur, sincérité éthique,,paix,sagesse,civilisation, ) la république ce la technologie  et l’état nation, mais aussie le encerclement des peuples, car le nationalisme ce hitler, comme les colonies anglaises, comme les colonies économiques américaines, afrique colonise, moyen orient indes, colonise. ce ça les états nation.  donc le sicle 1776_ 2014, met fin a les républiques globalement . la union européenne ce la fin des état nation colonisateurs, et le retour a la sagesse, car le état nation colonisateur a été créé pour accroître la technologie déficient des dirigent anciens, époque pré 1789. 1010.! une fois cette technologie acquise la nation fermé et égoïste ne plus nécessaire. le patriotisme colonisateur ne plus nécessaire. maintenons 21 siècle ce l'europe de la sagesse, la culture la éthique carolingien. la noblesse. dans espace & temps.

Saudi Arabia's Secret Uprising

la morte intellectuelle de BHL continue fortement. bien comprendre (1789-1776) la version du roi. pas celui des historiens. et la vous pouvez comprendre votre raisonnement depuis 1776. car ce la naissance de la république Amérique et la république française simultanément. logique et différence entre "la république" et la France. la France sa réalité depuis le temps mérovingiens, culture, noblesse,intelligence honneur, sincérité éthique,,paix,sagesse,civilisation, ) la république ce la technologie  et l’état nation, mais aussie le encerclement des peuples, car le nationalisme ce hitler, comme les colonies anglaises, comme les colonies économiques américaines, afrique colonise, moyen orient indes, colonise. ce ça les états nation.  donc le sicle 1776_ 2014, met fin a les républiques globalement . la union européenne ce la fin des état nation colonisateurs, et le retour a la sagesse, car le état nation colonisateur a été créé pour accroître la technologie déficient des dirigent anciens, époque pré 1789. 1010.! une fois cette technologie acquise la nation fermé et égoïste ne plus nécessaire. le patriotisme colonisateur ne plus nécessaire. maintenons 21 siècle ce l'europe de la sagesse, la culture la éthique carolingien. la noblesse. dans espace & temps.

Saudi Arabia's Secret Uprising

la morte intellectuelle de BHL continue fortement. bien comprendre (1789-1776) la version du roi. pas celui des historiens. et la vous pouvez comprendre votre raisonnement depuis 1776. car ce la naissance de la république Amérique et la république française simultanément. logique et différence entre "la république" et la France. la France sa réalité depuis le temps mérovingiens, culture, noblesse,intelligence honneur, sincérité éthique,,paix,sagesse,civilisation, ) la république ce la technologie  et l’état nation, mais aussie le encerclement des peuples, car le nationalisme ce hitler, comme les colonies anglaises, comme les colonies économiques américaines, afrique colonise, moyen orient indes, colonise. ce ça les états nation.  donc le sicle 1776_ 2014, met fin a les républiques globalement . la union européenne ce la fin des état nation colonisateurs, et le retour a la sagesse, car le état nation colonisateur a été créé pour accroître la technologie déficient des dirigent anciens, époque pré 1789. 1010.! une fois cette technologie acquise la nation fermé et égoïste ne plus nécessaire. le patriotisme colonisateur ne plus nécessaire. maintenons 21 siècle ce l'europe de la sagesse, la culture la éthique carolingien. la noblesse. dans espace & temps.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Syria, Iran, and The Petro Dollar

Syria, Iran, and The Petro Dollar

the problem with washington is that it is a fourth nation diplomatically they got  weapons of mass destruction; but on what culture and foreign affairs, diplomacy; is concern they are a fourth world nation, perhaps president hollande of FRANCE should make visible the issue to president Obama the issue is degrading the planet is a pressing fact.. americans themselves are getting confuse with this fourth nation diplomatic behaviour... IRAN will do a lot  to the washington regime they can learn a lot from this ancient euro-indian culture    

La majorité s’inquiète d’un « problème Hollande »

La majorité s’inquiète d’un « problème Hollande »

the problem with washington is that it is a fourth nation diplomatically they got  weapons of mass destruction; but on what culture and foreign affairs is concern they are a fourth world nation, perhaps president hollande of FRANCE should make visible the issue to president Obama the issue is degrading the planet is a pressing fact.. americans themselves are getting confuse with this fourth nation diplomatic behaviour... it will do a lot  to the washington regime they can learn a lot from this ancient euro-indian culture    

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Hunt For Gollum - Full Movie

Surah al-Kahf Explaining The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosien

Olygargs:  are new rich, they have money, but lack
knowledge, wisdom. Ancient knowledge!! in the 1500, there was a problem,
technology, the wise rulers lack the means to get the masses, that now has
surnames, but are unable to rule themselves, as the population grew, the wises
were very few; problems grew rapidly, the wise king has no means to fix the
issue and technology was not around. (Today you got internet, IPhone etc.) Protestantism
was the choice made, it looks it was the best choice, previous time was Catholicism,
this created modern capitalism and reconfigured the mass of people "the wise
few" were able to enter the process slowly and knowledge blend with
wisdom, somehow; this poise the disparity, between the large masses of people,
the capitalist process that will bring technology in the long run and manage to
understand the human size equilibrium. Today the technology that was needed in
1500 to configure a wise humanity exists now. A return to the 1500 does fix the
issue as this modern capitalism that was needed at the time is no longer needed
now, the behavior, the aim, the purpose; the psychological configuration, self-purpose
of reasoning and neuronal firing characteristics. We got modern middle ages,
(new rich in castles and servant’s luxury and so on)  
However the
wise king has to emerge to catalyze the memory process of history and proceed, renovate,
and return to the 2014 realm.
Reality of Now.
a balance is unavoidable between the quantities. A pyramid has the smallest
point at the top. What happens is the base has grown, and the smallest point at
the top is not visible it has vanish; the base is outbalance the middle of the pyramid
is crush between its foot and the falling smallest point, reality is unbalance.
The measurement of the pyramids its base is a good start, its geometry. As the pyramid
exists as it is Egypt today, everything is link between space-time. The pyramid
was there long before the Ukrainian crisis, or the Syrian one, or even Iran for
that matter.
Therefore the
reconstruction of the correct balance socially is on the measurements of the pyramid
amongst the many. And the smallest point will have to shine to revive the
present, the actual reality of the now. As Egypt does exist and there are
pyramids there and the smallest point is missing, the center is under pressure.
A human rearrangement becomes unavoidable. The arc of Noah if you like, materializes
into a 2014 reality, however it is the selection that will matter at this
point, as the point is no longer who survives but rather the achievement of
those that need to survive, those that shall be saved. There is indeed a flood a
space & time flood, time wobbles from the present to the past, and it links
itself with events and coincidences, in history and actuality. (2014-1914-2014)
  and here the question becomes a question. Who
shall determine the cause, or who shall you follow. Here we got mosses and the
lost tribe, those that cause the flood or take your chance with a new
proposition. As who shall determine the quality The great flood eliminated many
humans as the bible says, however it must have killed perhaps many humans as
well, and the ratio space and form, the volume of each individual, a city for
instance has a capacity for a number of individuals as well a nearby city.   A train
a car, an elevator, all this is size, space, consciousness-distance, memory
banks. Neural changes as the perception accepts the reality of coincidence.
(1914-2014) perfect number, (01-10)
The wise king
Who he is
or who shall he be, that is the question, what can he do is perhaps the answer!
The wise king perhaps will have to be the two ends, the smallest of all to be
on the pinnacle of the pyramid and the wisest of all to command the base,
maintaining the middle high in perfect balance in relation to the base.
However this
will have to take place without effort, just understanding the moment is all
that is needed.
By this
action the king can preserve the humble superiority as his great unimportance;
he controls wisely his domain and lives unpretentiously.
The best results of the perfect choice

Friday, May 30, 2014

Клип донецких школьников о мире растрогал до слёз ведущую

Target: Ukraine -- How foreign intervention is tearing the country apart

 Amérique 2014 ce ne pas la Amérique de 1945. 2014 ce une Amérique policier, fasciste, nazisme criminelle, et un régime policier: la russie de 2014 ce ne pas la russie de 1945 soviétique: le journalisme collabo fasciste continue en France: la paix pour Europe saine, fin du nazisme ukrainien des emplois ce la russie votre partenaire ce ne pas la OTAN de la guerre des oligarques du chocolat et du systeme policier de Washington IMF. OTAN élément de la mort, du chômage de problèmes, Russie élément de la croissance , l'emplois la paix, le pétrole, gaz un euro digne forte et sain. un Europe en paix, distance avec la OTAN régime nazi raciste et fasciste de Washington. encourage le fascisme en Europe ce négative pour la république et les droits de l'homme.
regarde bien IRAQ,LIBYE, Tunisie, Afghanistan,Ukraine,syrie, etc,Israël; tous des régimes déstabilise par la OTAN de Washington, ce eux la cause de la immigration sauvage et le fascisme en Europe.? la mort le chômage la obésité, la incompréhension, la mal bouffe, la sante dégrade la pollution toxique du monde, .. la guerre Israël-islam.. Washington danger pour la paix du monde.
Washington ce hitler 

Nazi coup in Ukraine: Natalia Vitrenko confronts Martin Schulz

 Amérique 2014 ce ne pas la Amérique de 1945. 2014 ce une Amérique policier, fasciste, nazisme criminelle, et un régime policier: la russie de 2014 ce ne pas la russie de 1945 soviétique: le journalisme collabo fasciste continue en France: la paix pour Europe saine, fin du nazisme ukrainien des emplois ce la russie votre partenaire ce ne pas la OTAN de la guerre des oligarques du chocolat et du systeme policier de Washington IMF. OTAN élément de la mort, du chômage de problèmes, Russie élément de la croissance , l'emplois la paix, le pétrole, gaz un euro digne forte et sain. un Europe en paix, distance avec la OTAN régime nazi raciste et fasciste de Washington. encourage le fascisme en Europe ce négative pour la république et les droits de l'homme.
regarde bien IRAQ,LIBYE, Tunisie, Afghanistan,Ukraine,syrie, etc,Israël; tous des régimes déstabilise par la OTAN de Washington, ce eux la cause de la immigration sauvage et le fascisme en Europe.? la mort le chômage la obésité, la incompréhension, la mal bouffe, la sante dégrade la pollution toxique du monde, .. la guerre Israël-islam.. Washington danger pour la paix du monde.

Les néo-nazis de Svoboda Ukraine soutenus par la Gauche, la Droite, et l...

FN parti collabo....

Cheminade : en Ukraine, c'est la guerre entre l'OTAN et la Russie

la Amérique 2014 ce ne pas la Amérique de 1945. 2014 ce une Amérique policier, fasciste, et un régime policier: la russie de 2014 ce ne pas la russie de 1945 soviétique: le journalisme collabo fasciste continue en France: la paix pour Europe saine, fin du nazisme ukrainien des emplois ce la russie votre partenaire ce ne pas la OTAN de la guerre des oligarques du chocolat et du systeme policier de Washington IMF. OTAN élément de la mort, du chômage de problèmes, Russie élément de la croissance , l'emplois la paix, le pétrole, gaz un euro digne forte et sain. un Europe en paix, distance avec la OTAN régime nazi raciste et fasciste de Washington. encourage le fascisme en Europe ce négative pour la république et les droits de l'homme.
regarde bien IRAQ,LIBYE, Tunisie, Afghanistan,Ukraine,syrie, etc,Israël; tous des régimes déstabilise par la OTAN de Washington, ce eux la cause de la immigration sauvage et le fascisme en Europe.? la mort le chômage la obésité, la incompréhension, la mal bouffe, la sante dégrade la pollution toxique du monde, .. la guerre Israël-islam.. Washington danger pour la paix du monde.

ww3 - U S plans MASS EXECUTIONS - we don't stop ww3 its over

Thursday, May 29, 2014

University of Madrid Spain declares Cannabis kills cancer

La Liberté d'Expression Menacée (+playlist)

Shells hit school, kindergarten in Slavyansk amid Ukraine military op (VIDEO) — RT News

Shells hit school, kindergarten in Slavyansk amid Ukraine military op (VIDEO) — RT News

la France et le nazisme ukrainien état vichy, immigration sans contrôle le lampedusa ukrainien arrive en Europe l’état NAZI FASCISTE de Ukraine en guerre contre ces propres citoyens, ce claire l'aide du régime policier de Washington. a cette régime olygargs de wall street qui crée de la immigration massive en Europe pour seule objective de la détruire, est transforme l'europe civilise en une guerre civil, en faire de la promotion de la islamophobie.    

PAS l'Info : Les infos que l'on vous cache ! Saison 4 Émission N°34 (25/...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Belfort, les salariés d'Alstom sont « sous le choc »

A Belfort, les salariés d'Alstom sont « sous le choc »

Francois hollande le Saddam Hussein "français" car faire confiance au américain cet une folie Washington ne dit jamais la vérité il ne jamais honnête et son intérêt ce lui " ce ne pas la démocratie le droit de l'homme ni la espèce humaine" vendre au Washington ce détruire la patrie et détruire la langue française puis esclavagiser leur citoyens. Washington en un menteur a vie. et wall street ce pire. avec de $ pourrie, ce la Europe qui paie les dettes de Washington president hollande. reflechissez. OTAN autre instrument de terreur fabrique par Washington le ennemi publique de la l’humanité civilise.

The Last Economic Crash 2014 [NEW] [FULL]

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How To Fix Flash Lag/Stutter on Google Chrome - Tech Help

De Gaulle l'or et le dollar

le problème de la Europe ce Washington; le danger pour la Europe ce Washington et la OTAN: organisation fasciste destructive. unique solution pour la Europe et sa population.. si elle désire survivre ce de sortir du régime banquier fasciste de la OTAN, la France peut faire son pas avant et ça confirmera son indépendance, puis sortir du $ comme monnais de reserve global et recuperer son or que Washington refuse de rendre. que la Europe soit une Europe libre sans Washington. 



Sunday, May 25, 2014

De quoi l'euro est-il vraiment coupable ? - Challenges

De quoi l'euro est-il vraiment coupable ? - Challenges

de rien ce le $ 1973 nixon .. un euro fort et indépendant. et une monnai de reserve hors le $ pétrodollars, ce le $ la cause de le déclin de l'occident et probablement sa mort. le petro-euro ce mieux ou le petro-rubbles. libérés la Europe fin du $ comme monnais de Exchange, de reserve, libéré les banques française, fin du $ comme monnais de reserve. fin des guerres et de la immigration en masse. fin du $ seule manière du progresse et la paix dans notre sphère.

Isla Vista Shooting Update -- Another False Flag ?

Isla Vista Shooting Update -- Another False Flag ?

Attaque de Bruxelles : Israël dénonce le résultat de « l'incitation à la haine »

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Venezuela: Street battles break out in Caracas

venezuelan world most stupid nation.. idiots fighting for the IMF. what a bunch of idiots.... no wonder venezuelans need help they no longer think properly die for conchita machado agent of the world bank. die for you boy not for the world bank.     

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Brave New World(1980)-Full Length Movie.mp4

La table ronde entre Ukrainiens tourne au dialogue de sourds

The Elite Have a Plan - What's Yours? | Jerry Robinson

the only way is forward and that demand the dismantlement of the wall street, FED american financial system, end of nixon $ as a reserve currency. to achieve this you need the usual formula divide to conquer, divide the political class in the us democrats republicans, once those two political destroy each others and both parties are gone, develop a replacement. with bright people. to achieve this you do the same globally, divide to conquer, you divide europe from america and russia from america, in america you support russia to defeat the main media. the main media exist because of the enemy (terrorism bin laden -putin china, -iran-chavez-venezuela)  by being on the side of the enemy of america (russia,putin,iran,syria,china,etc) main media loses its purpose so is gone for the main media. this main media is a close partner of banks and industry they work together as they are competitors and partners. here you apply the same formula divide to conquer, so industry is discredited by the media as the media tells false information about finances and the economy, once this 3 entities thrown into confusion and divided amongst themselves collapse. you need a new global reserve currency.  And a new system that will accompany this currency. all this is a must because politicians are paid by bankers to impose laws dictated by bankers supported by the main media for the benefit of multinationals CEO, for the detriment of the common folks "the slaves" when that is done you can be considered a free men 'in america'  and say now democracy is now possible as a reality a fact tangible and real. them you can rewrite the constitution revamp the police and armed forces and balance the difference properly between rich and poor, employer and employee.

Black Hawk derribado película completa

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Le progrès ?

Le progrès ?

Solange te parle ACCOUPLEMENT (+playlist)



Qatar : du rêve au cauchemar

ici attali et reconverti a la raison.., la solution pour l'europe sortir de la OTAN-NATO, créer l'historie, comme Clovis et Charlemagne. intégration a avec la russie, fin du dollar comme monnais unique de reserve, puis le cercle du progresse et de l'emplois paris, Berlin, kief, Moscou, pékin, Delhi, tehran, Rome  paris. Moscou aide l'europe de l'este, paris l'europe du sud, et Merkel l'europe du nord, Londres et Dublin, comme l’écosse et tout ira bien.