how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Monday, February 22, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
front de gauche la republique est trés proche de sa destructions le gouvernement BHL, aveugle a ruine la republique avec ces guerres humanitaires et sa politique terroriste, cet a vous politiciens de eviter le pire car le pire approche rapidement et 2017 peut devenir un cementerio radioactive pour le gouvernement BHL. le sionisme et autres. donc Front de gauche la fin de la republique sera rapide subtile et efficace. pour eviter le pire il faut agir maintenon, pas de temps a perdre. agir maintenon ce indispensable, sortir de NATO OTAN avant que la republique devienne coince abruti et detruite completement.
front de gauche la republique est trés proche de sa destructions le gouvernement BHL, aveugle a ruine la republique avec ces guerres humanitaires et sa politique terroriste, cet a vous politiciens de eviter le pire car le pire approche rapidement et 2017 peut devenir un cementerio radioactive pour le gouvernement BHL. le sionisme et autres. donc Front de gauche la fin de la republique sera rapide subtile et efficace. pour eviter le pire il faut agir maintenon, pas de temps a perdre. agir maintenon ce indispensable, sortir de NATO OTAN avant que la republique devienne coince abruti et detruite completement.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Israeli Spies Caught Celebrating 9-11
it is possible, perhaps certainly that this american animals deserve a nuclear 9/11 and here is where israelis are right: keep this american animals away from civilization starting with John kerry. no wonder they celebrated 9/11 this animals deserve a lot worse
Saturday, February 13, 2016
or hot war france main target for topol missiles when france goes up in smoke electricity in europe goes up in smoke reason why france is the key to the destruction of europe or its salvation. nuclear domestic reactors in france are a military target same as ISIS, so wake up folks, before europe becomes a radioactive park, russia will have no other choice but nukes.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
‘We proved Einstein right!’ 100 years on, gravitational waves confirmed in breakthrough research — RT News
‘We proved Einstein right!’ 100 years on, gravitational waves confirmed in breakthrough research — RT News
Mind & machines.
The future of technology is probably the same of the printing press, at one point was a discovery and centuries later it became obsolete. However, we must question ourselves what do we mean by imports and concepts. Technology we can say is a concept however it is as well a form, a language a name, which can become obsolete.
The way the mind works eventually will create analogies between numbers and events, we consider time as an addition, as we consider evolution as a calculation, on the other hand we can say evolution is a discovery, something that is already here but we failed to perceive, because our vision fails to do so. If we say that dark matter is not something that is part of our space but rather that is a fabric that envelops all existence, at such a point that is a form of energy that is currently unperceivable to us and our current technological devices, therefore we cant perceive it trace it even if it is invisible to our experiments but we know is there, as the dark matter displayed on us we can say it does exist outside our solar system. As such it can also exist between us among us and it can be a part of us. Gravity is the same we can trace it however man made tools described however under the restrain spectrum of the tools used to perceived. Reason why the mind is the limitless tool that we fail to fully understand.
Mind & machines.
The future of technology is probably the same of the printing press, at one point was a discovery and centuries later it became obsolete. However, we must question ourselves what do we mean by imports and concepts. Technology we can say is a concept however it is as well a form, a language a name, which can become obsolete.
The way the mind works eventually will create analogies between numbers and events, we consider time as an addition, as we consider evolution as a calculation, on the other hand we can say evolution is a discovery, something that is already here but we failed to perceive, because our vision fails to do so. If we say that dark matter is not something that is part of our space but rather that is a fabric that envelops all existence, at such a point that is a form of energy that is currently unperceivable to us and our current technological devices, therefore we cant perceive it trace it even if it is invisible to our experiments but we know is there, as the dark matter displayed on us we can say it does exist outside our solar system. As such it can also exist between us among us and it can be a part of us. Gravity is the same we can trace it however man made tools described however under the restrain spectrum of the tools used to perceived. Reason why the mind is the limitless tool that we fail to fully understand.
Le mariage de Miss Europe et de Monsieur Dupe
NATO OTAN regime NAZI: le propos de est de detruire l'europe il à commence avec bush 1990; le kosovo, puis afghanistan, affaire richard pearl: objective l'europe des immigres pour décourager confondre l'europe, puis ce le moyen orient dans son plan, de grand israel, guerre civile en europe entre juif et musulman, apres ce melange pervers le chretiens ce mele a le suicide collectif, et contribue a la guerre iraq, libye syrie turkey, l'objectif cet la naissance de israel la grande israel conquérand du chaos dans le monde chaotique cree par israel puis sauve par washington AIPAC. la realite ce l'inverse israel et au point de disparaitre et l'europe chaotique réturne a son etat ancestrale polytheiste autrement agnostique.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Saturday, February 06, 2016
De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967
the problem with you lot TALMUD followers: is Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein he said that to you TALMUD realm believers: because, you lot go over and over the same realm and continue to make the same mistakes from JESUS to Hitler and now israel . and we all know how it will end unless you gain some modesty.
Friday, February 05, 2016
Operation Barbarossa Speech
targeting the 2016 HITLER'S NATO-OTAN army as operation barbarossa is getting on its way hope france will wise up and follow De Gaulles wisdom to avoid a nasty WW3. and exit the NATO NAZI CONGLOMERATE.
Operation Barbarossa Speech
targeting the 2016 HITLER'S NATO-OTAN army as operation barbarossa is getting on its way hope france will wise up and follow De Gaulles wisdom to avoid a nasty WW3. and exit the NATO NAZI CONGLOMERATE.
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Monday, February 01, 2016
Why Russia Pushes To Collapse US Dollar in Feb 2016 ?
washington begun promoting nazism crimes death and lies since 1913, only way out for the planet to end terrorism is 1967 borders for israel 1967 borders for israel, terrorisme begun when israel took by force land that belong to someone else and until 1967 borders for israel terrorism created by israel behaviour of special people and foolish ideologies will never end on the planet it will spread like virus, and it will be helped by virus until 1967 borders for israel, there is no other choice and never will be any other choice. so enjoy terrorism crimes death and plagues until washington decides it's time for 1967 borders for israel.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Roger Beaumont - Executive GM for Marketing and Communications, ASB
pour bien comprendre la realite juive conseille pour AIPAC et autre holocaust fans bien lire william the conqueror car la clef du mechanisme juive en europe ce lui qui le detient. donk FINKY BHL, crieff, groupe licra et autres amateurs du israel ++ BIBI , apres vos investigations et votre comprehension le dialogue peut avancer. le mechanisme creatif cet similar a la destruction creatif engendre "1066"
1066 - The Battle For Middle Earth (1 of 2) - Die Schlacht von Hastings
pour bien comprendre la realite juive conseille pour AIPAC et autre holocaust fans bien lire william the conqueror car la clef du mechanisme juive en europe ce lui qui le detient. donk FINKY BHL, crieff, groupe licra et autres amateurs du israel ++ BIBI , apres vos investigations et votre comprehension le dialogue peut avancer. le mechanisme creatif cet similar a la destruction creatif engendre "1066"
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The Petrodollar | War Machine
it is AIPAC america washington that is creating racial wars so white & black americans, europeans, chinese, "jews" everywhere will destroy each other's albert pike was a warning to america of what the rothschild empire will do to the human race, AIPAC 1913, they invaded iraq libya BHL french philosopher that works for AIPAC: and the other monsters of france and elsewhere to have what you call today refugees, it all begun in 1990 then 2001, and today 2016: with bush hitler's best friend, as today OBAMA's legacy is HITLER'S dream. so america it is you your government that is destroying the human race and eliminating whites as well blacks all over the planet for the benefit of the grand israel. so you lot act now NATO-OTAN is HITLER'S ARMY. even if you believe otherwise.
it is AIPAC america washington that is creating racial wars so white & black americans, europeans, chinese, "jews" everywhere will destroy each other's albert pike was a warning to america of what the rothschild empire will do to the human race, AIPAC 1913, they invaded iraq libya BHL french philosopher that works for AIPAC: and the other monsters of france and elsewhere to have what you call today refugees, it all begun in 1990 then 2001, and today 2016: with bush hitler's best friend, as today OBAMA's legacy is HITLER'S dream. so america it is you your government that is destroying the human race and eliminating whites as well blacks all over the planet for the benefit of the grand israel. so you lot act now NATO-OTAN is HITLER'S ARMY. even if you believe otherwise.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Alan Watts Discusses Aldous Huxley's island PART 1 of 3
time did had a stop it stopped in 1967. " De Gaulle Speech" until then the so call progress will spin on its own axle, and reproduce the same thing over and over again until the 1967 borders for israel are stabilized as well end of NATO and end of dollar return to gold is the way. follow the man and the planet will help.
Alan Watts Discusses Aldous Huxley's island PART 1 of 3
time did had a stop it stopped in 1967. " De Gaulle Speech" until then the so call progress will spin on its own axle, and reproduce the same thing over and over again until the 1967 borders for israel are stabilized as well end of NATO and end of dollar return to gold is the way. follow the man and the planet will help.
JERUSALEM IN THE TEMPEST القُدس في العاصفة الصهيونية ـ
the axis of evil:::: israel:: washington ::::LONDON: ::::and they want wars death as ted cruz says killing americans is a duty to God the Dollar and Israel.
AIPAC - the hidden Zionist Fist of Steal that Control America
the axis of evil:::: israel:: washington ::::LONDON: ::::and they want wars death as ted cruz says killing americans is a duty to God the Dollar and Israel.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?
terrorism on, plain view, how to destroy britain, ask the british government they are doing a great job from 2001 tony blair decided killing brits is my goal, from kabul to london brits die for 2001 deal of insanity. well where is the prince Charles today, does he care how the government commits murder by proxy ??
Libya War: What They Don't Want You to Know
terrorism on, plain view, how to destroy britain, ask the british government they are doing a great job from 2001 tony blair decided killing brits is my goal, from kabul to london brits die for 2001 deal of insanity. well where is the prince Charles today, does he care how the government commits murder by proxy ??
Saturday, January 09, 2016
ISIS, CIA, Saudi & Israel Connections with Wayne Madsen
sometimes sex can be a cause, no wonder freud had lots of problems dissolving the jewish handicap / Dash = ISIS = Washington = Israel = the triangular empire :::::: london - new york - Jerusalem "the axes of evil" . how to kill children ask ISRAEL they know how.... they the best killers of children on this planet. Ask president OBAMA he is the one, today that contributes to the killing of children's worldwide. America and Israel share same principle, same moral, same money, same killings: reason why they love to kill children’s specially American’s, so far they are doing great in America and hope to keep killing children as OBAMA tears have confirmed the nation, the killing must go on specially innocent decent folks. so beware america is a police criminal state as is israel reason why they do have the same principles the same morals and the same fake democracy.
Fallujah babies born with birth defects as a result of Depleted Uranium ...
daesh = ISIS = washington = israel = l'empire triangulaire :::::: londres new york jerusalem "the axes of evil" . le berceau du terrorisme.
Mélenchon attaque violemment Hollande: les russes sont nos partenaires p...
daesh = washington = israel = l'empire triangulaire londres new york jerusalem. le berceau du terrorisme.
Mélenchon attaque violemment Hollande: les russes sont nos partenaires p...
daesh = washington = israel = l'empire triangulaire londres new york jerusalem. le berceau du terrorisme.
An Islamic Response To The Imminent Zionist Attack On Iran By Sheikh Imr...
israel: god : The planet: however when the planet moves, humains realise where they are, and the price of time. better end wars soon, and israel looks is a flood that is coming not a war with iran. and could be a lot worse. no more holy land it would be underwater, end of problem, and rewriting of the bible for and about the 2 flood event. birds and other animals are strongly sending the warning signal. cell's are wondering of the dark fabric of granite.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Dangers
act soon otherwise: Mosses is not happy 1967 borders for israel you know is unavoidable why keep fighting a battle "washington CANNOT WIN: Mosses 3 is coming and he is looking at yellowstone supervolcano, hope things will be resolved before the end of this spring otherwise things will get A LOT WORSE and shall keep going until 1967 borders for israel are implemented, this 1492 colonialism mentality is no longer uptoday. . as de Gaulle wished.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Site of Deadliest Native American Massacre Identified in Idaho | Western Digs
Site of Deadliest Native American Massacre Identified in Idaho | Western Digs
the barbarians from the middle east : ISRAEL! facts: israel the 1492 replica of the usa of america: colonization and destruction of everything in sight, now americans do understand israel special relationship with washington: "brutal colonialism" as it; is no different than 1492 and the continental massacres of american natives by pilgrims and other barbarians. same today in palestine middle east. same plot same deception same result.
the barbarians from the middle east : ISRAEL! facts: israel the 1492 replica of the usa of america: colonization and destruction of everything in sight, now americans do understand israel special relationship with washington: "brutal colonialism" as it; is no different than 1492 and the continental massacres of american natives by pilgrims and other barbarians. same today in palestine middle east. same plot same deception same result.
Friday, December 25, 2015
PressTV-Debate: Hate-filled Israeli extremism
PressTV-Debate: Hate-filled Israeli extremism:
'via Blog this'
(us "washington" chaos contaminating america.) coming now.. south america, central america, alaska north pole; canada and mexico included only way to save america IS to isolate the us of america washington dc: to save the world isolate wahsington dc...!!!!!!!!
'via Blog this'
(us "washington" chaos contaminating america.) coming now.. south america, central america, alaska north pole; canada and mexico included only way to save america IS to isolate the us of america washington dc: to save the world isolate wahsington dc...!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967
l'hexagone c'est déssigne l'abstention arrive a ça maturite et la suite evidente 'la presidentielle" la reforme cognitive, politique cognize la realite, la reforme économique se questionne est les medias reflechis la suite dans cette aventure numerique. la solution est dans le numerique: 1967. la clef de la paix dans le numerique comme dans le technologique-ment scientifiquement human.
Les Inrocks - Au siège du Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tire les leçons des régionales
Les Inrocks - Au siège du Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tire les leçons des régionales:
Jean Luc Melenchon la desintegration de la republique se accelere une action juste est imperative.
'via Blog this'
Jean Luc Melenchon la desintegration de la republique se accelere une action juste est imperative.
'via Blog this'
Obama Disqualifies Trump from White House » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Obama Disqualifies Trump from White House » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
'via Blog this' DDT: KERRY is nowhere the coming very soon, technological democracy level's all CEO on the planet to the same level as managers Bill gates included, you can call it modern royal age: . forget kerry just ban all arab diplomats, businessmen and political, royals everyone from the global financial system opec cut the petrodollars in half, russia will cooperate and with the petrol glut who needs the saudi kingdom. indeed americans will look at you different as soon you keep all kerry's friends which are royals and arab terrorist at bay. yes you CAN.
'via Blog this' DDT: KERRY is nowhere the coming very soon, technological democracy level's all CEO on the planet to the same level as managers Bill gates included, you can call it modern royal age: . forget kerry just ban all arab diplomats, businessmen and political, royals everyone from the global financial system opec cut the petrodollars in half, russia will cooperate and with the petrol glut who needs the saudi kingdom. indeed americans will look at you different as soon you keep all kerry's friends which are royals and arab terrorist at bay. yes you CAN.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
LPAC Policy Committee - November 30, 2015
Russia has no choice but go nuclear, land war's don't work, like
Afghanistan or Syria, in fact is a padlock situation NATO has to end,
back off because both sides are bolt into the same spiral, Europe & Asia as
well, Washington’s spiral. IMF The monetary body snatchers the $: Reason
why the key is De Gaulle, the new world order is De Gaulle’s speech: inverted big brother “1967” if you like. France
out of NATO, end of dollar toilet paper and 1967 borders for Israel only way to
bring order out of chaos. There is no other solution; more interestingly
is the reality of the time and now 2015. Same as 1967. Syria 1967 Israeli
war. Vietnam, today China “Obama’s pacific war’s” “simultaneously” General De Gaulles
speech can
be done by the current leaders, applied the UN text; follow with France exit of
NATO-OTAN. France becomes the diplomatic pivot “Versailles” end the $ nightmare,
gold returns and end of Bretton woods. Dollar is no longer reserve currency domestic
dollar revives. The domestic dollar is the green back if you want to related to
an event, that is related to the now. Peace is achievable and evolution,
education. You can even use the video as an inverted big brother in time &
space, conveys order out of chaos. By using a YouTube video: it represents the
big brother of 1984, is image related to Georges Orwell’s Nobel, simple to describe
the fact in time and space them and now is very simple.(1967 Vietnam war Israeli
war, 2015 China pacific Ukraine, Syria, Iran, ISIS, Libya, Israel in the center,
Palestine, out of the news.
Afghanistan or Syria, in fact is a padlock situation NATO has to end,
back off because both sides are bolt into the same spiral, Europe & Asia as
well, Washington’s spiral. IMF The monetary body snatchers the $: Reason
why the key is De Gaulle, the new world order is De Gaulle’s speech: inverted big brother “1967” if you like. France
out of NATO, end of dollar toilet paper and 1967 borders for Israel only way to
bring order out of chaos. There is no other solution; more interestingly
is the reality of the time and now 2015. Same as 1967. Syria 1967 Israeli
war. Vietnam, today China “Obama’s pacific war’s” “simultaneously” General De Gaulles
speech can
be done by the current leaders, applied the UN text; follow with France exit of
NATO-OTAN. France becomes the diplomatic pivot “Versailles” end the $ nightmare,
gold returns and end of Bretton woods. Dollar is no longer reserve currency domestic
dollar revives. The domestic dollar is the green back if you want to related to
an event, that is related to the now. Peace is achievable and evolution,
education. You can even use the video as an inverted big brother in time &
space, conveys order out of chaos. By using a YouTube video: it represents the
big brother of 1984, is image related to Georges Orwell’s Nobel, simple to describe
the fact in time and space them and now is very simple.(1967 Vietnam war Israeli
war, 2015 China pacific Ukraine, Syria, Iran, ISIS, Libya, Israel in the center,
Palestine, out of the news.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Monday, December 07, 2015
Les multinationales qui ont financé Hitler ! S/T HD
le triangle 1939 - 2015 : L’abstention c’est le triangle qui désigne l’hexagone.
Élections instructive suivi par une présidentielle, une chose c’est une élection démocratique et autre ce l’élu démocratiquement, en suite l’élu propose la solution du problème. Une fait ce le problème un distinct sa solution. La solution du problème c'est le $ - le pétrodollar. Pour sortir du pétrodollar, l’or comme équilibre. Une monnaies unique en Europe est impérative, indépendant du dollar, une monnaie nationale ce la faiblesse de l’Europe, un monnaies unique est l’incarnent surtout. Sortir du NATO-OTAN vit révolu une monnaie unique européenne ; puis Israël frontières 1967. Ces trois éléments, triangle "AIPAC" sont tous lie est C’est modifié conjointement. La solution n’est que triangulaire est simultané. Le cheval de Troie fabrique en ISRAEL :version 2015 =1939: arrive en Europe, donc le pire est à venir : nonobstant tout cheval de Troie est INNOCENT de ces actions car c’est une manipulation triangulaire, $, AIPAC, publicité journaux AIPAC : identique a 1939 HITLER: ces triangle décide qui gagne est qui perd tout élections présidentielle dans le monde esclavagé de AIPAC : Europe Washington et Amérique latine : Asie mineur. Seule nations libre d’AIPAC dans le 21 siècle : Chine, Russie inde, Iran Syrie k du nord.
Sunday, December 06, 2015
Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT I...
there is not necessarily a concrete reason, is more a kind of gangsters obligation, this war's all relate to israel, and israel we can say is the FED, PETRODOLLARS IMF AIPAC system, Jews are just the poster that the media displays to Europeans and Americans to remind them of the holocaust which is used as a moral "human rights" leverage to europeans by the Americans reason why the UN is powerless in front of ISRAEL. to understand america you must understand first the Israeli game, why AIPAC owns most of global media and Hollywood banks and finances, all this is related to israel the holocaust and wars. however detail discernment is required to fully understand the plot as all is link. Russia china are just victims the same way Syria and palestina of this gangster obligation.
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
what are you
going to do about ISRAEL, Queen Elizabeth, this mess is in your hands, and is
getting worse: Belfour DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over"
peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders for Israel, as De
Gaulle suggested is the clever way. Since he is no longer with us but he
remains. It will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the American
congress and save many Americans "your responsibility" from
brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. Save the world before you go.
going to do about ISRAEL, Queen Elizabeth, this mess is in your hands, and is
getting worse: Belfour DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over"
peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders for Israel, as De
Gaulle suggested is the clever way. Since he is no longer with us but he
remains. It will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the American
congress and save many Americans "your responsibility" from
brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. Save the world before you go.
Johnathan Schneer: "The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Isr...
Johnathan Schneer: "The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Isr...
Queen Elizabeth II - Queen -
Queen Elizabeth II - Queen -
what are you going to do about ISRAEL, this mess is in your hands, and is getting worse: BAlFOUR DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over" peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders like De Gaulle suggested is the clever way. since he is no longer with us but he remains. it will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the american congress and save many Americans "also your responsibility" from brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. save the world before you go.
'via Blog this'
what are you going to do about ISRAEL, this mess is in your hands, and is getting worse: BAlFOUR DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over" peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders like De Gaulle suggested is the clever way. since he is no longer with us but he remains. it will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the american congress and save many Americans "also your responsibility" from brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. save the world before you go.
'via Blog this'
Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)
Britain should send English teachers to washington and the IMF, to civilize the lot.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Un député britannique donne un cours d’histoire à un auditeur juif
Balfour gave Israël to the Rothschild to ensure the power of the English language on the middle East, Israël Is as fact a british colony same as Washington : and always will be, america the other colony has english as language : Shakespeare language not hébreu, the american colony is just the police the army, of the grand british empire something that israel cannot be, and never will achieve as america today is a colony the real global exchange currency is call the english language. not rothschild money empire $: give me control of the money is a joke: better say give me control of the language and i will show you who is KING.
le problème ce ne pas BHL ce son discours
sa philosophie le résultat des ce conseille au président hollande, sa position
médiatique aidé en complicité avec le
POINT Libération le monde l'express tous les journaux sioniste en France et
Amérique: crée du chaos par la voix de BHL et la diffusion des medias « donc
complices du crime » la mort dans
la France et le reste du monde: sponsorise par BFM, times of ISRAEL
et I télé, le monde CNN, ce ça le problème Réel. BHL est une hautparleur du chaos mondial
sioniste créé en 1947. fait réel concret,
tout ces conseilles sioniste israéliens amène a la haine et la guerre pire que
soral et Dieudonne ensemble ce simple et claire. ECOUTES FABIOUS ET sa
confusion actuelle "une république en chaos" voila un fait Réel de
BHL et ces discours de guerre de double langage pour détruire l’Europe la France
et la civilisation occidentale, et vous les victimes depuis 2001. Tout personé
qui conteste cette réalité palpable ces fait réel est qualifie de antisémite, l’arme
de guerre des gouvernement sioniste dans le monde. ce ça le mécanisme du holocauste
sa philosophie le résultat des ce conseille au président hollande, sa position
médiatique aidé en complicité avec le
POINT Libération le monde l'express tous les journaux sioniste en France et
Amérique: crée du chaos par la voix de BHL et la diffusion des medias « donc
complices du crime » la mort dans
la France et le reste du monde: sponsorise par BFM, times of ISRAEL
et I télé, le monde CNN, ce ça le problème Réel. BHL est une hautparleur du chaos mondial
sioniste créé en 1947. fait réel concret,
tout ces conseilles sioniste israéliens amène a la haine et la guerre pire que
soral et Dieudonne ensemble ce simple et claire. ECOUTES FABIOUS ET sa
confusion actuelle "une république en chaos" voila un fait Réel de
BHL et ces discours de guerre de double langage pour détruire l’Europe la France
et la civilisation occidentale, et vous les victimes depuis 2001. Tout personé
qui conteste cette réalité palpable ces fait réel est qualifie de antisémite, l’arme
de guerre des gouvernement sioniste dans le monde. ce ça le mécanisme du holocauste
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Noam Chomsky - Un penseur très célèbre face à l'actualité
BRITAIN: SEND TEACHERS TO AMERICA so they civilize, the animals: this global mess is your fault, reason the animal farm in washington practiced a confuse english, also badly trained pig's that run the nation, because of lack of education culture refinement. the animal farm created in 1492, demands more education knowledge that is what the barbarians in america lack SEND TEACHERS TO AMERICA SO THEY EVOLVE and become hopefully real humans: THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE is your responsibility Globally.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Imran N Hosein Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan And The Zionists Sheikh Im...
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels to Shoot Down Russian Planes
TURKEY IS = DAESH = NATO IS = TURKEY = FRANCE IS = NATO = FRANCE is = TURKEY = UK is = NATO: NATO is = DAESH = ISIS: because Turkey is ISIS DAESH, NATO IS MOSSAD CIA = terrorism, = Turkey = ISIS DAESH. simple aim kill citizens in Europe and america. hope you get it citoyens du monde.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Michel Collon Soral dieudonne Les 10 grands médiamensonges du monde
Le problème des intellectuelles et politiciens actuel qui sont derrière l’état sioniste de Israël est que depuis leur programmation de naissance ils ont cru que ils ont la largesse de rendre l’eau en vin, mais leur savoir apocryphe avait déjà du vin l’quelle ils ont arrivé à le abîmer est à le transformer en vinaigre.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
How Dangerous Is The Deep Web?
you people are absolutely insane, no wonder ISIS is winning and will win if reason is not established soon, as you will make the oppressed world to be isis and they are close to 7.5 billion folks so get ready. . in fact the end of western reasoning, decency and moral is coming to an end wellcome common barbarism, as you anyone shall be one of those barbarians: as washington and clintons: by default: washington has being creating refugees since the vietnam war, 50 years creating havoc and refugees worldwide, 1967 israeli crusade up to today, 1990 gulf war, 2001, ukrainian war libya, syria, iran, weapons to israel, pakistan nukes. and the list goes on. better think before is too late even a controlled 1984 Orwellian realm looks complicated now.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
American Journalist Murdered By Western Ally For Exposing ISIS Ties
Ce ne pas la mauvais conscience de l’occident mais la
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents. Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle.
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents. Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle.
De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967
Ce ne pas la mauvais conscience de l’occident mais la
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents. Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle.
manipulation de l’occident par des idéologies sinueuses, raison pour laquelle
le destin et complexe complique mais visible au innocents. Depuis ces idéologies de diviser les pais du
moyen Orient par des idéologies de un grand Israël fictive, « la semaine
prochaine à Jérusalem » la confusion a grandi donc ce ne pas les refugies
mais l’idéologie qui commande cette idée fixe du grand Israël. Le patriotisme orgueilleux
engendré dans l’ignorance amené à un nationalisme meurtrière, recette prouvé de
toutes les guerres connu et inconnue. Donc similitude a Israël état
colonisateur sur pression par les palestiniens et leur territoire occupe. La
seule et unique solution pour l’occident ce 1967 frontières pour Israël car
cette acte sera tellement illogique a les idéologies actuelle du terrorisme et
de un état policier que leur configuration cognitive sera confronté à une
irrationalité du subconscient ; car c’est un problème de psychologie et
non un problème d’invasion par un ennemi identifie. Un état policer amènera à l’expansion
du terrorisme car le terrorisme dans ces circonstances devient son opposé et se
transforme en force de liberté. De Gaulle 1967 ce la manière de sortir de cette
confusion grandissant, car ce lui et sa vision qui peut sauver l’Europe et la
France pour la troisième fois. Il n’existe aucune autre solution dans cette
réalité technologique métaphorique du 21 siècle.
Révélations chocs de Ken O'keefe sur les attentats de Paris du 13 Novembre 2015 : ISIS est une création de la CIA pilotée par le Mossad - Agoravox TV
Révélations chocs de Ken O'keefe sur les attentats de Paris du 13 Novembre 2015 : ISIS est une création de la CIA pilotée par le Mossad - Agoravox TV:
'via Blog this' La solution Économique est simple une nouvelle monnaies de réserve global, ‘BREN 25% argent) indépendant du $, puis un rapprochement total avec la Russie fin du NATO-OTAN. La Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite du nord, ce le pétrole, le gaz le minéraux. Cette union formera finalement l’Europe unie comme continent occidental. Washington AIPAC Israël ce la même chose. Car ce le complexe militaire industriel, économique, médiatique et financier. : NATO-OTAN qui opprime la France comme un gangster le fera à Chicago. (OTAN NATO) holocauste Shoah ce le moyen moral et idéologique de confondre le peuple manipuler la démocratie est forfaiture, les politiciens les religieux et autres sont soumis à cette mafia comme la BNP, Alsthom DCN avec la Russie. En conclusion les ennemies de la France sont actuellement Israël et Washington. Les alliés sont le peuple américain et les peuple juive, le peuple musulman. Faire comprendre cette paradoxe économique ce simple, la démocratie la sincérité la honnête. Un gouvernement sincère désenveloppe à son peuple les fait réel, et ce le peuple qui avec la démocratie réel ; changera et vaquera la mafia Israélite & Washington & FED. Donc ce chaos enfante par Israël et Washington peut être la tonalité pour le début d’une démocratie réelle par le peuple pour le peuple.
'via Blog this' La solution Économique est simple une nouvelle monnaies de réserve global, ‘BREN 25% argent) indépendant du $, puis un rapprochement total avec la Russie fin du NATO-OTAN. La Russie ce l’Arabie saoudite du nord, ce le pétrole, le gaz le minéraux. Cette union formera finalement l’Europe unie comme continent occidental. Washington AIPAC Israël ce la même chose. Car ce le complexe militaire industriel, économique, médiatique et financier. : NATO-OTAN qui opprime la France comme un gangster le fera à Chicago. (OTAN NATO) holocauste Shoah ce le moyen moral et idéologique de confondre le peuple manipuler la démocratie est forfaiture, les politiciens les religieux et autres sont soumis à cette mafia comme la BNP, Alsthom DCN avec la Russie. En conclusion les ennemies de la France sont actuellement Israël et Washington. Les alliés sont le peuple américain et les peuple juive, le peuple musulman. Faire comprendre cette paradoxe économique ce simple, la démocratie la sincérité la honnête. Un gouvernement sincère désenveloppe à son peuple les fait réel, et ce le peuple qui avec la démocratie réel ; changera et vaquera la mafia Israélite & Washington & FED. Donc ce chaos enfante par Israël et Washington peut être la tonalité pour le début d’une démocratie réelle par le peuple pour le peuple.
UN's Investigation of Israel Should Go Beyond War Crimes to Genocide
Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against humanity. as FACT FACTS FACTS ...
"Obama's Narcissism = END of HUMANITY. Get him out" says Larouche.
Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against humanity. as FACT FACTS FACTS ...
Bertrand Russell's Message to the Future
Moscow Europe: OBAMA'S aim is war destruction from 1990 america washington is being killing europeans and fomenting and fermenting wars aim death, and all this for israel. therefore only way out exclude washington from the free world and you shall save yourself washington cannot be trusted get it they are sick, mentally ill just like HITLER, SICK unbalance, they need a psychologist in washington. doctors for the mind. save Europe ban washington from all worlds affair and israel the two worlds criminals against the humanity. as FACT FACTS FACTS ...
Friday, November 20, 2015
Dominique de Villepin : "N'oublions pas que l'Etat islamique, nous l'avo...
the real problem is israel 1967 borders, and is the only way out. as 1967 borders is Israeli war & Vietnam both wars coordinated executed for one aim, expansion of israel. Charles de Gaulle disagreed with this war's and demanded a return to the 1967 borders. today 51 years ago, is the solution as Russia & washington can agreed on the issue and used this 51 years ago wish of De Gaulle as basis for the event, in fact De Gaulle is the alibi of the problem, just doing what he said 51 years ago, hinders none and benefits all.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
La guerre de Sarkozy et de BHL contre Kadhafi
WAUQUIEZ la guerre civile en europe avec son double langage , Attention le plan Sarko BHL pour engendre les réfugiés, les assimiles a les terroriste impliquer Israël et l'antisémitisme et métrée l'europe en guerre civile généralisé puis le plan déstabilisation psychologique via les médias sioniste en france & europe, objective la destruction des peuples par la haine et l'ignorance. car une foi l'orgueil enflammé reproduit en conséquence le nationalisme aveugle.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Rare Video: Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
la barbarie a commencé en ISRAEL: message to president hollade et Jhon Kerry: fin de les hypocrite, de la part des morts . the problem with anonymous is the final effect, as the real cause of all this is untouched by anonymous, or they do not know the real cause the real master of destruction, , or they are in bed with them, making them the most powerful sleeping spy's on the planet. to end all hate 1967 borders for israel: that is the cause. the fact the concrete.
History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
message to president hollade et Jhon Kerry: fin de les hypocrite, de la part des morts . the problem with anonymous is the final effect, as the real cause of all this is untouched by anonymous, or they do not know the real cause the real master of destruction, , or they are in bed with them, making them the most powerful sleeping spy's on the planet. to end all hate 1967 borders for israel: that is the cause. the fact the concrete.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 06, 2015
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