Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Aldous Huxley - Mind Control Lecture at Berkeley (1 of 3)

Le monde à l'envers, car Washington c'est le régime dictatorial agressive et hitlérien mais la presse occidentale avec son système pavlovien contrôlé la pensée des occidentaux, donc une dictature mentale. Et stylisme-forme la Russie comme l’agresseur ; donc les français comme les européens et les américains suis dans cette réalité pavlovienne contrôle par les médias communautaires, Hollywood la presse etc. Le résultat c’est la destruction de l’Europe comme la 1 et 2 guerre mondiale ; car les occidentaux sont dans la même situation que en 1939 ou Hitler, avec ces discours, pour et contre, la guerre ce la paix ; a fait plonger l’Allemagne en une guerre faussé et noumène. Finance par Washington, qui et le patron de la OTAN. Cependant le people a entendu cette réalité ; encore en 2016 ils croit. En 1939 le résultat 63 millions des morts, et Maintenons en 2016 la même tactique hitlérienne employé par l’occident médiatique dominé par Washington. Washington c’est AIPAC comme Trump & Obama & Hillary Clinton, qui le confirme AIPAC, qui les soutiens, eux existe en Amérique depuis 1913 car cet eux la FED, le pétrodollar et le dollar de réserve global. Donc le citoyen devient un chien Pavlov qui c’éveille à une stimulation précise. La solution ce de Gaulle, frontières pour Israël 1967 ; et fin du dollar, valeur de l’or. Et là la stabilité se rétablit il n’existe aucune autre solution, car le système pavlovien a enfermé remplis les participants de l’affaire dans une cercle de fermentation et réponse. De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israël Palestine - 1967 "sur youtube" INA"

Norman Finkelstein: The New Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust Industry

paperclip operation is AIPAC: china Philippines Russia you got no choice but to nuke them hope by now you do understand that you are on an enclose situation a deadbolt realm where war is unavoidable, unless the American citizens overthrow their dictator who they believe is a democratic elected president, subsequently owned by AIPAC the real master. Main media has inverted their reality having Americans believe the inverse which is you Russia the dictatorship while in reality is them. Main media has turned American citizens into Pavlov dogs. Totally dependent on programed stimulation. Same takes place in Europe but on a lesser %. hitler use the same methods that washington, london, use today, so beware.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Tribute to Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks - Speech by HRH The Prince of Wales

hi to the JEWISH PRINCE: well the jewish lobby, however never waste a good crisis the fact that charles is now a jew can be beneficial, but wearing a kippa to go and see the queen could be strange but it does not matter, a queen is a queen and she has a job to do. as long things work on the right way all could be fine. there is no holyland anyway, just land and sea for humans, only land and sea ...sea for the fish and land for the rest. as this will make 1967 borders for israel A peaceful transition israel got no choice neither charles or the QUEEN. 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable. so global instability will remain forever until 1967 borders. for israel.!!!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Brother Nathanael : Why The World - W* 3 Will Surely Be on 8 October 2016 ?

if american citizens insist on remaining slaves, what can anyone do but live and let die. as you cannot liberate a slave against his will, they will fight you even if you aim to liberate them, Jesus is a good example, the Jews he hoped to enlightened killed him. Plato allegory "plato's cave" shows the same predicament they killed the one that hoped to liberate them. !!!

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says she was forced to leave debate site - The Boston Globe

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says she was forced to leave debate site - The Boston Globe

if american citizens insist on remaining slaves, what can anyone do but live and let die. as you cannot liberate a slave against his will, they will fight you even if you aim to liberate them, Jesus is a good example, the Jews he hoped to enlightened killed him. Plato allegory "plato's cave" shows the same predicament they killed the one that hoped to liberate them. !!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Allegory of the Cave by Plato (Excerpt from The Republic)

President Putin have a look at Plato’s cave allegory, the people in chains that look at the wall are the chained slaves that exist on an illusion. Washington DC and the AIPAC holy roman empire main media, create the shadows that the slaves, mistake for reality, you play the role of Jesus who went into the light and returned to save the slaves. However, the slaves do not want to be save and turn against their saviors. The same event took place 2016 years ago when the Jews crucified Jesus as he was once a slave that found the light and returned to the cave to save the Jewish slaves. Having a world were all are under this Jewish predicament of enslavement, “today AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE” creates the need for a second coming of Jesus. As the new Jesus faces a world of Jewish slaves on a grand scale. Nonetheless most refuse freedom and chose to remain slaves.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Bush et Obama l'ère du terrorisme

message a la france::: Vous pouvez ignorer la réalité, mais vous ne pouvez pas ignorer les conséquences d'ignorer la réalité.  La définition de la folie, c’est de refaire toujours la même chose, et d’attendre des résultats différents. – Albert Einstein:

Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak

Syrie : l'ONU dénonce «des crimes de guerre» et l'implication de la Russie

Thursday, September 22, 2016

May Day Attacks? - Riots, Bombings & Civil War, Will History Repeat Itself?

May day, May day: wake up Boris is game time: on the courtyard, remember , MAY Day MAY DAY. , and forget the synonyms.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012

SYRIA: the UN is  A JOKE IT DIED IN 1967, forget the UN does not exist is just a tool, only 1967 frontiers for Israel will clean them up . so trash them.! is not an institution is corruption not quite the same. a sort OFF PayPal deal if you like.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

SYRIA: the UN is  A JOKE IT DIED IN 1967, forget the UN does not exist is just a tool, only 1967 frontiers for Israel will clean them up . so trash them.! is not an institution is corruption not quite the same. a sort OFF PayPal deal if you like.

Mysterious Movements Developing in Non Petrol Countries | Sheikh Imran H...

the holocaust industry is the military complex: believe what I said, but disregard what i do, reason why we the terrorist nations Israel Washington and Saudi kingdom, always talk about democracy but we bring you hell and dictators suffering and terrorism as you do have experience from Paris to berlin, from Kabul to Caracas, from London to Madrid, from Jerusalem to Damascus.  we at Washington love to kill and you do have felt it by now and will in the future. Washington the super terrorist nation as the civilized world has now acknowledged; indeed, there is something wrong with America perhaps is a possessed nation a servant of evil doers, under the influence of satanic sorts. the role of the world is to heal this dangerous and deranged nation for the benefit of civilization and the Americans citizens themselves for a world at peace and not at war as it is now from these American adventures against the Muslim religion since 1990.

Since 1990 Iraq war and today the same Iraq war. Jill 2016, is the only choice for peace, to cut the rope of continuity. of wars and wars. How and why it does not matter, just the complexity of reality makes her the only choice for stability peace and sensibility. This way Russia and America will at last become friends. Any other choice will bring chaos and destruction. Strange as it appears it is the only choice.  The unknown is the chosen one.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why Build the Green Party? - Jill Stein on Reality Asserts Itself (3/3)

Why Build the Green Party? - Jill Stein onMontebourg la 3 voix: Président hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé. jill 2016, la 3 voix en amerique. l'union fait la force. Reality Asserts Itself (3/3)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

William the Conqueror ("Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake)

Montebourg la 3 voix: Président hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé. jill 2016, la 3 voix en amerique. l'union fait la force.

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Wants To Start An Air War With Nuclear-Armed Russia Over Syria | Video | RealClearPolitics

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Wants To Start An Air War With Nuclear-Armed Russia Over Syria | Video | RealClearPoliticsPrésident hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler

the 2 party system is you brainwashing, democrats republicans; and jill 2016 is only 3% because you lot are brainwashed simple slaves have no choice because when the choice to freedom is presented they neglected is academical. Reason why ! America is animal farm, you lot are slaves and the pigs rule the 1%

Jill Stein Appeared on Fox News, Made Their Heads Explode

Third-Party presidential debate: Gary Johnson vs Jill Stein

the only chance to save America from his programmed suicide, jill 2016 is First women that achieve the post honestly decently in America crooked Hillary and the two trumps shall be defeated by reason, make america, AMERICA AGAIN.!!! not the science fiction nation that it has being for the past 30 years.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild

America is half brainwashed citizens and the other half suicidal, make America ; America, have jill 2016 as you president and if you are born to be wild show it on the ballot box. vote the one no one wants make America be America again. not this brainwashed nation with suicidal policies. ruled by the AIPAC holy roman empire.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

George Soros Warns Europe to Accept Refugees or Face Extinction

4a good way to return to the 1967 borders for Israeli, and since Washington is finally getting the hint, it shall happen historically and religiously, smooth, a wide following of what should have being done in 2014, but neglected by the AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: 1967 borders for Israel instead we got ISIS. hope 2017 will make things easier.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Mystery of the Ineffable Name of God - Studies in Morals & Dogma by Albe...

names Albert pike symbols art.
names Albert pike symbols art.

Jacques Vergès & Roland Dumas parlent de la libye et BHL

Euro – union européenne - OTAN. L’euro c’est la victime d’un mauvais
management, mais c’est une bonne évolution, mal dirige, nonobstant l’Euro est
un bienfaisant nom pour rassembler une économie européenne. L’union européenne
souffre par réaction du virus, médiatique comme administrative du mauvais
management, en conséquents de cette maladie. L’Europe est en réalité
prisonnière de l’OTAN la quelle dérange l’Euro et l’union européenne en
conséquence, probablement la première chose à faire c’est sortir de L’OTAN puis
regarder l’évolution des moyens. Une fois l’équilibre obtenue ce l’euro qui
reste mais avec son management redésigné grâce a la sortie de l’OTAN, le,
Brexit, se modifiera en un Bremain dans l’union européenne, et voilà la
nouvelle union européenne amorça son existence libre comme la France.    Est le commerce mondial comme le dollar
saisiras leur place qui le correspond. En matière de défense la Russie fait
partie de l’Europe comme l’Ukraine. Est une vraie union européenne c’est qu’européenne
pour être vrais. Le dollar comme monnaies de réserve mondial devrais être change,
par une pièce indépendante de toute nation et continent. Pour garantir la
liberté du continent comme de ces habitants. De cette manière tout nation est
en égalité comme tout citoyen. Chaque nation a sa monnaie propre comme le
dollar pour l’Amérique, nonobstant l’Europe garde l’euro comme monnaies du
continent, et garde sa propre monnaie simultanément dans la même pièce Janus.  La Franphonie revient à son Antédiluvien
temps comme la gloire d’une Europe renaissante Il faut bien comprendre que en
1400 le roi été roi par son savoir la connaissance, peu de gens avait la
possibilité de lire et écrire. La noblesse été noblesse par son savoir, le
château existe aujourd’hui comme le récit de Wald Disney et les trois petits
cochons et le méchant loup.

La renaissance c’est l’artiste, les artistes. 

L'Architecture Au Temps De La Renaissance Italienne [ Documentaire Hist...

Euro – union européenne - OTAN. L’euro c’est la victime d’un mauvais management, mais c’est une bonne évolution, mal dirige, nonobstant l’Euro est un bienfaisant nom pour rassembler une économie européenne. L’union européenne souffre par réaction du virus, médiatique comme administrative du mauvais management, en conséquents de cette maladie. L’Europe est en réalité prisonnière de l’OTAN la quelle dérange l’Euro et l’union européenne en conséquence, probablement la première chose à faire c’est sortir de L’OTAN puis regarder l’évolution des moyens. Une fois l’équilibre obtenue ce l’euro qui reste mais avec son management ré-désigné grâce a la sortie de l’OTAN, le, Brexit, se modifiera en un Bremain dans l’union européenne, et voilà la nouvelle union européenne amorça son existence libre comme la France. Est le commerce mondial comme le dollar saisiras leur place qui le correspond. En matière de défense la Russie fait partie de l’Europe comme l’Ukraine. Est une vraie union européenne c’est qu’européenne pour être vrais. Le dollar comme monnaies de réserve mondial devrais être change, par une pièce indépendante de toute nation et continent. Pour garantir la liberté du continent comme de ces habitants. De cette manière tout nation est en égalité comme tout citoyen. Chaque nation a sa monnaie propre comme le dollar pour l’Amérique, nonobstant l’Europe garde l’euro comme monnaies du continent, et garde sa propre monnaie simultanément dans la même pièce Janus. La Francophonie revient a son Ancien temps comme la gloire de d'une Europe renaissante Il faut bien comprendre que en 1400 le roi été roi par son savoir la connaissance, peu de gens avait la possibilité de lire et écrire. La noblesse été noblesse par son savoir, le château existe aujourd’hui comme le récit de Walt Disney les trois petits cochons et le méchant loup.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Burkini: "L'ordonnance n'a pas pour vocation à annuler l'intégralité des...

"Le Monde" raconte comment Obama a lâché Hollande en Syrie - Les Inrocks

"Le Monde" raconte comment Obama a lâché Hollande en Syrie - Les Inrocks2011 Libye, première piège pour détruire la France, par Sarkozy, Cameron, et BHL, 2016 Syrie seconde tentative par BHL et (les Front Républicains National) ‘FRN’ donc la droite confuse. Troisième tentative Ukraine encore BHL et les acolytes. Comme la Russie et Washington ont sauvegardé la république et monsieur HOLLANDE. Car ce grâce à la Russie et à le président OBAMA que la république est encore debout. Car ces guerres humanitaires fabriqué par BHL ‘le philosophe’ ont un caractère destructif. Et la république doit de se réveiller elle-même sans l’aide constant de Washington et Moscou. L’objectif c’est que la France doit de éduquer, soulever leur propre habitant. Même si elle « La France » est envahie par des pensée destructrice et des informations déformée. Donc Obama indirectement et Putin ont sauvé la France intelligemment de sa politique soumisse.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

“Every Centimeter of Jerusalem is Arab, Islamic” Says PA Mufti - Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest News, Israel Prophecy News

“Every Centimeter of Jerusalem is Arab, Islamic” Says PA Mufti - Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest News, Israel Prophecy News

america does not exist you exist on a hologram AIPAC is your master: The plan and organization of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Solomon's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences. America does not exist: when you read the new Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon 1561 he mentioned Salomon it means Washington is the new Jerusalem and America is the grand Israel: all this is a replay of the 1968 simultaneous wars of Israeli Vietnam wars. America is the grand Israel. and Solomon’s temple is in Washington the AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. the global community are servants of the empire AIPAC EMPIRE, and its citizen’s.

Monday, August 22, 2016

L'Oligarchie et le Sionisme - Israel [DOCUMENTAIRE COMPLET ENTIER]

Putin désire que l’inédit
Israël AIPAC Empire Holistique Roman reste de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique fin
de ce nouvel atlantisme du nouvel Israël. (NATO-OTAN) 1492 c’est une réalité
mais 2016 c’est une autre, en conséquence l’Europe a besoin de calme et de
réflexion d’éloignement s’écarter du nouvelle Israël, comme l’Amérique a disparue
de la même forme que l’Empire britannique en 1900. Maintenons c’est l’inédit
Israël cette terre découverte en 1492 qu’ont appelé autrefois Amérique.

L'EMPIRE SOROS - Conférence de Maurice Gendre et Thibault Philippe - Par...

Putin désire que l’inédit
Israël AIPAC Empire Holistique Roman reste de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique fin
de ce nouvel atlantisme du nouvel Israël. (NATO-OTAN) 1492 c’est une réalité
mais 2016 c’est une autre, en conséquence l’Europe a besoin de calme et de
réflexion d’éloignement s’écarter du nouvelle Israël, comme l’Amérique a disparue
de la même forme que l’Empire britannique en 1900. Maintenons c’est l’inédit
Israël cette terre découverte en 1492 qu’ont appelé autrefois Amérique.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Anonymous - Hillary Clinton: The Hillary Files Full Documentary

Jeremy Corbyn under AIPAC attacks, Bollywood Mayor khan and the AIPAC
GANG, this time hired killers, like the old times of Mountbatten, decency and
respectability no longer exist, said the wizard. and the Queen blinked.
1947 Israel 1947: Pakistan - Palestine 1947.

Mahatma Gandhi First Television Interview (30 April 1931)

Jeremy Corbyn under AIPAC attacks, Bollywood Mayor khan and the AIPAC
GANG, this time hired killers, like the old times of Mountbatten, decency and
respectability no longer exist, said the wizard. and the Queen blinked.
1947 Israel 1947: Pakistan - Palestine 1947.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

L'EMPIRE SOROS - Conférence de Maurice Gendre et Thibault Philippe - Par...

holistique AIPAC roman 
« CRIF en France » c’est votre
maitre, le CRIF n’est qu’une dépendance de l’empire AIPAC, et leur collaborateur
ont qu’une seule maitre, l’empire AIPAC. Ceux qui travaille pour l’empire, peut
avoir n’importe quelle nationalité car l’empire c’est global est leur employée
sont leur force et armé. En Europe l’arme de l’empire c’est l’Otan, leurs
serviteurs sont les philosophes comme Bhl et autres car leur propos c’est la
destruction de la France comme vous le constate depuis la guerre de Iraq 1990 Kosovo,
Afghanistan Libye, Syrie, les réfugiées, le terrorisme, tout combine avec les
désirs de l’empire AIPAC de détruire les européens car l’Europe restera mais
leur people cet eux qui sont détruit quotidiennement. De Kabul a rabat, de Kabul
à Kiev l’empire détruit et détruit pour conquérir le peuple est les manipuler,
les dresser comme des bêtes ; aux fermes des animaux (George Orwell). Tout
le monde peut travailler pour l’empire AIPAC. Les morts français en Afghanistan
sont morts pour rien, comme en Syrie Libye, etc. donc libères vous de l’empire
avant que lui vous tue. 

La ferme aux animaux

La ferme aux animaux ; l’Europe plus
précisément la réalité de la mentalité des européens puis américains. L’empire

King Alfred Burns the Cakes

An empire is not a nation you can be a Jew a fake Christian a Frenchmen but your loyalty is to the AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, you follow the dogma, reason why AIPAC owns Hollywood, main media banks and a visit to AIPAC is obligatory for politicians, same is in Europe Britain France all political candidates must go to the gathering of the CRIF which is the French AIPAC, in Britain is called Jewish lobby. Holocaust anti-Semitism shoal all this symbolic emotional rhetoric’s are also created by the empire to its slave citizens, so they obey the dogma. Israel is just a main media justification to the empire as is terrorism. An empire is a dogma, and the ruler work to keep the empire alive, they do not have any nationality their nationality is AIPAC, ISIS is the same if you like, people follow an idea a faith, but they could be from anywhere race color creed, as long they obey the empire they are rewarded no different than 390 bc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trans Porn Star Triggered By White Male

trump l'est make america gay again is working, transporters to transgenders all is fine on the coming sexual civil war in america. LGTB civil wars or better sex & civil unrest all for better fun.

La guerre par instrumentalisation 2/2

tout sur BHL sarkozy juppé 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

MARGARET THATCHER on International Law and the Use of Force - New York 1...

Today is an automatic time reverse to 1989, and to accomplish reality a
redo of the same thing over again (without Washington) is required. The 1989 Complex
situation but redoing the same thing differently can bring different results. (Insanity
: doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

A new liberation of eastern Europe between yourselves,
Europe and Russia can help, to reorganize the old new 1989, since is a repeat
of 1989. In other words, the iron curtain of the Soviet Union became the iron
curtain of the Orwellian world made in the USA. AIPAC ROMAN EMPIRE. Today is
the Orwellian mental propaganda that is the wall. Media brainwashing if you
like. Reason why making Europe by Europeans is the only choice, to do the same
thing over again differently and take a different result. Jill 2016 can help. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Au delà de la Nation : l'Empire ...

L’empire actuel c’est le AIPAC HOLLY ROMAN EMPIRE, sa résidence
c’est Washington, sa naissance 1913 new york jekill island. NATO-OTAN c’est l’arme
de l’empire, l’Europe son arme des vassaux intellectuellement psychologiquement
économiquement militairement. Donc raison pour laquelle l’Europe existe comme prisonnière
de AIPAC ROMAN HOLLY EMPIRE. L’Aipac le lobby pro-israélien des états- unis. 

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Sheikh Imran Hosein La grande guerre AVANT 4 novembre 2016

fox news@cnn.AIPAC the Hillary trump bluff for the american dreamers is coming into reality, since Hillary and trump is the same brainwashing demonstrate that Americans are in fact sleep. so another Vietnam will not bother anyone or any of those weapons of mass destruction. Americans have finally accepted to be slaves. so work dream and sweat. long live modern-middle ages and the media barons.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

How Do The Rothschild's Feel About Brexit?

Ségolène &  jill

Jill Stein 2016 le vote de la liberté, égalité, fraternité
" trump@hilary.AIPAC" c’est un danger pour les républiques, pour eux
pour vous et pour l’écologie, vote jill 2016 le parti GREEN. Et amenés la
première femme indépendante au pouvoir en Amérique la France suit comme
d'habitude donc jill 2016 c’est la libération de la France du terrorisme, djihadismus,
et la pollution.

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length

evolve america don't have another fall of the republic TRUMP & clinton style: how to proof putin was wrong, vote JIll 2016,  she is the only one that can do it. and show PUTIN and the world Trump is not that clever. she will pardon bradley manning. vote jill and forget the robots of TRUMP@HILLARY.AIPAC liberate yourself from these rulers that have being destroying america since 1913.

Monday, August 01, 2016

Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

reason why chose jill 2016. because trump is alex jones fall of the republic version 2017. and choosing hillary is ww3 police state and terrorism version G WBUSH 2003 killing for aipac israel.

and a new 9/11 for israel.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hillary Bald Face Liar Clinton vs Donald True Feelin' Revealin Trump. Th...

what is the difference
between trump Hillary and jill 2016, The media; Hillary Trump they get all the
publicity. and what does the media does? publicity, advertising, creates
news, diffuses news, promotes faces, ideas. manufactures dreams. jill2016 is
clean on what that is concern but you are not.
by choosing jill2016 you are
clean from the can at fox news, is simple, a sort of Brexit from both political
parties if you like. 
but you can change the screen
play, simply by acting different like voting for jill2016, because she is the
minority of all, only 3% so far. your advantage is that 97 % is the citizens
and not the politicians. 
if she wins is because of the
97 % not the 3 % she has now or better say the media has allocated her now.
describe Jill2016, as strategy she 3%. therefore, trump is impersonating
Jill2016 with the media help, "main media Barons" remember modern
middle ages. to survey why people act one way or another is another matter. but
jill2016, is your real choice that a veil is preventing you to see as a timeline.
Winston smith 1984 . deleted history that was his job, erase the past.

only way out Jill 2016. Jill
stein green party. forget Trump@hillary.AIPAC, vote Jill 2016.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dîner annuel du CRIF

is your hour JIll2016 visit the Queen she will receive you. even france looks is behind you:) stop trump@hillary.AIPAC for you, yes you CAN...... and have a gathering at beaumont texas, with Bernie Sanders.  AIPAC will understand.

Israel owns the USA

china russia france : look at Iraq libya, afghanistan this morons of washington cannot be trusted not even with a glass of water they might poison you, this uncivilized continent does not even have a head of state is an empire not an american empire but an (AIPAC Roman Empire) ', therefore the president is a marionette' never trust the washington marionettes of aipac. remember Saddam Hussein Iraq, HITLER IBM FORD MOBIL OIL they all helped hitler & SADDAM and them destroyed him, no different than 1967 israeli & vietnam war.

IBM and the Holocaust

china russia france : look at Iraq libya, afghanistan this morons of washington cannot be trusted not even with a glass of water they might poison you, this uncivilized continent does not even have a head of state is an empire not an american empire but an (AIPAC Roman Empire', therefore the president is a marionette' never trust the washington marionettes of aipac. remember Saddam Hussein Iraq, HITLER IBM FORD MOBIL OIL they all helped hitler & SADDAM and them destroyed him, no different than 1967 israeli & vietnam war.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The World Must Stand Together

LES PERVERSIONS DISCRÈTES DE LA BOURGEOISIE. Illustrations : TONY BASTOS [pseudonyme]. par Xavier de LA MOTTE [pseudonyme] - Tony Bastos [Stanley BOWMAN]: Mondial's Diffusion, Xavier de La Motte, Paris, 1973 Couverture souple - Librairie L'amour qui bouquine

LES PERVERSIONS DISCRÈTES DE LA BOURGEOISIE. Illustrations : TONY BASTOS [pseudonyme]. par Xavier de LA MOTTE [pseudonyme] - Tony Bastos [Stanley BOWMAN]: Mondial's Diffusion, Xavier de La Motte, Paris, 1973 Couverture souple - Librairie L'amour qui bouquine

lecture d'ete

The Antichrist is here and in Control! The Beast System EXPLAINED. End ...

In conclusion
it is quite possible that Israel is an errancy, therefore his reason for being
questionable as holly land is related to Jesus and not Jews, it assimilates mostly
to Jesus crucifixion, as there are no Christian’s in Israel but Jews; a
celebration that he was crucified, or more we party because finally Jesus has been
killed by us the Jews and now we own the land Israel that he predicted will be
destroyed. Which as holy goes is a nonsense, the crusades existed to liberate Jerusalem
for the Christians not the Jews. Them why was Israel created on the Belfour
declaration of 1917, if Christian religion has nothing to do with it, and they
were the ones that influenced the most and still do, as Anglicans believe Jesus
will return to Israel, Jesus as Christ the son of Mary not as a new messiah. However,
interesting, good material to the mind. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Doors----L.A. Woman----Riders On The Storm----Remastered

Brave art

holographic realm that minds have now evolve has left cyber-wars behind, is no
longer the arrow of time but rather a hologram of information. The movie Braveheart
by Mel Gibson 1995; has as principal players Scotland, William Wallace and king
Edward I “Longshanks”. Montfort and the magna carta, and the expulsion of the
Jews from Britain. “Longshanks 2016, is AIPAC reversing the reality they have
learn from history in 2016. On the worlds arena Russia and china represent
Scotland and Putin William Wallace, NATO and Europe & AUSTRALIA, are the
vassals of Ireland, that Longshanks “version 2016” considers expandable as they
are the meat for the cannon. This fact coordinated with the wars in Syria Libya
Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine. Are the facts that encircle the rebellious Russia
& china “Scotland”. Brexit and France! Isabelle de France, are as well on
the scene as a background event. As LGTB and gay pride. The hologram pictures
the present the past the in-between as technology discern separates enlightens
and destroys.  In this circumstances what
is power, wisdom and common sense, accurate perception and intelligent action
on the many reflections of the hologram which is the right path to weaver the
storm. The hologram being the past the present and the in-between balances the
process that begun in 1066.

Donald Trump’s Convention Speech Highlighted The Truth About America’s Decline » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Donald Trump’s Convention Speech Highlighted The Truth About America’s Decline » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AIPAC world for you is american citizens decline  meaning you lot, NOT AIPAC and billionaires that work for AIPAC.  Trump also works for AIPAC Hollywood and main media the FED the USA armed forces since 1913. they are they ones that control the printing machine not the president, you do not have a president just a manager. you lot are slaves. remember. slaves have dreams like the american dream. billionaires make the dreams for the slaves.FACTS. reality ..!!!!

Dieudonné & L'enfer niçois - s05e02 / Nice, SAIP, Ananacrédit, Ananassur...

: et la NSA CIA Mossad, OTAN, NSA surveille la DGSE et l'etat français. donc nation sur surveillance la france et la libye.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

[NEW] Paul Craig Roberts 2016 : Massive Social Instability, Warns Of Ec...

your boss is AIPAC Americans and the west exist on a holographic animal farm rule by AIPAC. end NATO OTAN and democracy shall have a first steep of his existence, today you are slaves of the AIPAC roman empire. trump is a slave of AIPAC and there is nothing he can do about it but play his role and obey.

Monday, July 18, 2016

ATTACK in NICE: The CLASH of Civilizations

NATO OTAN CENTRE Du terrorisme international, confirme a dallas bâton rouge Kosovo, libye,  israel, et autres Sarko bhl ISRAËL : le terrorisme et la promenade des français

Jean-Luc Mélenchon allume le CRIF et Israël ! (24-08-2014)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon allume le CRIF et Israël ! (24-08-2014)

NATO OTAN CENTRE Du terrorisme international, confirme a dallas bâton rouge Kosovo, libye,  israel, et autres Sarko bhl ISRAËL : le terrorisme et la promenade des français

Le Sénateur Irlandais David Norris se lève contre Israël

NATO OTAN CENTRE Du terrorisme international, confirme a dallas bâton rouge Kosovo, libye,  israel, et autres Sarko bhl ISRAËL : le terrorisme et la promenade des français

Israël assassine des enfants et continue son génocide envers la Palestine

NATO OTAN CENTRE Du terrorisme international, confirme a dallas bâton rouge Kosovo, libye,  israel, et autres Sarko bhl ISRAËL : le terrorisme et la promenade des français

« Monsieur le Premier Ministre, retirez notre pays de la coalition internationale » | Arrêt sur Info

« Monsieur le Premier Ministre, retirez notre pays de la coalition internationale » | Arrêt sur Info

NATO OTAN CENTRE Du terrorisme international, confirme a dallas bâton rouge Kosovo, libye,  israel, et autres Sarko bhl ISRAËL : le terrorisme et la promenade des français

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Why Did They Pass a Law That Makes Staged Hoaxes and Crisis-Acted Movies...

well Boris Johnson: the only person that can tell the truth is you. on the land of the blind a one eye man is king, END NATO and liberate Britain from wall street and the jewish lobby, as those are the main dangers to democracy NATO OTAN they are the armed forces of racketeering, same as don corleone,  jewish lobby is the psychological main media & hollywood armed forces to coerce lie and deceit the european domain with the help of the holocaust industry. however the headquarters are in washington is called AIPAC. have no fear remember a day like a week a week like a month and a month like a year. for a real BREXIT.


ESTROSSI complice ?? sarkozy l'espion americain: ou autre ? la dsge est une fromage suisse, avec de trou donc inefficace inutile car AIPAC NATO OTAN MOSSAD, ont des moyens que la dsge ne possédé pas! donc des espion dans le gouvernement réveille vous après Sarko le president americain ce la maison france qui coule est ce les espion qui la font coulé !!!! front national danger pour la republique comme les républicains parti politiques espion contre la france.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Domination du Système Bancaire Pillage Monétaire Mondiale

Se positionner face à Vladimir Poutine est déterminant pour l’affirmation de nos valeurs » QU'ELLE VALEURS ???? car difficile a discerner ces valeurs imaginaires.

Goldman Sachs: Les nouveaux Maîtres du Monde ? (Français)

Se positionner face à Vladimir Poutine est déterminant pour l’affirmation de nos valeurs » QU'ELLE VALEURS ???? car difficile a discerner ces valeurs imaginaires.

Lessons of History - Coup of 1953

BREXPERTS/ think of the 1990 iraqi sanctions brexit has an undertone of the same purpose, a total sense of confusion and weakening of the population, the destruction of europe which begun in 1990 by the iraqi invasion. the wars on the ME are the fuel, the psychology is the fuse that lightens the fire. the purpose is not to find the guilty person but stop the process. the virus war, stop all wars and let the mind rest wars travel same way as the wind, it agitates the minds and technology enhances this global confusion. having a time off from all wars for at least a week can help politicians media and finances reflect about themselves. time must have a stop.

CIA helped Iraq use chemical weapons on Iran

BREXPERTS/ think of the 1990 iraqi sanctions brexit has an undertone of the same purpose, a total sense of confusion and weakening of the population, the destruction of europe which begun in 1990 by the iraqi invasion. the wars on the ME are the fuel, the psychology is the fuse that lightens the fire. the purpose is not to find the guilty person but stop the process. the virus war, stop all wars and let the mind rest wars travel same way as the wind, it agitates the minds and technology enhances this global confusion. having a time off from all wars for at least a week can help politicians media and finances reflect about themselves. time must have a stop.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 09, 2016


France leaves NATO and is the end of the conflict. as that leaves all
the other nations alone and Brexit becomes useful.
France Is the key to diffuse the Devil. Charles
de Gaulle explique la position de la France sur l'OTAN

Charles de Gaulle explique la position de la France sur l'OTAN

Monday, July 04, 2016


1917 Balfour declaration once put in practice reveals the reality of 1984 George Orwell 1949 book. This fact took place in 1947 were two incompatible ideologies are put on the same jar. This experiment has proven that permanent war is possible, and an orwellian realm has become the road map of AIPAC Washington since 1953 up to 2016. Therefore, Israel will never have peace and the battlefield of the orwellian realm is on the middle east. And expanding worldwide.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Sheikh Imran Hosein 8 Dreams Of Nuclear War

The reality
of Israel is that it is a structure create amongst two different believes and
they are put together in one enclosure to fight to the end a sort of above grounds
of a global roman forum having Jewish and Islamic gladiators fight to the end,
comparable to 1984 Orwell’s nightmare.  they
have been doing that since 1947, peace is practically impossible only 1967
borders can give a glimpse of hope.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Donald Trump Aipac Full Speech

as brexit has shown Americans & BRITISH are slaves and always will be, sorry folks learn Hebrew america no longer exist brexit is also a cut on the English language meaning you lot. AIPAC IS NATO OTAN your master and they have a boot on your faces. forever so sob dream and trump your drum. only you can save yourself s forget trump only one nation together can solve the problem. and you are divided.

"Crimes et fraudes en Côtes d'Ivoire" de Verges et Dumas aux Editions Ed...

La photo d'un enfant mort noyé devient le symbole du drame des migrants