Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Riding Range With Marshall Mcluhan (Terence McKenna) [FULL]

the fake media does one thing; what media is important to advertising, follow the greed. however, the fake news media is just 1984 a notch further. is 1984 Alex now you have become doublespeak even, if you denied and don't know about it even yourself. but you are doublespeak, now how does the system created a powerful method to twist minds, and transform consciousness upturn alternative media main media into a whole of fake news, real news no longer exists. the only thing that remains is TRUMP the Messiah, but that is not news is just propaganda. now is 1984 on, steroids and messiah trump is just a puppet on this game, so the current shadow government is now stealth. invisible to main media alternative media even trump himself. you have the freedom to comment that’s all, everything else is now shadow government control.!!! so enjoy typing as last resort of diversion, or just watch tv sitcoms and Hollywood films. anything else is no longer available to your consciousness.!!!!

Marshall Mcluhan Full lecture: The medium is the message - 1977 part 1 v 3

the fake media does one thing; what media is important to advertising, follow the greed. however, the fake news media is just 1984 a notch further. is 1984 Alex now you have become doublespeak even, if you denied and don't know about it even yourself. but you are doublespeak, now how does the system created a powerful method to twist minds, and transform consciousness upturn alternative media main media into a whole of fake news, real news no longer exists. the only thing that remains is TRUMP the Messiah, but that is not news is just propaganda. now is 1984 on, steroids and messiah trump is just a puppet on this game, so the current shadow government is now stealth. invisible to main media alternative media even trump himself. you have the freedom to comment that’s all, everything else is now shadow government control.!!! so enjoy typing as last resort of diversion, or just watch tv sitcoms and Hollywood films. anything else is no longer available to your consciousness.!!!!

Russia, Iran, China, Egypt, Turkey: The Endgame in Syria?

Osei Kufuor/ "The Metaphysics Of The Election & God" (Donald Trump Did N...

Science arts & évolution.
The current confusion of the World's new world order; is becoming a disorder, reason can no longer differentiates between real news and fake news. However, the wars are real. And peacetime demands some kind of new structure. Science and arts bring us general de Gaulle “French president” following his discourses we understand 3 main points stand quantified, Israel returns to 1967 borders, end of the nato OTAN alliance and return to gold standards. The requirements are Russia and China & America, remain in agreement with the 3 main points detailed. Israel returns to its 1967 borders, end of Nato, return to gold standards. Evolution: To replace the no longer existing dollar as reserve currency BREN 25% silver can become the coinage of the new global reserve currency, which obviously has gold reserves.
Art & science this will allow art to become easily understood, as it is the videos of general de Gaulle that have now reached most of the planet, thanks to the media and social networks. Arts and the many artist that surrounded the subject. Evolution: brings us the understood the cognition between arts and reality, and how an artwork can represent the state of the world. In Hironimus Bosch, we have a vivid example of art and it’s cognitively with the reality of the world at his time and ours today. Hitler’s wars were no different that some of the aspects of the gardens of delight .

The world has evolved from those moments to today and the new ways to cognize the reality of our world is recurrence, new paintings by existing artist painters however on present world representation on what our existing reality is and its technology of information.
The cognition to fully understand the current reality started with the refusal of the elites of Hieronymus Bosch timeline, the elite’s perception and their will to impose an exclusive dogmatic solution to an ethereal problem. Somehow, they were blind to the art of Hieronymus, and imposed their own version of art.
As the up-to-date elites repeat the same act; the new arts repeat the same vision on a modern form however science avowal of the will of the current elites agrees mostly with the arts than with the dogmatic version of arts imposed by the recent elites. The Hieronymus of today are on the same position of those of his days. As reality shows now on the art market the value of a Hieronymus Bosch artwork (1450) to the 2016. Science, knowledge and understanding, all tied on the same work as the old work, on a new form. Reversing the imposed dogma of reality; 1450 & 2016 implementing the one alive, a space time resurrection of reality inverts the upside-down world of today conveying directions to answers.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Who controls the world?

voila la ONU discrédite Choléra en Haïti : le mea-culpa de l'ONU organisation douteuse et les medias propaganda comme human rights watch , donc il est ou la vérité pas chez la ONU ni human s rigth watch organisation cree par la CIA.

Pres-Elect Trump Thank You Tour - "Mad Dog" Mattis Nominee Scaring The ...

you do not know what is going on, you know the pace of what is going on, the reality is: is over for trump: america trump, jill hillary anyone, america is gone no way back neither for wall street main media alternative media any media you like. is over for washington, now is just readjustment. the future is something you shall find out.

Mainstream Media Meltdown - Fury Over Mr. Trump Call W Taiwan President ...

you do not know what is going on, you know the pace of what is going on, the reality is: is over for trump: america trump, jill hillary anyone, america is gone no way back neither for wall street main media alternative media any media you like. is over for washington, now is just readjustment. the future is something you shall find out.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters...

The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters...

Bertrand Russell: "ask yourself only: 'what are the facts?'"

TRUMP SAGA: facts is reality and facts show that trump is the system. the result is the end of alternative media, something the system dislike, now a police state is quite possible and ww3 is on the cards as Trump is teleguided by a lobby, and they want to destroy Iran, china; russia partner, and coerce russia by splitting his alliances. in the end is all a hoax to destroy main media trick Putin into believing trump; and the destruction of iran. that is the agenda. for europe is enslavement as petrol goes up and the euro goes down. so enslavement for europe NATO is more cash to wall street and more labor without pay for europeans.

CNN Links Donald Trump To "Sandy Hook 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist"

alex jones the martyr breitbart the winner sorry alex is over for you since now you die for trump. and breitbart enjoys all you have done for trump; sorry folks is over for alternative media. welcome to slave media and info-fake news from info trump. enjoy the enslavement you ask for it now you got It.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

BHL invité de Frédéric Taddei, France 3, 29 mai 2012

bhl et le crimes contre l'humanité inévitable............!!!!!!!! justice arrive pour proteger la justice.

Roger Stone Updates Stefan Molyneux On Donald Trump

Jill is correct she is the only candidate that has any integrity, so what the Americans will do, probably not much as they are programed to what to think, not how to think, so is useless America is in fact a modern animal farm and there is not much we can do about that.

Patriot Armory Presents Animal Farm 7

Friday, November 18, 2016

CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America's Middle Class

only 1967 borders for israel will bring peace and prosperity anything else is chaos increasing chaos and no way out: trump is a planned election pavlov style NOT A SURPRISE: : not knowing what is real and what is fake puts the lot into a position of obligated summations: wake up men forget this disney show of liberty fascism is the coming trend in america mix with a police state. so get ready and forget all this sf of liberty wake up you are worse than yesterday the climate is a real new world order that now not even alex jones is abel to distinguish. however 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable same goes for russia putin: no matter what deals are made.

United We Fall - Full Film

only 1967 borders for israel will bring peace and prosperity anything else is chaos increasing chaos and no way out: trump is a planned election pavlov style NOT A SURPRISE: : not knowing what is real and what is fake puts the lot into a position of obligated summations: wake up men forget this disney show of liberty fascism is the coming trend in america mix with a police state. so get ready and forget all this sf of liberty wake up you are worse than yesterday the climate is a real new world order that now not even alex jones is abel to distinguish. however 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable same goes for russia putin: no matter what deals are made.

Alain Badiou: Reflections on the Recent Election | 9th November 2016 | UCLA

not knowing what is real and what is fake puts the lot into a position of obligated summations: wake up men forget this disney show of liberty fascism is the coming trend in america mix with a police state. so get ready and forget all this sf of liberty wake up you are worse than yesterday the climate is a real new world order that now not even alex jones is abel to distinguish. however 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable same goes for russia putin: no matter what deals are made.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Aldous Huxley - Speech at UC Berkeley, The Ultimate Revolution 1962

not quite a victory more a second steep to total collapse A) trump voters are 27% of the population that voted which are 51% of voters 49 % did not vote in fact half of the nation did not vote at all. b) Hillary votes are 25% of the 51 % of voters. in short the silent majority is 140 million folks. this is a recipe for a MAX; MAX world. therefore, Trump with the help of Alex jones was unable to save the so called democratic voting system, people no longer believe any longer on selecting a candidate, now they want to choose who they want as president. which means the party system is on the process of collapsing. trump becomes an illegitimate president and the whole system is now in question.!!!

Monday, November 07, 2016

Notre histoire a été modifiée 3 1000 ans en trop documentaire archeo...

Arte - Le disque de Nebra - 1

25 % silver new global reserve currency just above all other currencies,
nothing changes just a new king currency, gold and petrol reserves. all nations
are equal on the new healthy time.  As
democracy goes.

can Trump achieve what you expect if he gets elected, depends on you, the
situation is such that you are under a revolution, a passive revolution, more a
mental than a corporeal revolution. Think of brainwashing, and imagine it is
taken by hackers. The brainwashing ends the individual returns to his previous
timeline before the brainwashing, however all this takes place submissively.  These current wars, media & financial
wars, collapse as the gold standards returns. This however is returning to
before 1973 end of gold standards. And to 1963, as the situation is today with
Syria and china.  Whatever the future
brings 1973 becomes a number to reckon with. As it is 1917 and 2017. 1947 2017.
All end in 7. however, there is another problem, how can you change having
trump as president, that is not a clean house.? or is it between the devil and
the witch? Bren 25% system avoids devils and witches to cheat on people’s
income; as it controls all currencies.
Nebra or Raneb is the Horus name of the second early Egyptian king of the 2nd dynasty. 

Nebra - Arenas del Desierto (en vivo en Makena)

25 % silver new global reserve currency just above all other currencies,
nothing changes just a new king currency, gold and petrol reserves. all nations
are equal on the new healthy time.  As
democracy goes.

can Trump achieve what you expect if he gets elected, depends on you, the
situation is such that you are under a revolution, a passive revolution, more a
mental than a corporeal revolution. Think of brainwashing, and imagine it is
taken by hackers. The brainwashing ends the individual returns to his previous
timeline before the brainwashing, however all this takes place submissively.  These current wars, media & financial
wars, collapse as the gold standards returns. This however is returning to
before 1973 end of gold standards. And to 1963, as the situation is today with
Syria and china.  Whatever the future
brings 1973 becomes a number to reckon with. As it is 1917 and 2017. 1947 2017.
All end in 7. however, there is another problem, how can you change having
trump as president, that is not a clean house.? or is it between the devil and
the witch? Bren 25% system avoids devils and witches to cheat on people’s
income; as it controls all currencies.
Nebra or Raneb is the Horus name of the second early Egyptian king of the 2nd dynasty. 

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Santana - Caravanserai (1972) (Full Album)

Roger Waters - Full Show at Zócalo de la Ciudad de México, October 1, 2016

from the past : president Hollande the war was lost in 2011, when sarko + BHL invaded libya; it was a trap; a fly's trap. hope by now you do understand how some catch up fly's. however catching up a fly does not determine the aftermath.

Franck Dubosc - On n'est pas couché 8 novembre 2014 #ONPC

alors frank : Les institutions ont corrompu les hommes Ernest DU MENIL

EUR 13,00 ou Offre directe <1m, Livraison gratuit  a lire puis MOIX. salut.!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Ni Dieu ni Maître - Une histoire de l'anarchisme

yes cet une évolution technologique aujourd'hui la technologie est arrive a son but donc, fin de l'esclavage.! les guerres ce pour perdurer l'esclavage.

Russia petrifies the New World Order and its agents—again | Veterans Today

Russia petrifies the New World Order and its agents—again | Veterans Todaybritain today is a nation conquered by Hitler mental pavlov methods: so hitler lives inside the brithish government , but you do not perceive it: however : As America, has shown the planet between Hillary the witch and Trump the devil, the fact that democracy does not exist today; in america. it never has existed; today Americans and others are finding out that Hitler won the war and Americans exist on a fascist nation, «animal farm” and we all know how Hitler loved death. To continue hitler's path death must continue being. And it does from Kabul to Jerusalem death is the call of the day. From 1947 Pakistan India Palestine Israel, to Iraq today.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Les vraies raisons de l'assassinat du guide libyen Kadhafi

L’occident est dans un collapse accélère de Washington à Paris de Berlin au Brexit c'est inutile de continuer à mentir au peuple ; oiseux, les conséquences seront pires, les médias ne contrôlé pas la réalité sont les faits qui dévoile la réalité. Compréhensible la guerre entre les finances et les médias. Nonobstant les deux sont pendant. Et la république encore davantage.  

HUGO CHAVEZ lit la lettre envoyée par Kadhafi pendant l'agression de la ...

L’occident est dans un collapse accélère de Washington à Paris de Berlin au Brexit c'est inutile de continuer à mentir au peuple ; oiseux, les conséquences seront pires, les médias ne contrôlé pas la réalité sont les faits qui dévoile la réalité. Compréhensible la guerre entre les finances et les médias. Nonobstant les deux sont pendant. Et la république encore davantage.  

Hugo Chavez dévoile la vérité sur la guerre en Syrie !

L’occident est dans un collapse accélère de Washington à Paris de Berlin au Brexit c'est inutile de continuer à mentir au peuple ; oiseux, les conséquences seront pires, les médias ne contrôlé pas la réalité sont les faits qui dévoile la réalité. Compréhensible la guerre entre les finances et les médias. Nonobstant les deux sont pendant. Et la république encore davantage.  

The Truth Will Leave You SPEECHLESS! The New World Order's Plan For WW3! SHOCKING! - YouTube

The Truth Will Leave You SPEECHLESS! The New World Order's Plan For WW3! SHOCKING! - YouTube

Friday, October 28, 2016

"Shock and Awe" The Beginning of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq (CNN Live Cov...

Qui est responsable ? En tout cas, ce n'est pas l'opposition car pour bombarder il faut des avions", estime ainsi Jean-Marc Ayrault.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bergson 01 Les premiers textes (Camille Riquier)

- 2016 100 years // 1947 2016 = 70 years // 1947 =Israel Pakistan India Palestine.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Zionism Is Racism!

NATO the zionist army at work to destroy europe since 1990 refugees have being the weapon now is even worse, best way to kill frenchmen ask NATO. destroy the middle east  is simple have washington fuel wars between muslims with the fake idea of democracy and values something it has never existed but on disney films.  only way to save humanity is a controlled explosion of yellowstone super volcano, and calm the 1776 nightmare, they in fact were a lot better in 1670.

Ilan Pappe & Michel Collon - La Propagande d'Israël, la déceler, la comb...

Putin et de gaulle et le retour de la France à son rôle diplomatique. Donc Israël frontières 1967, retour des réfugiées expulsé par la force. Fin de la NATO _ OTAN copinage, et finalement la fin du $ comme monnaies de réserve mondial.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Trump's election will be the biggest "F—ck You" in human history - Micha...

all about roast HAM, jews do not eat ham  ?? all about hillary roast -ham something jerusalem does not approve and crazy trump something reason does not approve..!!! so get ready for an european collapse.!!!!. a 1776 collapse is coming !!!!!  Trump pledges to recognise Jerusalem as Israeli capital..!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Jean-Luc Mélenchon allume le CRIF et Israël ! (24-08-2014)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon allume le CRIF et Israël ! (24-08-2014)

mélenchon ne pas peur du CRIF ,uniquement les républicains ont peur du CRIF.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Third Party Candidate Forum: Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill S...

VERT. Le casque VE-RT. Les écologistes du 21 siècle.  Jill 2016. An de la femme.  Première du 2016. La Justes femme président de l'Amérique. Pour la première fois par demande apprécié.  pour une nouvelle amérique. jill Stein.

Hitler et le sionisme

Norman Finkelstein: The New Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust Industry:

Norman Finkelstein exposes Lies and Frauds on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Norman Finkelstein: The New Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust Industry:

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Putin Is A Danger To American Control Of The World

Pavlov est est arrivé en France, officiellement donc le pire c’est à venir avec la propagande pavlovienne de France 24, etc le monde ++,  ou l’audience bave à l’information mensongère est agis par stimulus énonce même les politiciens sont en train de devenir des chiens qui salive à la stimulation de la propagande des médias, Hollywood américaines, car l’Europe n’existe plus depuis 1967. Et probablement n’arrivera pas à exister dans le future prochain. Nonobstant c’est une bonne chose car ce le vrai changement qui arrive donc ce qu’une période transitoire de la bêtise généralisée à un proche esprit coordonne.   Toute changement c’’est matérialise par les circonstances. Il faut comprendre que l’Europe c'est un désastre le gouvernement n'existe que grâce à la presse manipulatrice les citoyens sont transformé en chiens Pavlov qui salive à une stimulation précise, Boris Johnson c’est un exemple classique du chien Pavlov.  Également regarde bien les élections présidentielles américaines car les élections républicaines françaises seront très similaires et la Russie sera encore mélangé à cette distraction pavlovienne de la presse américaine. En Europe et dans l’occident il n’existe pas de journaliste mais des exécuteurs des mensonges subséquemment.

Monday, October 17, 2016

lyndon larouche World War 3 - YouTube

lyndon larouche World War 3 - YouTube

The first recorded Jewish community in Britain was brought to England in 1070 by King William the Conqueror, who believed that what he assumed to be their commercial skills would make his newly won country more prosperous. Two hundred years later the Jews were no longer welcome. WIKI P

lyndon larouche World War 3 - YouTube

lyndon larouche World War 3 - YouTube

The first recorded Jewish community in Britain was brought to England in 1070 by King William the Conqueror, who believed that what he assumed to be their commercial skills would make his newly won country more prosperous. Two hundred years later the Jews were no longer welcome. WIKI P

What the Royal Family Doesn't Want YOU To See! Zion King ~ Part 1

the battle of the trees, however all that NATO OTAN does is automatically inverted. RUSSIA: BORIS can do nothing, on a upside-down world. however NATO SOLDIERS CAN. and they are somehow brainwashed. on this circumstances Russia be wise. RUSSIA: have no fears. .. just think that the enemy are things from a clown's clinic that now manages banks cities and armed forces.

Le monde de la terreur - vers la 3ème guerre mondiale (Version Finale)

Les Tribunaux de Nuremberg et de Tokyo permirent aux Alliés d’exposer les crimes commis par l’Axe durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de justifier à la fois le prix de leur victoire et leur domination sur le monde. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

La Troisième Guerre mondiale

The eighth BRICS Summit in Goa, India is winding down. On the eve of the summit, President Putin gave an interview to Sputnik and India's IANS news agency, outlining the BRICS' role in resolving the Syrian crisis. Experts say the Russian leader will do everything he can to use the organization to accelerate the creation of a multipolar world order.

Read more:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ralph Nader Interviews Noam Chomsky

Think how
the coming Jesus would feel arriving into a world that is on total chaos? If Jesus
is returning to Jerusalem, Allah or the Messiah as it is expected. I hope you
are not waiting for him, so he can be crucified again. The sensible way would
be to greet him with flowers, not bombs and terrorism. Same as the 1492 native
fellows greeted Columbus in 1492.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Un militaire français avertit les français du danger du sionisme en France.

président PUTIN: Bonne décision et la liste de crime de guerre commence à Washington mais à paris il y a certains criminels de guerre confirme de l’Iraq à tripoli de Kadhafi à Kosovo, de l’Iran 1953, à Israël, même a la UN, donc les criminels des guerres confirmé il y plus de 20. pour votre sante, Reste loin de ces amies ennemies.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

World War 3 - David Icke Right Again, What He Said a Decade Ago

well david have a huge GLOBAL demo and explain the situation to the military, simple. a global antiwar explanation, and you shall see how the military will react. they protect you, because the army is you, soldiers are citizens not politicians or billionaires and an army needs soldiers which are the people. you. without soldiers there is no army, no pilots, no navy, without them, the military complex does not exist. same a coca cola and no employers, employees.
is even democratic, so you even gain freedom of the mind.

Alain Soral - révèle les objectifs des juifs "21 juin 2016"

Libye : Sarkozy, Cameron et BHL en route vers la CPI ?

Saturday, October 08, 2016

It Finally Happened: America Gave up the Internet to the UN

Imagine if an Alien force of 100.000 years more advanced technologically & militarily than planet earth; gave president Obama an ultimatum, disarm or else. The result will be the end of the industrial military complex. The people of the planet will eventually feel a great release of all wars. How would they react to this even on the planet they just conquered militarily? That, is the question to ask! the mind arises and understands. Aliens IQ, to humans, if we pass we are ok; if we lose, they might enforce their own military complex on planet earth.

sounds sensibility, air intermingles however air in harmony is quite another different story, in other words a wind tunnel is similar to a water tunnel, the air resistance is lesser than water resistance, as it is on space.

Lock inn!! New world order: FACEBOOK & GOOGLE STYLE.

The new UN

  However interesting, one thing is what the people say, another is what Kerry’s opinion’s are, in fact there should be a view of the people of what Kerry has to around and what the rest of citizens, people have to say about it? a sort of peoples UN, if you like, not a close door UN but an open one. Facebook is a kind of UN, if you like. The billion followers do represent a kind of UN. Same as google the other side of the same coin, that makes a few billions more. The peoples UN. Or the new world order Facebook & google style. Rather than working for the CIA, NSA have them work for you. more followers more people that they investigate thanks to you, automatize the issue and they are no longer needed.

Friday, October 07, 2016

Putin says we are on the brink of WWIII Dr Paul Craig Roberts

American way of life? strange he means way of war !!  war is peace: America has been living at war since 1990; no wonder prince Charles is turning Jewish, this requires psychology, mental doctors if you like. or a father the eventual UK, now alive and the child gone wild, and don't blame it on Shakespeare, neither on the merchant of Venice. This 1776 experiment;  has turn out to be a disaster. A danger to the human psyche, and to evolution.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Aldous Huxley - Mind Control Lecture at Berkeley (1 of 3)

Le monde à l'envers, car Washington c'est le régime dictatorial agressive et hitlérien mais la presse occidentale avec son système pavlovien contrôlé la pensée des occidentaux, donc une dictature mentale. Et stylisme-forme la Russie comme l’agresseur ; donc les français comme les européens et les américains suis dans cette réalité pavlovienne contrôle par les médias communautaires, Hollywood la presse etc. Le résultat c’est la destruction de l’Europe comme la 1 et 2 guerre mondiale ; car les occidentaux sont dans la même situation que en 1939 ou Hitler, avec ces discours, pour et contre, la guerre ce la paix ; a fait plonger l’Allemagne en une guerre faussé et noumène. Finance par Washington, qui et le patron de la OTAN. Cependant le people a entendu cette réalité ; encore en 2016 ils croit. En 1939 le résultat 63 millions des morts, et Maintenons en 2016 la même tactique hitlérienne employé par l’occident médiatique dominé par Washington. Washington c’est AIPAC comme Trump & Obama & Hillary Clinton, qui le confirme AIPAC, qui les soutiens, eux existe en Amérique depuis 1913 car cet eux la FED, le pétrodollar et le dollar de réserve global. Donc le citoyen devient un chien Pavlov qui c’éveille à une stimulation précise. La solution ce de Gaulle, frontières pour Israël 1967 ; et fin du dollar, valeur de l’or. Et là la stabilité se rétablit il n’existe aucune autre solution, car le système pavlovien a enfermé remplis les participants de l’affaire dans une cercle de fermentation et réponse. De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israël Palestine - 1967 "sur youtube" INA"

Norman Finkelstein: The New Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust Industry

paperclip operation is AIPAC: china Philippines Russia you got no choice but to nuke them hope by now you do understand that you are on an enclose situation a deadbolt realm where war is unavoidable, unless the American citizens overthrow their dictator who they believe is a democratic elected president, subsequently owned by AIPAC the real master. Main media has inverted their reality having Americans believe the inverse which is you Russia the dictatorship while in reality is them. Main media has turned American citizens into Pavlov dogs. Totally dependent on programed stimulation. Same takes place in Europe but on a lesser %. hitler use the same methods that washington, london, use today, so beware.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Tribute to Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks - Speech by HRH The Prince of Wales

hi to the JEWISH PRINCE: well the jewish lobby, however never waste a good crisis the fact that charles is now a jew can be beneficial, but wearing a kippa to go and see the queen could be strange but it does not matter, a queen is a queen and she has a job to do. as long things work on the right way all could be fine. there is no holyland anyway, just land and sea for humans, only land and sea ...sea for the fish and land for the rest. as this will make 1967 borders for israel A peaceful transition israel got no choice neither charles or the QUEEN. 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable. so global instability will remain forever until 1967 borders. for israel.!!!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Brother Nathanael : Why The World - W* 3 Will Surely Be on 8 October 2016 ?

if american citizens insist on remaining slaves, what can anyone do but live and let die. as you cannot liberate a slave against his will, they will fight you even if you aim to liberate them, Jesus is a good example, the Jews he hoped to enlightened killed him. Plato allegory "plato's cave" shows the same predicament they killed the one that hoped to liberate them. !!!

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says she was forced to leave debate site - The Boston Globe

Green Party candidate Jill Stein says she was forced to leave debate site - The Boston Globe

if american citizens insist on remaining slaves, what can anyone do but live and let die. as you cannot liberate a slave against his will, they will fight you even if you aim to liberate them, Jesus is a good example, the Jews he hoped to enlightened killed him. Plato allegory "plato's cave" shows the same predicament they killed the one that hoped to liberate them. !!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Allegory of the Cave by Plato (Excerpt from The Republic)

President Putin have a look at Plato’s cave allegory, the people in chains that look at the wall are the chained slaves that exist on an illusion. Washington DC and the AIPAC holy roman empire main media, create the shadows that the slaves, mistake for reality, you play the role of Jesus who went into the light and returned to save the slaves. However, the slaves do not want to be save and turn against their saviors. The same event took place 2016 years ago when the Jews crucified Jesus as he was once a slave that found the light and returned to the cave to save the Jewish slaves. Having a world were all are under this Jewish predicament of enslavement, “today AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE” creates the need for a second coming of Jesus. As the new Jesus faces a world of Jewish slaves on a grand scale. Nonetheless most refuse freedom and chose to remain slaves.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Bush et Obama l'ère du terrorisme

message a la france::: Vous pouvez ignorer la réalité, mais vous ne pouvez pas ignorer les conséquences d'ignorer la réalité.  La définition de la folie, c’est de refaire toujours la même chose, et d’attendre des résultats différents. – Albert Einstein:

Discours de Villepin à l'ONU contre la guerre en Irak

Syrie : l'ONU dénonce «des crimes de guerre» et l'implication de la Russie

Thursday, September 22, 2016

May Day Attacks? - Riots, Bombings & Civil War, Will History Repeat Itself?

May day, May day: wake up Boris is game time: on the courtyard, remember , MAY Day MAY DAY. , and forget the synonyms.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012

SYRIA: the UN is  A JOKE IT DIED IN 1967, forget the UN does not exist is just a tool, only 1967 frontiers for Israel will clean them up . so trash them.! is not an institution is corruption not quite the same. a sort OFF PayPal deal if you like.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

SYRIA: the UN is  A JOKE IT DIED IN 1967, forget the UN does not exist is just a tool, only 1967 frontiers for Israel will clean them up . so trash them.! is not an institution is corruption not quite the same. a sort OFF PayPal deal if you like.

Mysterious Movements Developing in Non Petrol Countries | Sheikh Imran H...

the holocaust industry is the military complex: believe what I said, but disregard what i do, reason why we the terrorist nations Israel Washington and Saudi kingdom, always talk about democracy but we bring you hell and dictators suffering and terrorism as you do have experience from Paris to berlin, from Kabul to Caracas, from London to Madrid, from Jerusalem to Damascus.  we at Washington love to kill and you do have felt it by now and will in the future. Washington the super terrorist nation as the civilized world has now acknowledged; indeed, there is something wrong with America perhaps is a possessed nation a servant of evil doers, under the influence of satanic sorts. the role of the world is to heal this dangerous and deranged nation for the benefit of civilization and the Americans citizens themselves for a world at peace and not at war as it is now from these American adventures against the Muslim religion since 1990.

Since 1990 Iraq war and today the same Iraq war. Jill 2016, is the only choice for peace, to cut the rope of continuity. of wars and wars. How and why it does not matter, just the complexity of reality makes her the only choice for stability peace and sensibility. This way Russia and America will at last become friends. Any other choice will bring chaos and destruction. Strange as it appears it is the only choice.  The unknown is the chosen one.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why Build the Green Party? - Jill Stein on Reality Asserts Itself (3/3)

Why Build the Green Party? - Jill Stein onMontebourg la 3 voix: Président hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé. jill 2016, la 3 voix en amerique. l'union fait la force. Reality Asserts Itself (3/3)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

William the Conqueror ("Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake)

Montebourg la 3 voix: Président hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé. jill 2016, la 3 voix en amerique. l'union fait la force.

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Wants To Start An Air War With Nuclear-Armed Russia Over Syria | Video | RealClearPolitics

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Wants To Start An Air War With Nuclear-Armed Russia Over Syria | Video | RealClearPoliticsPrésident hollande le Voice kids, France 2 samedi 21 heures : voilà la France mélangé, une visite à Voice kids enfants et là la France ensemble uni. Et fin a le communautarisme insensé.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler

the 2 party system is you brainwashing, democrats republicans; and jill 2016 is only 3% because you lot are brainwashed simple slaves have no choice because when the choice to freedom is presented they neglected is academical. Reason why ! America is animal farm, you lot are slaves and the pigs rule the 1%

Jill Stein Appeared on Fox News, Made Their Heads Explode

Third-Party presidential debate: Gary Johnson vs Jill Stein

the only chance to save America from his programmed suicide, jill 2016 is First women that achieve the post honestly decently in America crooked Hillary and the two trumps shall be defeated by reason, make america, AMERICA AGAIN.!!! not the science fiction nation that it has being for the past 30 years.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild

America is half brainwashed citizens and the other half suicidal, make America ; America, have jill 2016 as you president and if you are born to be wild show it on the ballot box. vote the one no one wants make America be America again. not this brainwashed nation with suicidal policies. ruled by the AIPAC holy roman empire.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

George Soros Warns Europe to Accept Refugees or Face Extinction

4a good way to return to the 1967 borders for Israeli, and since Washington is finally getting the hint, it shall happen historically and religiously, smooth, a wide following of what should have being done in 2014, but neglected by the AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: 1967 borders for Israel instead we got ISIS. hope 2017 will make things easier.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Mystery of the Ineffable Name of God - Studies in Morals & Dogma by Albe...

names Albert pike symbols art.
names Albert pike symbols art.

Jacques Vergès & Roland Dumas parlent de la libye et BHL

Euro – union européenne - OTAN. L’euro c’est la victime d’un mauvais
management, mais c’est une bonne évolution, mal dirige, nonobstant l’Euro est
un bienfaisant nom pour rassembler une économie européenne. L’union européenne
souffre par réaction du virus, médiatique comme administrative du mauvais
management, en conséquents de cette maladie. L’Europe est en réalité
prisonnière de l’OTAN la quelle dérange l’Euro et l’union européenne en
conséquence, probablement la première chose à faire c’est sortir de L’OTAN puis
regarder l’évolution des moyens. Une fois l’équilibre obtenue ce l’euro qui
reste mais avec son management redésigné grâce a la sortie de l’OTAN, le,
Brexit, se modifiera en un Bremain dans l’union européenne, et voilà la
nouvelle union européenne amorça son existence libre comme la France.    Est le commerce mondial comme le dollar
saisiras leur place qui le correspond. En matière de défense la Russie fait
partie de l’Europe comme l’Ukraine. Est une vraie union européenne c’est qu’européenne
pour être vrais. Le dollar comme monnaies de réserve mondial devrais être change,
par une pièce indépendante de toute nation et continent. Pour garantir la
liberté du continent comme de ces habitants. De cette manière tout nation est
en égalité comme tout citoyen. Chaque nation a sa monnaie propre comme le
dollar pour l’Amérique, nonobstant l’Europe garde l’euro comme monnaies du
continent, et garde sa propre monnaie simultanément dans la même pièce Janus.  La Franphonie revient à son Antédiluvien
temps comme la gloire d’une Europe renaissante Il faut bien comprendre que en
1400 le roi été roi par son savoir la connaissance, peu de gens avait la
possibilité de lire et écrire. La noblesse été noblesse par son savoir, le
château existe aujourd’hui comme le récit de Wald Disney et les trois petits
cochons et le méchant loup.

La renaissance c’est l’artiste, les artistes. 

L'Architecture Au Temps De La Renaissance Italienne [ Documentaire Hist...

Euro – union européenne - OTAN. L’euro c’est la victime d’un mauvais management, mais c’est une bonne évolution, mal dirige, nonobstant l’Euro est un bienfaisant nom pour rassembler une économie européenne. L’union européenne souffre par réaction du virus, médiatique comme administrative du mauvais management, en conséquents de cette maladie. L’Europe est en réalité prisonnière de l’OTAN la quelle dérange l’Euro et l’union européenne en conséquence, probablement la première chose à faire c’est sortir de L’OTAN puis regarder l’évolution des moyens. Une fois l’équilibre obtenue ce l’euro qui reste mais avec son management ré-désigné grâce a la sortie de l’OTAN, le, Brexit, se modifiera en un Bremain dans l’union européenne, et voilà la nouvelle union européenne amorça son existence libre comme la France. Est le commerce mondial comme le dollar saisiras leur place qui le correspond. En matière de défense la Russie fait partie de l’Europe comme l’Ukraine. Est une vraie union européenne c’est qu’européenne pour être vrais. Le dollar comme monnaies de réserve mondial devrais être change, par une pièce indépendante de toute nation et continent. Pour garantir la liberté du continent comme de ces habitants. De cette manière tout nation est en égalité comme tout citoyen. Chaque nation a sa monnaie propre comme le dollar pour l’Amérique, nonobstant l’Europe garde l’euro comme monnaies du continent, et garde sa propre monnaie simultanément dans la même pièce Janus. La Francophonie revient a son Ancien temps comme la gloire de d'une Europe renaissante Il faut bien comprendre que en 1400 le roi été roi par son savoir la connaissance, peu de gens avait la possibilité de lire et écrire. La noblesse été noblesse par son savoir, le château existe aujourd’hui comme le récit de Walt Disney les trois petits cochons et le méchant loup.