how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact.
a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
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all about trump the actor and american zombies. emperor trump in action // making america GAY AGAIN //// more on the local TV and forums // The Manchurian candidate tillerson under remote control from the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE, the USA army navy and air-force transformed into the video game zombies, for the public, these modern gladiators are the best spectacle that money can buy. One sailor dead; additional million viewers to local networks and public forums. as such the empire distracts and keeps his animal farm citizens in covenant. emperor gladiator trump arrives to Paris for TV and entertainment . the public shall be keep in time tune and informed.
all about trump the actor and american zombies. emperor trump in action // making america GAY AGAIN //// more on the local TV and forums // The Manchurian candidate tillerson under remote control from the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE, the USA army navy and air-force transformed into the video game zombies, for the public, these modern gladiators are the best spectacle that money can buy. One sailor dead; additional million viewers to local networks and public forums. as such the empire distracts and keeps his animal farm citizens in covenant. emperor gladiator trump arrives to Paris for TV and entertainment . the public shall be keep in time tune and informed.
macron ok Putin ok, trump meeting complicated, not trumps fault he is not a genius but next to the vipers and other predators that he is surrounded with, he gets my sympathy. we shall see how thing evolve and hope you can keep the military aipac wall street master at a distance mr trump, however it can be possible with a little help from your friends. the climate can be the vehicle to arrange the issues; that are more complex and the pentagon exploits to his $ advantage.
macron ok Putin ok, trump meeting complicated, not trumps fault he is not a genius but next to the vipers and other predators that he is surrounded with, he gets my sympathy. we shall see how thing evolve and hope you can keep the military aipac wall street master at a distance mr trump, however it can be possible with a little help from your friends. the climate can be the vehicle to arrange the issues; that are more complex and the pentagon exploits to his $ advantage.
The problem president Putin Washington is // TV Hollywood, not real life // therefore indeed trump is a nice guy but is irrelevant since Washington congress and banks & and the media are Hollywood, !!! and you hope to deal with the contend not with the form... Reason the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is once again collapsing, same as the last time 70 years after Jesus died. 2017 1917// 1947 2017 makes 70 / simple. Creative destruction exits way before the bible. ‼
The problem
is president Putin Washington is TV Hollywood, not real life, therefore indeed
trump is a nice guy but is irrelevant since Washington congress and banks &
and the media are Hollywood, and you hope to deal with the contend not with the
form. reason the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is once again collapsing, same as
the last time 70 years after Jesus died. 2017 1917// 1947 2017 makes 70 /
simple. Creative destruction exits way before the bible. ‼
how to kill Jews ask the polish government
how to destroy Europe ASK the polish government the new HITLER nation // Poland
wants to kill Europeans beware danger // Poland more dangerous than Hitler for
Europe beware European citizens and everyone else the aim of Poland is to
destroy Europe create more pollution corruption wars, this nation is rather a
danger to civilization than a gift. promoting pollution by shipping gas from USA
of America, Europe must ban Poland from the EU, danger citizens now is the time
the polish spy is now visible. regime change in Poland is a must a need and a European
duty. cop 21 POLAND a danger to civilization
how to kill Jews ask the polish government
how to destroy Europe ASK the polish government the new HITLER nation // Poland
wants to kill Europeans beware danger // Poland more dangerous than Hitler for
Europe beware European citizens and everyone else the aim of Poland is to
destroy Europe create more pollution corruption wars, this nation is rather a
danger to civilization than a gift. promoting pollution by shipping gas from USA
of America, Europe must ban Poland from the EU, danger citizens now is the time
the polish spy is now visible. regime change in Poland is a must a need and a European
duty. cop 21 POLAND a danger to civilization
there is no
common ground this 1492 experiments remain over: An upgrade is eminent, these American
idiots will get the world nowhere, the industrial revolution is over so the
brain drain is no longer needed, and intelligent folks can now enjoy life, and
have a decent future, American epsilons and beta - as mister you know who,
shall remain what they are. betas -, for the rest of gammas and deltas keep on
the good work and the very 1% of alphas must revamp. and follow their creators
of 1492, facts are facts/: as wisdom and sanity is the rule of progress not hip
hop fake news, from the 1776 fake independence and democracy, facts, follow the
facts. and evolve civilize.
molyneux is an idiot anyhow so give him a chance to revenge his mind, but indeed he promotes terror / forget the usa and the collapsing dollar jump out of the sinking boat dump those dollars buy toilet paper is more valuable than the usa junk dollars, wise up buy euros rubble anything but dump the junk currency $ NOW.
sarkozy le president American qui détruit la france avec BHL end of petrodollars and finally end of dollar junk currency , la umps et la fin de la France avec sarko BHL
sarkozy le president American qui détruit la france avec BHL end of petrodollars and finally end of dollar junk currency , la umps et la fin de la France avec sarko BHL
Washington is incapable of understanding anything the whole nation in
some ways unfortunately are idiots, true, they were allowed to become what they
are is called creative destruction, creative destruction is temporary power, so
they are declining after the task has being accomplished. they are no longer
needed, is over for America no way to save it, reason why as time evolves
idiocy reveals the facts and the reality sinks deeper and deeper. from Kennedy
to trump / trump an actor Kennedy a statement. hope you understand by now.!!!
washington is incapable of understanding anything the whole nation in some ways unfortunately are idiots, true, they were allow to become what they are is called creative destruction, creative destruction is temporary power, so they are declining after the task has being accomplished. they are no longer needed, is over for america no way to save it, reason why as time evolves idiocy reveals the facts and the reality sinks deeper and deeper. from Kennedy to trump / trump an actor Kennedy a statement. hope you understand by now.!!!
finally Putin understand the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE this trump russia coalition interférence is a hoax is a media warfare to confuse russia and europe; america does not have a president it is a sitcom a tv show // at last hope you get it // is just media hype alex jones is a joke is all fake america is the fake news itself, entirely; so wake up president Macron/ president Putin never trust washington, is a sick person do not trust them never never they are ill mentally ill, talk to bill gates he is a better reasonable men forget washington /
finally Putin understand the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE this trump russia coalition interférence is a hoax is a media warfare to confuse russia and europe; america does not have a president it is a sitcom a tv show // at last hope you get it // is just media hype alex jones is a joke is all fake america is the fake news itself, entirely; so wake up president Macron/ president Putin never trust washington, is a sick person do not trust them never never they are ill mentally ill, talk to bill gates he is a better reasonable men forget washington /
advice to president macron, and how TRUMP under the american pentagon orders fuels terrorism so if you want to stop terrorism be real be serious and honest otherwise you just could be the last president of the french republic.// if you fail it will collapse !!!
le continent parano le début de la fin, car tout la population est suspect donc robotise vous pour être normal devenir une machine c'est la normalité des européens la fin de l'europe par elle mémé car comme il recommande certains journaliste:: est autres vous êtes tous des suspect donc transformer la population en gendarme de surveillance amène a la fin de la pensé/ le big brother français habille a la H&M est arrive// les cafard humains qui ce tue eux même.... les barbares civiles de la république ::
le continent parano le début de la fin, car tout la population est suspect donc robotise vous pour être normal devenir une machine c'est la normalité des européens la fin de l'europe par elle mémé car comme il recommande certains journaliste:: est autres vous êtes tous des suspect donc transformer la population en gendarme de surveillance amène a la fin de la pensé/ le big brother français habille a la H&M est arrive// les cafard humains qui ce tue eux même.... les barbares civiles de la république ::
Leading French Intellectual Michel Onfray Joins Demands to Recognize Murder of Sarah Halimi as Antisemitic Hate Crime // La bulle ONFRAY alias le BHL bis (mandchourien candidate) a déjà explosé ‼ la universite ONFRAY ????
Hope Iran’s get it at last trump is an
actor AN actor performs a role, they read a screen play and they act, that is
what an actor does, the movie director knows the actor does not know he just
memorizes the screenplay. // AIPAC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE IS THE MOVIE STUDIO. // Washington
DC no longer exist is just a 6D video show!!
trump and how to fuel terrorism Theresa lay and MAY, has gotten the first taste of trump terrorism campaign and is all Hollywood israel doing as always is : and tom cruse and top gun / so folks get ready for more havoc made in usa and planned in israel//
Beijing has to understand washington is in Hollywood// trump, is not the president it is AIPAC holy roman empire, moreover the industrial military complex runs the nations mind Americans have lots the capacity of thinking they are emotional I_POTS hook to a smart phone, all their cognition is emotional reason is something of the past, logical reason why Trump is erratic. !!
Attentat de Londres: Theresa May veut revoir la stratégie antiterroriste: car Gaulle dit la verite israel c'est un menteur confirme depuis des décennies. mais est que Macron acceptera la verite / la realite concrete les fait réel ??
Attentat de Londres: Theresa May veut revoir la stratégie antiterroriste: car Gaulle dit la verite israel c'est un menteur confirme depuis des décennies. mais est que Macron acceptera la verite / la realite concrete les fait réel ??
nuking flamanville can send a positive message to president macron, and this will not be chemical but radioactive it will save lives and is a good target flamanville nuclear plant // france // and a way for the french press to understand reality // so he will exit NATO at last and save europe/ unfortunately 1984 orwells style
how NATO helps the killing of British citizens// President Putin relax ignore the Zionist French press BHL Sarko le point, they are gone you do not have to do anything, remember, NATO they got nowhere and they will never get anywhere, otherwise things will take longer than expected. Forget those French brainwashed lot, they do not understand so is no use, just let it go// action is one thing but is results that matter. Let Mr Macron run as a free bird the wind will put him on the right path//
how NATO helps the killing of British citizens// President Putin relax ignore the Zionist French press BHL Sarko le point, they are gone you do not have to do anything, remember, NATO they got nowhere and they will never get anywhere, otherwise things will take longer than expected. Forget those French brainwashed lot, they do not understand so is no use, just let it go// action is one thing but is results that matter. Let Mr Macron run as a free bird the wind will put him on the right path//
comme le UMPS et BHL ont détruit la france // l'europe nés peut exister que avec la Russie tout autre tentative de faux principe est de une OTAN fictive ne changera rien dans le subconscient de la population européenne, c'est plus les médias et la propagande de médias moderne et leur journaliste mal informe sans aucune principe, et peu de humanité/ les médias américains et Européens son le plus coupables des désastres en europe comme en Amérique.
UN organisation dirige par le Mossad AIPAC/: pour bien comprendre Sarko et le chaos libyan les refugees le terrorisme ;MANCHESTER chez nous, BHL danger a l’humanité pensant bénéfice a l'esclavage la corruption le chaos = 9-11// OTAN israel ennemies de l'europe//
UN organisation dirige par le Mossad AIPAC/: pour bien comprendre Sarko et le chaos libyan les refugees le terrorisme ;MANCHESTER chez nous, BHL danger a l’humanité pensant bénéfice a l'esclavage la corruption le chaos = 9-11// OTAN israel ennemies de l'europe//
BHL MANCHESTER// LIBYE TERRORISME? KOSOVO SYRIE? AFGANISTAN IRAQ BHL CRIMES CONTRE L'HUMANITE ? sarko lybie BHL // Le niveau d’alerte terroriste au Royaume-Uni a été rabaissé de «critique» à «grave». Cela signifie qu’un attentat est «très probable», mais non plus «imminent». L’alerte avait été portée à son niveau maximum mardi après l’attentat de Manchester qui a fait 22 morts lundi soir
la france c'est aligne a washington OTAN ISRAEL, donc cette vassal que ont appel la france c'est une nation soumisse, a washington elle obéi a Washington Otan. le dialogue c'est pour trouver une sortie de cette esclavage a l'américaine de la politique française monsieur Castanier, autrement dit les banques sont relégué a deuxième rang . la république est prioritaire.
the new vietnam created by the pentagon and AIPAC so be clear real and coherent, no longer terrorism but resistance to the terror created by washington his paper tiger donald trump and the wall street bankers wars are bankers game, and citizens fate, since they die and fight for bankers and presidents not nations and morals//
the new vietnam created by the pentagon and AIPAC so be clear real and coherent, no longer terrorism but resistance to the terror created by washington his paper tiger donald trump and the wall street bankers wars are bankers game, and citizens fate, since they die and fight for bankers and presidents not nations and morals//
now you got TRUMP the brand new pearl harbor version 2017, efficient, incoherent, erratic, unpredictable and obeys to DARPA, never being tested before now is tested in Europe and Russia beware.// and don't ask about fake news / he is already programmed to detect them..// does it scare you ??
now you got TRUMP the brand new pearl harbor version 2017, efficient, incoherent, erratic, unpredictable and obeys to DARPA, never being tested before now is tested in Europe and Russia beware.// and don't ask about fake news / he is already programmed to detect them..// does it scare you ??
president Macron 1967 borders for israel are not negotiable as Charlemagne would have said § hope you can make president trump understand 2017 is 1917// !! before is too late !! israel must return to 1967 borders the good way or the sad way....!!!
Trump Brexit fantasies / ignorance meets insanity, the Saudi realm // Washington will you ever become a civilize nation/ Stephen hawking claim earth only years 100 years; to evolve, get the hint President trump is directed to Washington morons and the outdated CIA. congress republic. //
this is like left hand echoes like the right hand no difference than 1963 & the Vietnam war, in fact nothing has taken place just anew face which is the same as the old face, meaning lost, a, as blind man on a foggy night.
Trump Brexit fantasies / ignorance meets
insanity, the Saudi realm // Washington will you ever become a civilize nation/
Stephen hawking claim earth only years 100 years; to evolve, get the hint
President trump is directed to Washington morons and the outdated CIA. congress
republic. //
this is like left hand echoes like the right
hand no difference than 1963 & the Vietnam war, in fact nothing has taken
place just anew face which is the same as the old face, meaning lost a as blind
man on a foggy night.
don't go crazy president macron otherwise you wont last long // israel is very close to the red line "think before you speak and think twice before you act. remember you are a locateur same as the has been HOLLANDE AND SARKOZY.
don't go crazy president macron otherwise you wont last long // israel is very close to the red line "think before you speak and think twice before you act. remember you are a locateur same as the has been HOLLANDE AND SARKOZY.
Macron the french dream / there is an american dream/ now you got the french DREAM : soon the dream team.::: De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967
A cancer patient is somewhat similar to a
troll on the web system, the web system creates the trolls to reorganize the
system. For instance, worry, insecurity, rather than assurance, in other words
fear dominates its antonym. On a cancer patients fear multiply the cancerous
cells, this cell perhaps exists or they do not exist, but out of fear they wake
up. And fear being the antonym of security it means to the mind cells or atoms
or even photons, that something is wrong and they spark a signal. On the web
system world interconnected globe, the same event takes place and you go from
web blogs to alternative media. Which are the same cancer cells on the system,
that is somehow healing itself.
However, the body & mind is a lot more
complicated than the worlds internet. On the cancer realm is quite possible that
small elements such as cells, have some kind of consciousness, and they react
to the mind in order to correct the fear and revolt, then adopt security. Anxiety,
uncertainty, reveals, that the human cells for some reason reject tension and
prefer, relaxation, pleasure rather than pain.
Technology functions as a self-healing
system, it’s evolving process is always neutral, it does not have any side or
preferences is how it is used. It does not have a parent being a creative
process; is a sort of common parent, globalization is technology if you like. However,
it has his rules in relation to the beneficiaries, as technology exist as it is
used, the usage is where the rules are, however written by technology itself regrettably?
Technology is a common process its rules are from the common process, its
balance rule is on its gratifying evolution.
From the smallest to the larges inside the
globe, we can say that cells might communicate amongst themselves by magnetic
waves and they are together the fathers of technology. In reality the
technological advances belong to the many, there is no one mind that can possesses
and later create the whole of technology. however, some have contributed more than
others. But all are together, as fact.
A global interconnected realm as all minds
are somewhat telekinetic, as cell themselves might.
Étrange mais imaginez-vous élections 2017 sans macron, sa sera UM+PS+FN, Macron c'est le changement malheureusement vous ne le discernais pas, donc l’envie la jalousie la mesquinerie apparaît. Et si c'est le Rothschild qui ont aidé macron vous devez de les remercie car sans le Rothschild le changement ne sera pas possible, donc les médias et la vérité c'est que de la jalousie q Macron a arrivé à devenir présidentiable enrage ceux comme Marine et autres, que après 11 ans des efforts se retrouve à la même place que son père en 2002. Voilà la réalité concrété justes. Le changement réel grâce a MACRON car c'est l’inédit en France macron a aidé les petits grand partis à devenir plus important comme à ouvrir l’esprit. Comprendre comme fonctionne la démocratie c'est impératif si vous voulez vous libérer des médias acrobates et des politiciens démagogues ! la démocratie c'est un outil, le comprendre pour bien l'utiliser.
Good and evil does not exist, what does
exist is a point once that particular point is put in motion, a question
arises. Time becomes part of this motion, however time is impartial neither
good or bad. Is how you estimate time that will give you a good result or a bad
result. Saros is both a anti globalist and a globalist in time and space.
However, his timing has lead him to assimilate the globalist, rather than the
humanist. He assimilates the humanism as a globalist. However, both exist on
one state of motion. As the motion reaches his previous point an instantaneous new
point emerges and we return to the question of good and evil. Is just a
question of time. For instance, Syria bombing and Syrian chemical toxic realm.
Two ways appear action or no action, which is the same good & evil. timing and the result of the particular reason
for acting at that timing determines the outcome, which is forward or a return
to the motion point. In other words, what you call a return of motion to a fix
point; can be translated to a static wheel, the wheel turns but remains static,
as it returns to his point of motion. things repeat themselves, evolution,
occurs only technologically however the return to the starting point keeps one
side slowly evolving, while technology advances, the humanist side remaining
Control sur les faux vrais
news, c'est une action répressive, comme un acte patriotique 2001 de la communication :
libérés tout communication sur des plateformes libres complètement, fin de Hadopi
etc. NSA, surveiller les banques pas le people. Avantage de YouTube c'est les
images. Donc guerre de propagande sur YouTube, entres tous les candidats.
Plus clairement l’utilisation des mensonges et manipulation des opinions. Et raison
a les faux vrais news. C’est une bonne
chose car chaque individu doit d’être un libre penseur avoir son critère. Donc éveiller
les citoyens à discerner proprement.
Good and evil does not exist, what does
exist is a point once that particular point is put in motion, a question arises.
Time becomes part of this motion, however time is impartial neither good or bad.
Is how you estimate time that will give you a good result or a bad result. Soros
is both a anti globalist and a globalist in time and space. However, his timing
has lead him to assimilate the globalist, rather than the humanist. He assimilates
the humanism as a globalist. However, both exist on one state of motion. As the
motion reaches his previous point an instantaneous new point emerges and we
return to the question of good and evil. Is just a question of time. For instance,
Syria bombing and Syrian chemical toxic realm. Two ways appear action or no
action, which is the same good & evil. timing and the result of the particular reason
for acting at that timing determines the outcome, which is forward or a return
to the motion point.
in other words, what you call a return of
motion to a fix point; can be translated to a static wheel, the wheel turns but
remains static, as it returns to his point of motion. things repeat themselves,
evolution, occurs only technologically however the return to the starting point
keeps one side slowly evolving while the other side remaining static.
Control sur les faux vrais
news, c'est une action répressive, comme un acte patriotique 2001 de la communication :
libérés tout communication sur des plateformes libres complètement, fin de Hadopi
etc. NSA, surveiller les banques pas le people. Avantage de YouTube c'est les
images. Donc guerre de propagande sur YouTube, entres tous les candidats.
Plus clairement l’utilisation des mensonges et manipulation des opinions. Et raison
a les faux vrais news. C’est une bonne
chose car chaque individu doit d’être un libre penseur avoir son critère. Donc éveiller
les citoyens à discerner proprement.
Mélenchon voila , c'est a vous et les
autres , seule solution pour libérer la république c'est avec le continent
European, la nation europe? Car la evolution du temps une fois Washington
écarté, Merkel sera libre. De L'OTAN. De Gaulle appliqué en 2017, voila/ l’hexagone
a 6/ . 2017 _ 1967.
The Untouchables (1/10) Movie CLIP - A Kind Word and a Gun (1987) HD Hollywood is now washington DC. do you think do you think trump is an al Capone playing gulf? hollywood is now in washington DC. and wall street in Beaumont texas. washington DC is on the hollywood studios now, WB, SONY that is washington dc. and main media rules washington.
folks you were lie to sorry but junk ivanka and hitler trump is a fact.. however OBAMA said the same thing "yes we can" bush also said "are you with us or with the terrorist" nothing has change you lot are look at as just animals by washington that is why elections never work. alex is just a patsy .
Washington is the danger to the west trump the neocons puppet actor, america does not have a democracy facts, as you can see trump is just an actor of the hollywood washington dictatorial nation, liberate america end the neocons of washington isis Russia are nicer and better than washington DC the curse of the human race.
le parlement european c'est la CIA wall Street, NATO OTAN , mais c'est ne pas l'institution c'est les hommes cet eux le danger. Ernest Du Ménil. Les Institutions ont corrompu les hommes Reliure inconnue – 1953
de Ernest Du Ménil (Auteur)
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Les acolytes de le Hitler sympa Donald Trump : car la France pour défendre ces principes et sa morale doit dû donner l’exemple avec des fait réel pas à la Laurence Fabius : de fait qu’elle-même pratique. Mais elle ne pratique pas, ces valeurs. Donc : la république marchera correctement: Napoléon Waterloo c'est un exemple que la presse française doit de comprendre car une France vitrifie sera le résultat la 6 impuissance du monde est dans le mains de le pentagone washington/ donc citoyens réveillé vous . cette dialogue inutile vous amènera a la mort comme en Afghanistan mali Iraq puis 1 et 2 guerre mondial la France vaincue en permanence est ça c'est la réalité. C’est à vous citoyens démocratique de vous défendre du gouvernement aveugle médiatique sans aucun principe réel sans aucune noblesse ni sagesse mais de la soumission à Washington : OTAN : dollar$.
réveilles vous et parles a le gouvernement aveugle c'est ça la democratie.
Les acolytes de le Hitler sympa Donald Trump : car la France pour défendre ces principes et sa morale doit dû donner l’exemple avec des fait réel pas à la Laurence Fabius : de fait qu’elle-même pratique. Mais elle ne pratique pas, ces valeurs. Donc : la république marchera correctement: Napoléon Waterloo c'est un exemple que la presse française doit de comprendre car une France vitrifie sera le résultat la 6 impuissance du monde est dans le mains de le pentagone washington/ donc citoyens réveillé vous . cette dialogue inutile vous amènera a la mort comme en Afghanistan mali Iraq puis 1 et 2 guerre mondial la France vaincue en permanence est ça c'est la réalité. C’est à vous citoyens démocratique de vous défendre du gouvernement aveugle médiatique sans aucun principe réel sans aucune noblesse ni sagesse mais de la soumission à Washington : OTAN : dollar$.
réveilles vous et parles a le gouvernement aveugle c'est ça la democratie.
Haley: If UN won't act on Syria, 'we may' our president trump Barack Clinton has taken order from george T bush so trolls get ready to die for bush Cheney and israel. as Cheney said a new pearl harbor trumps elections folks that is the new pearls harbor under Cheney law. and Halliburton.
Haley: If UN won't act on Syria, 'we may' our president trump Barack Clinton has taken order from george T bush so trolls get ready to die for bush Cheney and israel. as Cheney said a new pearl harbor trumps elections folks that is the new pearls harbor under Cheney law. and Halliburton.
Haley: If UN won't act on Syria, 'we may' our president trump Barack Clinton has taken order from george T bush so trolls get ready to die for bush Cheney and israel. as Cheney said a new pearl harbor trumps elections folks that is the new pearls harbor under Cheney law. and Halliburton.
how to murder children's and old ladies specially if you are brown and Muslim ask NATO, ISRAEL, AND WASHINGTON , they have done more killings than hitler and Stalin together. and keep on doing.