how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Monday, April 23, 2018
Chilling speech from Aldous Huxley (As featured in EndGame)
the new antisemitism is now openly the minister of thought/ the grand israel is no longer syria egypt but / internet laws, welcome to 1984 "israel" now going global.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Un militaire français avertit les français du danger du sionisme en France.
De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»
- Avec AFP
Judaism in the Era of Zionism
De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»
- Avec AFP
Rabbi Weiss Rips the Ideology of Zionism
De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»
- Avec AFP
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it
Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it
The real problem with Israel & Jews is/
that it is incoherent/ do not really understand the Zionist zill, but religions
and a modern nation does not make sense. we are in 2018 not Abraham day's/ this
Jewish Israeli chaos cannot be fix. and it will never be fix because is
illogical, does not make sense/ even fake news on fake news is having problems
justifying the strange religious nation that is in fact putting all Jews in
danger worldwide/ how ISRAEL became more dangerous to Jews, than in the past,
disasters is a? to ask/ since you lot
love history is a mystery why you have become self-destructive/ / / if Jews are
supposed to be an elite and intelligent; facts show quite the opposite/ more a
plot to destroy themselves if you like.
that it is incoherent/ do not really understand the Zionist zill, but religions
and a modern nation does not make sense. we are in 2018 not Abraham day's/ this
Jewish Israeli chaos cannot be fix. and it will never be fix because is
illogical, does not make sense/ even fake news on fake news is having problems
justifying the strange religious nation that is in fact putting all Jews in
danger worldwide/ how ISRAEL became more dangerous to Jews, than in the past,
disasters is a? to ask/ since you lot
love history is a mystery why you have become self-destructive/ / / if Jews are
supposed to be an elite and intelligent; facts show quite the opposite/ more a
plot to destroy themselves if you like.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
USA supplied Israel Sarin Plutonium and Depleted Uranium on plane which ...
Depleted Uranium (D.U.) used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq/ arabs paid for otherwise is more plutonium for the muslims courtesy of trump
Fake Obama created using AI video tool - BBC News
global fake news by AI beware facebook .........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take care of selfies EYE-PHONES etc//
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
"Syria's war will lead to the collapse of US global dominance" - Euronew...
ENABLE TO BE A PRESIDENT, POWERLESS, IMPOTENT/ to be a president in America you
must be impotent, reason KENNEDY GOT KILLED/ HE WAS A MAN A PRESIDENT/ Neither Bush
or OBAMA/ they are all hired actors. so is nothing new when America elects a
president he is chosen precisely because he cannot do anything but obey.
ENABLE TO BE A PRESIDENT, POWERLESS, IMPOTENT/ to be a president in America you
must be impotent, reason KENNEDY GOT KILLED/ HE WAS A MAN A PRESIDENT/ Neither Bush
or OBAMA/ they are all hired actors. so is nothing new when America elects a
president he is chosen precisely because he cannot do anything but obey.
International Journalist Tells The Truth About Syria
will trump fire nikki and replaced with stormy daniels "you are fired" reflect.*** who knows :) "the president's state of mind :==
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Uranium appauvri en Irak: des générations détruites pour des millions d'...
RAPHAEL ¨PETTI EXPLIQUE A MACRON LES ARMES DE DESTRUCTION MASSIVE : des images pour rafraîchir la mémoire/ avent de punir la syrie il faut punir les crimes de iraq. monsieur petti pour etre juste autrement c'est que de la hypocrisie médiatique./ la quelle ne marche pas.../
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Syria, Morning After "Horrible American Strikes" - Syrians Are Partying ...
Damascus must thank trump as hopefully all Muslims will now unite NOW Muslims and Shiites together. face your real ENEMY ISRAEL. MACRON & TRUMP ARE helping Muslims to unite, hope your Muslims get the message and target your real enemy "ISRAEL» Trump is doing a good job he is telling Americans that Washington is not a democracy, democracy demands a change of government after a ballot/ however in America AIPAC is the government. citizens do not understand that since AIPAC owns their minds, and have created a upside down world by main media cnn hollywood, internet/ america is hostages TRUMP hopes Muslims will ACT together against Israel at last/ he is a sort of SALADIN of the 21 centuries. and when the Muslims get together Americans will perceive their mortal enemy ISRAEL AIPAC.
Syria, Morning After "Horrible American Strikes" - Syrians Are Partying ...
Damascus must thank trump as hopefully all Muslims will now unite NOW Muslims and Shiites together. face your real ENEMY ISRAEL. MACRON & TRUMP ARE helping Muslims to unite, hope your Muslims get the message and target your real enemy "ISRAEL» Trump is doing a good job he is telling Americans that Washington is not a democracy, democracy demands a change of government after a ballot/ however in America AIPAC is the government. citizens do not understand that since AIPAC owns their minds, and have created a upside down world by main media cnn hollywood, internet/ america is hostages TRUMP hopes Muslims will ACT together against Israel at last/ he is a sort of SALADIN of the 21 centuries. and when the Muslims get together Americans will perceive their mortal enemy ISRAEL AIPAC.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Israel's 70 AD Judgment Happened
UN HELP the collapsing main media with the syrian SAGA/ MACRON becoming a twitter fan/ and 1967 borders for israel is becoming crucial, even dangerous the tiny state might just disappear same as 2018 years ago. since history does repeat itself better watch out israel/ this time no one knows who the emperor is.!!!!!!!!
UN HELP the collapsing main media with the syrian SAGA/ MACRON becoming a twitter fan/ and 1967 borders for israel is becoming crucial, even dangerous the tiny state might just disappear same as 2018 years ago. since history does repeat itself better watch out israel/ this time no one knows who the emperor is.!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
St George's Chapel Windsor Castle inside view - Meghan Markle Prince Ha...
SIROB JOHNSON has problems explaining ETON wall GAME to israel, as expected not even the rothschild the most powerful rich family in the world will understand the game. as some say they came and they went: as israel did 2000 years ago / no real explanation but simple facts.
20 heures le journal : [émission du 14 Février 2003]
MACRON attention MACRON la vie des français dans vos mains et vous finirez a st hellène comme de habitude.!!!!!!!!!! donc fin de la republique maintenon en béquillé/ éloigné vous de washington est israel autrement c'est la fin de la république / sans contestation / suivre Hollande est Sarkozy c'est ne pas intelligent !! réveillé vous . ( ce plus frégate française menace la syrie) réfléchissez Villepin le retour c'est maintenon. donc 2003 l’éternelle ministre son éloquence a la UN, vie tout jours réfléchissez; vous serez perdant. et la france encore plus. éloigne vous des mission impossible est arrete de polluer la méditerrané avec des bateaux de guerre infecte.!!
Talk about French foreign secretary to the UNO
MACRON attention MACRON la vie des français dans vos mains et vous finirez a st hellène comme de habitude.!!!!!!!!!! donc fin de la republique maintenon en béquillé/ éloigné vous de washington est israel autrement c'est la fin de la république / sans contestation / suivre Hollande est Sarkozy c'est ne pas intelligent !! réveillé vous . ( ce plus frégate française menace la syrie) réfléchissez Villepin le retour c'est maintenon. donc 2003 l’éternelle ministre son éloquence a la UN, vie tout jours réfléchissez; vous serez perdant. et la france encore plus. éloigne vous des mission impossible est arrete de polluer la méditerrané avec des bateaux de guerre infecte.!!
Monday, April 09, 2018
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Saturday, April 07, 2018
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
INDIA/ PAKISTAN/ israel/palestine//
forget any biblical plot only 1967 borders for israel can bring stability/ just imagine inteligence 100.000. thousand years more advanced than DARPA NSA NASA put together// . reason why you will never make it . moreover. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu our good friends do not use force, they will just make your reality upside-down until you comply. therefore to figth an enemy that you do not perceive neither has the possibility of seeing, makes the fact unavoidable... AI gadgets is not artificial intelligence it is programed inteligence, which is not quite the same.!! "reflect"
INDIA/ PAKISTAN/ israel/palestine//
forget any biblical plot only 1967 borders for israel can bring stability/ just imagine inteligence 100.000. thousand years more advanced than DARPA NSA NASA put together// . reason why you will never make it . moreover. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu our good friends do not use force, they will just make your reality upside-down until you comply. therefore to figth an enemy that you do not perceive neither has the possibility of seeing, makes the fact unavoidable... AI gadgets is not artificial intelligence it is programed inteligence, which is not quite the same.!! "reflect"
Duels présidentiels - Archive vidéo INA
INDIA/ PAKISTAN/ israel/palestine//
forget any biblical plot only 1967 borders for israel can bring stability/ just imagine inteligence 100.000. thousand years more advanced than DARPA NSA NASA put together// . reason why you will never make it . moreover. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu our good friends do not use force, they will just make your reality upside-down until you comply. therefore to figth an enemy that you do not perceive neither has the possibility of seeing, makes the fact unavoidable... AI gadgets is not artificial intelligence it is programed inteligence, which is not quite the same.!! "reflect"
Friday, April 06, 2018
(26) Where Is Trump Moving Troops Now? Really Remembering MLK50 – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC
(26) Where Is Trump Moving Troops Now? Really Remembering MLK50 – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC
what trump means is drop the junk dollar and exit wall street junk markets. china europe worldwide, wall street will collapse and america shall get his 1776, at last// since he is a prisoner of the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is not much he can do neither european leaders. so is all up to russia and china to lead the world to sanity. as in 1939, 24 people warned about HITLER however nobody lesson to the warning result 63 millions dead.!!!!!!!!!! MAIN MEDIA IS AIPAC from CNN to fox news is just fake news. TRUMP IS A PRISONER on a golden cage, only the end of AIPAC can save america. reason why he is incoherent a clown if you like "not his fault"
what trump means is drop the junk dollar and exit wall street junk markets. china europe worldwide, wall street will collapse and america shall get his 1776, at last// since he is a prisoner of the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is not much he can do neither european leaders. so is all up to russia and china to lead the world to sanity. as in 1939, 24 people warned about HITLER however nobody lesson to the warning result 63 millions dead.!!!!!!!!!! MAIN MEDIA IS AIPAC from CNN to fox news is just fake news. TRUMP IS A PRISONER on a golden cage, only the end of AIPAC can save america. reason why he is incoherent a clown if you like "not his fault"
'Not in the business of war': Google employees urge company to abandon P...
what trump means is drop the junk dollar and exit wall street junk markets. ban them from china europe worldwide, wall street will collapse and america shall get his 1776, at last// since he is a prisoner of the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is not much he can do neither european leaders. so is all up to russia and china to lead the world to sanity. as in 1939, 24 people warned about HITLER however nobody lesson to the warning result 63 millions dead.!!!!!!!!!! MAIN MEDIA IS AIPAC from CNN to fox news is just fake news. TRUMP IS A PRISONER on a golden cage, only the end of AIPAC can save america. reason why he is incoherent a clown if you like "not his fault"
Jewish-American on Israel's Fascism: "No Hope For Change From Within"
Jewish-American on Israel's Fascism: "No Hope For Change From Within"
what trump means is drop the junk dollar and exit wall street junk markets. ban them from china europe worldwide, wall street will collapse and america shall get his 1776, at last// since he is a prisoner of the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is not much he can do neither european leaders. so is all up to russia and china to lead the world to sanity. as in 1939, 24 people warned about HITLER however nobody lesson to the warning result 63 millions dead.!!!!!!!!!!
what trump means is drop the junk dollar and exit wall street junk markets. ban them from china europe worldwide, wall street will collapse and america shall get his 1776, at last// since he is a prisoner of the AIPAC HOLLYWOOD ROMAN EMPIRE is not much he can do neither european leaders. so is all up to russia and china to lead the world to sanity. as in 1939, 24 people warned about HITLER however nobody lesson to the warning result 63 millions dead.!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 05, 2018
Tim Berners-Lee (M.I.T.), father of the World Wide Web...
best way to solve FACEBOOK woes is to kick out all advertising from the facebook platform, that way the sharing of information will shrink dramatically. social medias are meant to be totally free without any surveillance as they are closely link to the reason of the WORLD WIDE WEB "LOGIC" which is not surveilled. it is counterproductive and it shall fail, make a face-photo book, an artistic domain.
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
George Orwell nous adresse un dernier avertissement
old George was not promoting war's neither mind control, Aldous huxley as Bertrand Russells. they were on the path of preventing the nightmares.!!!
Confounds the Science - (Parody of) Sound of Silence - REMIX
L'art de la guerre, c'est de soumettre l'ennemi sans combat.
George Galloway: Question Time
wild party in america// Trump: 'We're going to be guarding our border with the military' until wall complete
By Betsy Klein, Barbara Starr and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
Updated 2337 GMT (0737 HKT) April 3, 2018
Tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of ART.
the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of ART.
The eye of the needle is space, the form of the eye of
the needle is of a woman. Perhaps they were all after Magdalena “and he got her”
the needle is of a woman. Perhaps they were all after Magdalena “and he got her”
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
Monday, April 02, 2018
Bernard-Henri Levy: «Je ne pense pas que Nicolas Sarkozy soit coupable»
Le CRIF donne des ordres au gouvernement Français !!!
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly,
the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 borders. is
the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall
never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of
wondering ““Victorious warriors
win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then
seek to win” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel.
as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper
of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so
be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson
properly. Some people take along walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot
have done that “wise up”
the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 borders. is
the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall
never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of
wondering ““Victorious warriors
win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then
seek to win” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel.
as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper
of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so
be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson
properly. Some people take along walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot
have done that “wise up”
Julian Assange - Mark Zuckerberg isn't leaking. He is selling user data !
Jeanne d'Arc : une passion française
The scandal-plagued Weinstein Company announced Monday that it has filed for bankruptcy protection with a stalking-horse bid in hand, and that it is releasing any victims of or witnesses to Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct from non-disclosure agreements preventing them from speaking out.
Sunday, April 01, 2018
A Debate on the Existence of God: The Cosmological Argument -- F. C. Cop...
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”
Celebrities On Israel And Gaza: The Ultimate Recap
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”
Israel war Crimes in Gaza, RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE (4 March 2009)
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”
Israel war Crimes in Gaza, RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE (4 March 2009)
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly.
best way to destroy Israel is to block UNSC. sadly, the intelligent Israelis believe in main media fantasy however 1967 BORDERS is the only way out or suffering until that happens unfortunately peace shall never be and Jesus might return and send Israelis back to another 2000 years of wondering. as Jesus is not returning for the fake Israel/ but to reestablish order on the fake Israel. as he once said the false prophets are now in Israel, it is Israel the usurper of the faith of god. so, beware last time Jews got a 2000 years walkabout. so be careful... this time around could be 3000 years so you learn the lesson properly. Some people take a long walk to do a short one correctly. And you lot have done that “wise up”
Comment se débarrasser de ses "mots" de tête ?
de la conscience réel dans l'espace temps et 2017 dec 6 c'est avril 1, 2018. voilà la vision de la durée et la beaute.
israel killed kennedy for trying to stop the Israel Lobby in America
Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’
Rachel Corrie: American Peace Activist Killed by Israeli Bulldozer
Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’
Israel Attacks US Navy Ship USS LIBERTY.flv
Israeli defense minister describes calls for probe into IDF use of force ‘hypocritical’
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Abby Martin with Ahed Tamimi, a Spirit That Can't Be Jailed
Israel decree war to the youth of the planet beware. if you are a child beware Israel wants your eyes. and your vital organs.
'Assange is a war hero, he exposed American war crimes' – Vivienne Westw...
Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?
on the other hand, zukerberg or Google owners might not have real control of the company, the same way Thomas Edison did not have sufficient control of his company. which became General Electrics. Power is having your thoughts materialize without any physical effort.
Rich men can only coerce you with his money, and government with his laws and police. The JESUS adventure shows that it is not shekels that give you power. How he got his power, we do not know but that is a reel example of what power is. Israel got wipe out and has never recovered from, Titus in 70 CE and it never will. Judaea Capta coins
Judaea Capta coinage
Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?
on the other hand, zukerberg or Google owners might not have real control of the company, the same way Thomas Edison did not have sufficient control of his company. which became General Electrics. Power is having your thoughts materialize without any physical effort.
Rich men can only coerce you with his money, and government with his laws and police. The JESUS adventure shows that it is not shekels that give you power. How he got his power, we do not know but that is a reel example of what power is. Israel got wipe out and has never recovered from, Titus in 70 CE and it never will. Judaea Capta coins
'Anti-Semitism' hysteria - a scam to silence free speech and exposure of...
Do not know what the rift between Jesus and rabbis as
a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big
mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with.
hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed
disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is
not done with them?
a fact was, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big
mistake for the rabbis. whomever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with.
hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed
disappear. as what they do indicates a communal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is
not done with them?
Mélenchon tres brillant et incisif sur le CRIF , Israel et l'immigration...
Don't know what was the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whom ever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a comunal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?
The Not So Chosen People part 1- REUPLOADED
Don't know what was the rift between Jesus and rabbis as a fact, however the result shows that messing up with Jesus was a big mistake for the rabbis. whom ever JESUS was that was not the men to mess with. hope Jews got the hint/ it looks they did not/ Jews look they might indeed disappear. as what they do indicates a comunal suicide. and perhaps JESUS is not done with them?
History of the Jews in Russia - The Russian-Jewish Revolution - Part 1
is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel. is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck. not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.
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