Saturday, May 12, 2018

De Villepin corrige Macron et Trump sur la Syrie

VLOG à Moscou : la Russie est un partenaire, pas un adversaire !

Les patrouilles acrobatiques russes réalisent des figures de voltige imp...

Krishnamurti & David Bohm : The Future of Humanity (part 1 of 2)

Mind and Matter: the World as Representation in Quantum Theory


Eminem - Without Me


Eminem - Rap God (Explicit)


-Fuck the EU- Victoria Nuland speaks with us in this Song

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Trump's Little French Poodle

Louise Attaque - J't'emmène au vent

If Trump withdraws from Iran deal, no country will work with US ‒ prof

iran get your new planes from russia forget BOEING & AIRBUS/ and europe is getting hot low euro and expensive petrol/ great TRUMP helping to make Russia China & Iran Great again// is very good news for china iran india philippines venezuela south america/ Trump Pulls U.S. Out of 'Disastrous' Iran Nuclear Deal, to Impose 'Powerful' Sanctions/ to Europeans and American companies/ as for IRAN CHINA and russia is a good deal/ thanks TRUMP // MAKING RUSSIA AND CHINA GREAT AGAIN/ and IRAN so ditch those dollars IRAN now forget the USA use chinese indian and Russian technology/

Que firent les américains face à la contre stratégie de De Gaulle ?

King Crimson - Live in Hyde Park (1969) - Complete Performance

Rather than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels
saves the world» fiction is closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a
fictional reality that brings joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
Say you won't let go - Mennel cover//
Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration
Lantern Capital Tops Bidding for
Weinstein Co. Assets

Five women who have accused the
studio of concealing Harvey Weinstein’s alleged misconduct said that the
proposed sale would leave victims ‘empty-handed’

May 6, 2018

Pink Floyd - Money (Legendado)

than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration

May 6, 2018

Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration

May 6, 2018

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration

May 6, 2018

Say you won't let go - Mennel cover

Rather than
1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is closer to
reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings joy/
displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Gideon Levy: Americans "Are Supporting the First Signs of Fascism in Isr...

Defying AIPAC

‘Israel may have one of biggest nuclear stockpiles in the world’ – whist...

‘Israel may have one of biggest nuclear stockpiles in the world’ – whist...

HISTORY: Jewish Slavetrade Documentary

Noam Chomsky: I would vote for Jeremy Corbyn (EXTENDED INTERVIEW) - BBC ...


Julia Tourianski Great Speech At Anarchapulco 2017

Freedom and Life in Anarchapulco - Jeff Berwick on the Johnny Rocket Show

Mear One - The Shaman HD (Official Video)

Mear One - Man vs Machine HD (Official Video)

Monday, April 30, 2018

Will the New World Order be Set in Jerusalem

The goal is to keep the petrodollars/ that is all the real enemy of Americans, is AIPAC / who owns the FED/ and the aipac Hollywood roman empire who uses Israel as a police control center. / real Jews are the victims of the Zionist scheme. the new antisemitism to destroy jews is now on// beware brothers israel wants your blood.

Iran: Oliver Stone in disbelief over Macron's comments on Iran deal

pleads FILM amendment / viral// DISNEY/ agrees and do not forget Hillary
deserves an OSCAR FOR HER PERFORMANCE during the elections campaign. / HILLARY

La guerre de Sarkozy et de BHL contre Kadhafi

plus haine contre la france, hypocrisie, corruption politique; économique / donc la libye c'est pour engendre la guerre civile en Europe,  la haine entre les citoyens; le double pensée du  nouveau antisémitisme/ le quelle c'est le vernissage du ministère de la pensée. 

Monty Python - Travel agent sketch & theory of the brontosaurus

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Monty Python's "Happy Valley Fairy Tale" (Rare & Complete)

Kim jong-un dies!! (The interview) HD

The Interview Final Trailer - Meet Kim Jong-Un



Noam Chomsky on Life & Love: Still Going at 86, Renowned Dissident is Ne...

Noam Chomsky - On Being Truly Educated

Noam Chomsky - On Being Truly Educated

Decadence - Meaninglessness of modern life - Episode 1 - Money

Roxi to the Rescue

The Doors- The Soft Parade [ HQ ]

$ collapse coming no way out and 1967 borders for israel is the only way it will survive /welcome to AIPAC hollywood show // France has proof Syrian government conducted chemical weapons attack: Macron

John Irish, Sophie Louet


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International

Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International: Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International -

The World Now Knows, 'It's the British Empire, Stupid!'

Ce soir ou jamais : Assaut Israélien contre la flottille de la liberté

300 personnalités signent un virulent manifeste "contre le nouvel antisémitisme" en France

Nicolas Sarkozy, Laurent Wauquiez, Manuel Valls, Charles Aznavour et Gérard Depardieu font partie des signataires.

Ce soir ou jamais : Assaut Israélien contre la flottille de la liberté

300 personnalités signent un virulent manifeste "contre le nouvel antisémitisme" en France

Nicolas Sarkozy, Laurent Wauquiez, Manuel Valls, Charles Aznavour et Gérard Depardieu font partie des signataires.

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel | Fox News

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel | Fox News

DOUBLE SPEECH// is the complete opposite of plain and simple truth. It distorts words and phrases in order to bury a truth. For example, if a pharmaceutical company said something like, "There are some minor side effects," when they should clearly be stating, "This drug may cause a heart attack," they're using doublespeak and acting in a deceptive manner. fox news and GAZA SAME 1984 orwellian double talk/ with the  thought minister called "new antisemitism" fox news 1967 borders for ISRAEL are unavoidable forget TRUMP/PUTIN anyone on this planet/ there is nothing anyone can do to change that / so don't waste your time / o the impossible.

Monday, April 23, 2018

SHARE THIS!!! This video is blocked in almost every country (2018-2019) ...

the new antisemitism is now openly the minister of thought/ the grand israel is no longer syria egypt but / internet laws, welcome to 1984 "israel" now going global.

Great quotes by George Orwell...

the new antisemitism is now openly the minister of thought/ the grand israel is no longer syria egypt but / internet laws, welcome to 1984 "israel" now going global.

Chilling speech from Aldous Huxley (As featured in EndGame)

the new antisemitism is now openly the minister of thought/ the grand israel is no longer syria egypt but / internet laws, welcome to 1984 "israel" now going global.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Un militaire français avertit les français du danger du sionisme en France.

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Judaism in the Era of Zionism

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Rabbi Weiss Rips the Ideology of Zionism

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it

Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it

The real problem with Israel & Jews is/
that it is incoherent/ do not really understand the Zionist zill, but religions
and a modern nation does not make sense. we are in 2018 not Abraham day's/ this
Jewish Israeli chaos cannot be fix. and it will never be fix because is
illogical, does not make sense/ even fake news on fake news is having problems
justifying the strange religious nation that is in fact putting all Jews in
danger worldwide/ how ISRAEL became more dangerous to Jews, than in the past,
disasters is a? to ask/  since you lot
love history is a mystery why you have become self-destructive/ / / if Jews are
supposed to be an elite and intelligent; facts show quite the opposite/ more a
plot to destroy themselves if you like. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

"Syria's war will lead to the collapse of US global dominance" - Euronew...

ENABLE TO BE A PRESIDENT, POWERLESS, IMPOTENT/ to be a president in America you
must be impotent, reason KENNEDY GOT KILLED/ HE WAS A MAN A PRESIDENT/ Neither Bush
or OBAMA/ they are all hired actors. so is nothing new when America elects a
president he is chosen precisely because he cannot do anything but obey.

International Journalist Tells The Truth About Syria

will trump fire nikki and replaced with stormy daniels "you are fired" reflect.*** who knows :) "the president's state of mind :==

40 Year-Old Soviet Missile Defense Destroys 70% of Trump’s ‘Nice, New, S...

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Paris False Flag 2.0 - FULL DOCUMENTARY -(must watch)

Uranium appauvri en Irak: des générations détruites pour des millions d'...

RAPHAEL ¨PETTI EXPLIQUE A MACRON LES ARMES DE DESTRUCTION MASSIVE : des images pour rafraîchir la mémoire/ avent de punir la syrie il faut punir les crimes de iraq. monsieur petti pour etre juste autrement c'est que de la hypocrisie médiatique./ la quelle ne marche pas.../

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Syria, Morning After "Horrible American Strikes" - Syrians Are Partying ...

Damascus must thank trump as hopefully all Muslims will now unite NOW Muslims and Shiites together. face your real ENEMY ISRAEL. MACRON & TRUMP ARE helping Muslims to unite, hope your Muslims get the message and target your real enemy "ISRAEL» Trump is doing a good job he is telling Americans that Washington is not a democracy, democracy demands a change of government after a ballot/ however in America AIPAC is the government. citizens do not understand that since AIPAC owns their minds, and have created a upside down world by main media cnn hollywood, internet/  america is hostages  TRUMP hopes Muslims will ACT together against Israel at last/ he is a sort of SALADIN of the 21 centuries. and when the Muslims get together Americans will perceive their mortal enemy ISRAEL AIPAC.

Syria, Morning After "Horrible American Strikes" - Syrians Are Partying ...

Damascus must thank trump as hopefully all Muslims will now unite NOW Muslims and Shiites together. face your real ENEMY ISRAEL. MACRON & TRUMP ARE helping Muslims to unite, hope your Muslims get the message and target your real enemy "ISRAEL» Trump is doing a good job he is telling Americans that Washington is not a democracy, democracy demands a change of government after a ballot/ however in America AIPAC is the government. citizens do not understand that since AIPAC owns their minds, and have created a upside down world by main media cnn hollywood, internet/  america is hostages  TRUMP hopes Muslims will ACT together against Israel at last/ he is a sort of SALADIN of the 21 centuries. and when the Muslims get together Americans will perceive their mortal enemy ISRAEL AIPAC.

China Joining Russia for War While Germany Prepares to Leave NATO-WW III...

Paul Craig Roberts: "False Syria Chemical Weapons Claims Could Start WWI...