how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Sports Explained: Does icing the kicker in the NFL actually work?
time out : Hove time, enjoy life forget the wars for no reason !!
Friday, June 08, 2018
Thursday, June 07, 2018
[Year - 2018]-----------Now, Dajjal's official in-charge of Saudi !!!
BREN new
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
Lancelot and Guinevere -- King Arthur -- In Her Eyes
BREN new
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
Lancelot and Guinevere -- King Arthur -- In Her Eyes
BREN new
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
Carnyx Celtic war trumpet
Mysterious ‘sonic attacks’ prompt evacuation of 2 more US staff from China – report
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Irish charge at Falkirik (Braveheart)
BREN new
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
global reserve currency/ independent of all markets and institutions/ governments &
corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/
BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/
BREN is just above them. Central Bank IN IRELAND. nothing
changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN» keeps all other currencies
petrodollars included in check. Yuan can exist independently of the $ & £.
Celtic Tradition - The Wren The Wren
BREN new global reserve currency/ independant of all markets and institutions/ governments & corporations & bankers & financiers, you can call it the GODS currency/ BREN 25% silver gold & petrol reserves. all current currencies remain/ BREN is just above them. Central BANk IN IRELAND. nothing changes is just the new GOD currency "BREN" keeps all other currencies petrodollars included in check.
Jeff Rense & David Duke - Zionists Want Trump Gone
Trump finally
By fake true news beat AIPAC /global center of fake news ISRAEL/ how/ by fake interpretation news/
The White Goddess
Macron to Netanyahu: Jerusalem Embassy Move Led to People Dying, Didn't Promote Peace
Israeli PM says he did not ask France to quit Iran nuclear deal, saying he believes economic pressure will 'dissolve' it
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
Kremlin - Russia (HD1080p)
The unifiant
insufficient Reason
insufficient Reason
In the
reality of confusion, the dogma of knowing best archives, its opposite, the
reason to be becomes a drama. Space and time for the many worshippers of the
expanding land. Space to enjoy life time to learn how. To create its content “how”
evolves, when properly perceived and nibbles the knowhow of knowing best.
reality of confusion, the dogma of knowing best archives, its opposite, the
reason to be becomes a drama. Space and time for the many worshippers of the
expanding land. Space to enjoy life time to learn how. To create its content “how”
evolves, when properly perceived and nibbles the knowhow of knowing best.
Monday, June 04, 2018
Bernard Henri-Levy explains why there might be another uprising in Libya...
Crisis was avoidable’: Ex-German migration agency head slams interior ministry’s failure to act
Libye: Sarkozy et Cameron accueillis en héros à Tripoli
Crisis was avoidable’: Ex-German migration agency head slams interior ministry’s failure to act
Sunday, June 03, 2018
Saturday, June 02, 2018
IDF Officer Says Israel 'Closest' to War With Gaza Since 2014 - Report - Sputnik International
IDF Officer Says Israel 'Closest' to War With Gaza Since 2014 - Report - Sputnik International
diplomatic terms. The mind creates what is fact from the ink of a pen. As GOD might
say. I am from far away a far away star. I created my image long ago on the
windows frame, I return for justice and surprise. All that was expected shall
not be, all that aim at oppression becomes the oppressed. GOD: I shall just develop a device and furnished to
his image in consequence she became alive. I can call the it apple device? it feeds on air, and operates all over, it
connects all without a server service provider. No more surveillance from the
machines you now only need a coper wire. Its attachable to your computer.
diplomatic terms. The mind creates what is fact from the ink of a pen. As GOD might
say. I am from far away a far away star. I created my image long ago on the
windows frame, I return for justice and surprise. All that was expected shall
not be, all that aim at oppression becomes the oppressed. GOD: I shall just develop a device and furnished to
his image in consequence she became alive. I can call the it apple device? it feeds on air, and operates all over, it
connects all without a server service provider. No more surveillance from the
machines you now only need a coper wire. Its attachable to your computer.
The west is
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
And finds itself divided by their own
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
And finds itself divided by their own
Consequences of the US Withdrawal From the Iranian Nuclear Deal - Sputnik International
Consequences of the US Withdrawal From the Iranian Nuclear Deal - Sputnik International
The west is
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
And finds itself divided by their own
in fact Europe and the west has Russia. Without Russia the west does not exist;
that is Americas problem, top gun does not work. The real roman empire is not
in America. However, the Americas ancient natives did have their own Roman Empire.
They now exist as a fact to America and its old European Roman empire. Israel the
biblical city shines. As the west looks at it and wonders of ancient American Natives.
And finds itself divided by their own
Friday, June 01, 2018
The Story of Moses,
what does israeli power means / to whom / what for ? sounds incoherent/ build a pyramid if you like !!!
The Bosnian Pyramids UPDATE 2017
what does israeli power means / to whom / what for ? sounds incoherent/ build a pyramid if you like !!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
Explanation of Greater Israel Project!!!
God and a being from a distant star, in relation to us will be a GOD. however one of the two looks is manifesting itself / or a GOD or someone from another star.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico, USGS says - CNN
5.2 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico, USGS says - CNN
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Prince Harry Fast Facts - CNN
Prince Harry Fast Facts - CNN
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
The Germans - Charlemagne and the Saxons | DW Documentary
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
US Navy's $12.9B aircraft carrier just got more expensive - CNNPolitics
US Navy's $12.9B aircraft carrier just got more expensive - CNNPolitics
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Trump: Israel's capital is now Jerusalem
Longshanks has reincarnated on trump // good luck to israel on regime civil war/ no longer regime change//
Monday, May 21, 2018
president trump declares regime civil war in venezuela.. regime change no longer exist now is regime civil war since 1990// satan saves the queen? and regime civil war//
Leibowitz : "La politique d'Israel salit tout le peuple juif" et le judé...
comme le judeoNAZISME a occupe LA FRANCE// bonjour les grèves sans fin / est probablement la fin du monde MACRON, LA FRANCE OCCUPE version 2018 /PAR ISRAËL// La honte. comme la FRANCE est détruite par TRUMP /ISRAËL encore occupé comme en 1940 par HITLER ///
① Les fondements du nazisme | par Fabrice Bouthillon
comme le judeoNAZISME a occupe LA FRANCE// bonjour les grèves sans fin / est probablement la fin du monde MACRON, LA FRANCE OCCUPE version 2018 /PAR ISRAËL// La honte. comme la FRANCE est détruite par TRUMP /ISRAËL encore occupé comme en 1940 par HITLER ///
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Friday, May 18, 2018
George Orwell's Animal Farm ~ 1954 Animation [full movie]
To really UNDERSTAND 1776 / American revolution// this novel is all about America not (Russia or the soviets) but is in reality the history of American revolution 1776 and how the PIGS TOOK OVER/ Mr Jones represents Britain the colonial power//
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Le USS Liberty abattu par le Mossad en 1967, attaque endossée à l 'Egypte
"Bain de sang" à Gaza, sourire pour Ivanka Trump à Jérusalem
Paris Match| Publié le 15/05/2018 à 10h32|Mis à jour le 15/05/2018 à 12h35
Kahina Sekkai E-BANQUE TRUMP est comme tuer des americans
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
PressTV-European firms jump the gun on Iran sanctions
PressTV-European firms jump the gun on Iran sanctions
Danish idiots will get the worst of the stick// Benjamin Franklin said something like “Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither.”
Danish idiots will get the worst of the stick// Benjamin Franklin said something like “Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither.”
Monday, May 14, 2018
Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012
Gruesome propaganda attempt’: White House blames “flames) Hamas for Gaza
a hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.
"the car was engulfed in
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Comprendre la colonisation israélienne en cinq minutes
DIRECT. Attaque au couteau à Paris : l'enquête s'accélère sur le profil de l'assaillant, Khamzat Azimov
Une personne a été tué, samedi soir, dans le quartier de l'Opéra, à Paris. Quatre autres ont été blessées. Le terroriste a été abattu par la police.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
If Trump withdraws from Iran deal, no country will work with US ‒ prof
iran get your new planes from russia forget BOEING & AIRBUS/ and europe is getting hot low euro and expensive petrol/ great TRUMP helping to make Russia China & Iran Great again// is very good news for china iran india philippines venezuela south america/ Trump Pulls U.S. Out of 'Disastrous' Iran Nuclear Deal, to Impose 'Powerful' Sanctions/ to Europeans and American companies/ as for IRAN CHINA and russia is a good deal/ thanks TRUMP // MAKING RUSSIA AND CHINA GREAT AGAIN/ and IRAN so ditch those dollars IRAN now forget the USA use chinese indian and Russian technology/
King Crimson - Live in Hyde Park (1969) - Complete Performance
Rather than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels
saves the world» fiction is closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a
fictional reality that brings joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN. Say you won't let go - Mennel cover//
Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration
Officials// Lantern Capital Tops Bidding for
Weinstein Co. Assets
Five women who have accused the
studio of concealing Harvey Weinstein’s alleged misconduct said that the
proposed sale would leave victims ‘empty-handed’
By Ronan Farrow
May 6, 2018
Pink Floyd - Money (Legendado)
than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN. Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration
By Ronan Farrow
May 6, 2018
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN. Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration
By Ronan Farrow
May 6, 2018
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
than 1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is
closer to reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings
joy/ displaces wars to oblivious. ABN. Say you won't let go - Mennel cover// Israeli Operatives Who
Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration
By Ronan Farrow
May 6, 2018
Say you won't let go - Mennel cover
Rather than
1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is closer to
reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings joy/
displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
1984 Orwellian realm "stormy Daniels saves the world» fiction is closer to
reality than reality to fiction/ / a fictional reality that brings joy/
displaces wars to oblivious. ABN.
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