Monday, May 02, 2022

Koestler - The Roots of Coincidence

Ukraine and the Doomsday Machine - Larry Wilkerson and Paul Jay

How about the citizens, so far it is a somewhat NATO NAZI INVERTED realm,🙃 Russia playing the old soviet union, where in 1939 Jews where the victims today are those against war demanding peace by consolidating Russia, with the minks agreement/ 2022 have created a new antihumanism the new victims with the yellow start, and the opposite side the New NATO nazis that have created a collective hate society. the difference is that is now a global problem rather than a limited complication of a Hitler 1939 realm. The solution is on the elites that control the media bankers & 🤑🤐🤑😄🤐🤑 industrialist, once they accept their mistakes peace will arrive/ however these fact requires a new system a new logic and reasoning, and an end of the dollar as global reserve currency 💱/ unfortunately Stupidity cannot be fix with words it requires a concept reconfiguration and a acceptance from the inside out. The individuals psyche needs a review & rewind a different point of view, since they now exist on a upside-down realm🙃🙃. To accomplish order out of the current chaos reality. 😥 #society #media #currency #bankers #NATO #dollar #

The Dunning-Kruger Effect - Cognitive Bias - Why Incompetent People Thin...

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.😥

 ou comment faire appliquer Le Fait du Prince
Dietrich Bonhoeffer : The THEORY OF STUPIDITY,😥

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Co...

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett
318,767 viewsMay 2, 2022

She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Co...

Who really benefits from war? | UpFront

Who really benefits from war? | Upfront😥⌚🤐🤑🤐🤑😉🤣😃😂😄

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Guerre en Ukraine : Quel avenir pour l’économie mondiale ? [Charles GAVE]

la France esclave du dollar🤑🤐 Washington " c'est pour quand 1789 😵🤑🥴🤔😥😥
États-Unis : adoption d'un projet de loi autorisant l'utilisation des ac.

Guerre en Ukraine : Quel avenir pour l’économie mondiale ? [Charles GAVE] 


Thursday, April 28, 2022

:T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, read by Jeremy Irons: II. East Coker (extra...

Poutine et l'arme nucléaire, bluff ou réelle menace ?

le problème c'est que la guerre civil 'UKRANIA"  c'est en EUROPE, WASHINGTON ne atacara pas la Rusia nonobstant c'est Europe qui est en danger pas l'amerique.👽⏳😥 Gents sophistique 🙃🤔EURO IN DANGER Washington MARSHALL PLAN for the euro* beware/ GOLDEN RUBLE🥇 COMING / buy GOLD . Time travel is on !!!! 1967 value🍾🔓🥇👑 

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

American Psychosis - Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psy...

it is quite possible that there are no longer any ruling elites/ is just a huge bourgeoisie that does not understand reality 😥the result could be a programed apocalypse where there are no survivors. 🔦🧐👽

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Enslaved African Who Served In The American Revolution

Americans believed 1776 was democracy got the1% bourgeoisie worse than king GEORGE & the British 👑reason why the nation is a mess an American's still believe in 1776, a lot worse1776 is 2020

“United States of Distraction: Fighting The Fake News Invasion” A Docume...

Inflation (1969, by G. Edward Griffin)

inflation TAX the FED BANKS exploitation BLM wars antisemitism/ all made by the dollar as reserve currency😥

Top 10 American Companies that Aided the Hitler — TopTenzNet

the path to the dollar as global reserve currency & why it must be dismantle to avoid a repeat/ WHY the dollar as reserve currency/  creates havoc worldwide wars riots antisemitism/BLM/ white supremacist /greed inequality poverty slavery /false presidential elections+ poverty decease's viruses confusion crimes pandemics/😥

Top 10 American Companies that Aided the Hitler — TopTenzNet

the path to the dollar as global reserve currency & why it must be dismantle to avoid a repeat/ WHY the dollar as reserve currency/  creates havoc worldwide wars riots antisemitism/BLM/ white supremacist /greed inequality poverty slavery /false presidential elections+ poverty decease's viruses confusion crimes pandemics/😥

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Libya (12/2010) - Tripoli, Medina

how to destroy humanity "Washington BC knows how" 😥How Washington BC the 1776 curse 😈👿👹of modern civilization brought dictatorship to Libya and claim it was democracy🙄 in name of destruction🎇🎈

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Snow White Magic Mirror On The Wall Scene English)

the functioning of a mirror image BORIS // BORIS JHONSON & CINDIRELLA 🖼/ Boris/  the Israeli & Palestinian conflict is the mirror Image of the current Occident world chaos &  end of the occident/ however before fixing ISRAEL/Palestine*  you got to address the  Jerusalem DC Washington realm/ Israelis have Palestinians under their thumb no different than Jerusalem Washington BC TRUMP government & the 350 million Americans divided to be conquered; same with the European region 400 million citizens that exist no different than Palestinians. the 1 % in America is Israel while the 99% in America are the eventual Palestinian. hope now you do understand why a 1492 repairs is the only way to save the occident before its eminent collapse 🧐👽

Prof. Richard Wolff: COVID-19 and the End of Capitalism || Mexie

America 101: Criminalizing Dissent

Friday, September 25, 2020

Chris Hedges on his latest book, America: The Farewell Tour

he current elites lost on a fog😥 the old elites from 1776 & before did have a task🤔 "the improvement of technology"🔦📲📺📡🎬 🧐👽 industrial revolution" the good the bad & the ugly" 😥/🕰 today the technological industrial revolution is over, 🤗current bankers entrepreneur's elites are no longer needed. Royals hanging on the ✨ 😥 however 😉🍾🍾🍮👙🍯💞💝😋 Renaissance 🎨🖼🎭🩰💄