Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Obama Syndrome | Global Research TV

The Obama Syndrome | Global Research TV

Noticias de Prensa Latina - Venezuela y China refuerzan alianza estratégica

Noticias de Prensa Latina - Venezuela y China refuerzan alianza estratégica

La Conspiration des Banquiers Internationaux1 Farrakhan.mp4 - YouTube

La Conspiration des Banquiers Internationaux1 Farrakhan.mp4 - YouTube

Pierre Jovanovic - Les pauvres Français sont trop riches - 22 Juin 2011

» The Roads To War And Economic Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Roads To War And Economic Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jesse's Café Américain: Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1942 Thanksgiving Proclamation - Kipling's Caution to the Empire

Jesse's Café Américain: Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1942 Thanksgiving Proclamation - Kipling's Caution to the Empire

Aristide BRIAND : Biographie d'Aristide BRIAND -

Aristide BRIAND : Biographie d'Aristide BRIAND -