Sunday, June 03, 2012

As Soros Starts A Three Month Countdown To D(oom)-Day, Europe Plans A New Master Plan | ZeroHedge

As Soros Starts A Three Month Countdown To D(oom)-Day, Europe Plans A New Master Plan | ZeroHedge

there is no way out, reason why wars are created often. the problem is mental the euro-zone needs minds that can open the understanding and perception of what is in reality the problem, and the problem is in the system configuration  on what is related to the individual participants "consumers, bankers, industrialist and politicians" their moral behavior and the way the process reality on what the economy is concern and their existence. what are the mental requirements to freedom and democracy. the current    process's of advertising and the banking system induce rather destruction than creation. therefore the problem can be solve by understanding the minds behavior not its impose finatial mathematical solutions. the same goes for the rest of the planet.

‘They’re robbing us’: 12-year-old exposes Canada’s banking flaws, goes viral — RT

‘They’re robbing us’: 12-year-old exposes Canada’s banking flaws, goes viral — R

Friday, June 01, 2012

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild caused the Fukushima Disaster | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild caused the Fukushima Disaster | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
well is all crazy however the purpose I think should be life, alive. world wars gets everyone nowhere. true it eliminates people and society somehow evolves. however in this context society is not evolving is moving in circles of self destruction. why is A question to ask. however the cycle of evolution increases in time as it renews itself. meaning that time shortens itself when is faced with a similar event. therefore time to be evolutionist, demands different events. new events renew time itself in its nature, when that takes place time itself slows down.
(history, culture and technology are examples of time flexibility. time flexibility is not linear but rather wavy, it swing from one position to another, however that position, can be the same one or another. a photon is indeed a wave and a particle, however when it is considered as part of evolving time it is its length of time that differs the wave from the particle, not its simultaneous presence at one particular point. point in time is not a fix moment but rather a fix point in a wave time frame. wave times frame is what bonds atoms and structures and dissolves them on a time frame.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Euro, terminus ? - Les blogs du Diplo

Euro, terminus ? - Les blogs du Diplo

Sarkozysme, le pari d’un clan, par Alain Garrigou (Le Monde diplomatique)

Sarkozysme, le pari d’un clan, par Alain Garrigou (Le Monde diplomatique)
L’extrême concentration du pouvoir ne favorise ni le doute ni la modestie. Cette mise en scène du chef focalise l’attention sur sa personne, en une sorte de psychologie élémentaire qui alimente la machine médiatique et fait oublier les vrais ressorts de la politique. Combien de gros titres sur M. Sarkozy ? Combien de bavardages sur son caractère ? Tout cela enrobé d’adulation ou de détestation. Un piège qui amenait Victor Hugo à grandir paradoxalement Louis Bonaparte, l’auteur du coup d’Etat du 2 décembre 1851, en s’acharnant sur lui, alors que Karl Marx proposait plus lucidement d’interroger « les circonstances et les conditions qui ont permis à un médiocre et grotesque personnage de jouer le rôle de héros ».

Smoke Screen 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Smoke Screen 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

'via Blog this'

Tim Rifat : World Geopolitical Analysis - 2012 May 23rd | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Tim Rifat : World Geopolitical Analysis - 2012 May 23rd | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

'via Blog this'

a bit crazy however Muslims immigration and the lot are not quite responsible. on the other hand there is to many people for the system, the system reacts and creates rejuvenation, change. there is another fact which is the development of the human consciousness. this development is individual more precisely.. the human mind must solve problems on its own. it cannot be help because the aim is to develop an internal system that will correct faulty inputs. you got something call spell check. well the system is identical only difference it does not address spelling but rather the brain. the brain perform better as time goes by; if you like.  because it auto-corrects itself. however not all is going well, this is the worry.