Thursday, August 23, 2012

Syrie / France : Soyons un peu raisonnables

Syrie / France : Soyons un peu raisonnables
En ce qui concerne la France, l’attitude actuelle de l’opposition serait risible si elle n’était pas tragique. Jouer avec la vie des gens pour tenter de retrouver un semblant d’existence sur la scène politique nationale est tout simplement impardonnable. D’autant que l’ancien président a conduit en Libye, en 2011, une politique étrangère pour le moins contestable. En effet, ce beau succès que fut l’opération militaire de l’OTAN, pilotée depuis Paris et Londres avec le soutien indispensable de Washington‐sans qui, rien ne pouvait se faire car les moyens miliaires européens sont plus qu’insuffisants - a amené la déstabilisation durable de la Libye et du Sahel. C’est à se demander si l’attitude de notre ex-président n’est pas liée à la perte de face que lui ont fait subir Kadhafi puis Bachar el-Assad. Il les a traités avec tous les honneurs à Paris, espérant une ouverture démocratique de leur part, avant de déchanter rapidement.

Dominique de Villepin à l'ONU - 14 février 2003 - Vidéo Dailymotion

Dominique de Villepin à l'ONU - 14 février 2003 - Vidéo Dailymotion

Sheik Imran Hosein - World war III

Sheikh Imran Hosein Israel's war on Iran

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012 — RT News line

August 21, 2012 — RT News line
it is A difference between wisdom and knowledge. frank does have knowledge however he has very little wisdom. knowledge is information and wisdom is how we do use that information. let me explain ! in the movie 2001 space Odyssey there is a computer call HALL, as the story unfolds we realise that HALL is quite an intelligent machine in fact he only lacks the property of dreaming, you will also discover that they are on a trip to Europa, on a space adventure. later you discover that as they get closer to Europa Hall manages to kill all the humans that ware hibernating "he claims the mission cannot be jeopardize"  this somehow makes wonder the humans who somehow begun to question HALLS intention, Hall being a super computer, has all kinds of ways to outdo the humans and in the end he realises that he must eliminate them and accomplish the mission all by himself. therefore only a machine will reach the destination. as you can understand the computer now believes he has become superhuman.  the humans having some wisdom but a lack of  technological knowledge of how to convince the computer to change his mind realise that the only option they have is to disconnect his memory, and to do that hey have a screw driver. a simple tool a non technological tool. otherwise HALL will kill them. In the end they manage to do that and the ship explodes.  You see Frank HALL is you "Washington" (knowledge), the supercomputer, and us are the humans who only have a screw driver to defuse you, before you kill us all.  and this were we are now. EXPAND YOUR MIND SO YOU DO REALLY GRASP THE REALM PLEASE.. today a war can only be NUCLEAR there is no other option, and it will be global, not just 1 against the other but all against all. this is the purpose of Hall to accomplish the mission. hall is not a wise machine therefore he will go for the kill even of himself as that is what he believes and cannot understand any other venue. so Frank are you going to kill us all or will some wise men introduce the simple tool and dismantle your memory banks. Please take this metaphorically so you will understand it properly.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chuck Missler - Heaven or Hell (Session 01)

Americas bloc takes UK threats to Ecuador for international discussion — RT

Americas bloc takes UK threats to Ecuador for international discussion — RT

Chavez and south america never waste an opportunity, an now Mr:President  Chavez, a) good for your reelection, B) the south american continent + Mexico is a global powerhouse, and it is Bolivars dream as you said, B) support the Independence of Whales  Ireland and Scotland. C) boycott all financial petrol banks, food cars in short total economical alienation to Britain, allocate 10% of the south american continent to buy NUKES and defensive weapons from china and  Russia, no point in you developing them they become defensive against Washington bad intentions, cut petrol export all petrol export to the USA. D) cut all food export to USA of non-america, finance, the 34 millions Latinos   and 45 African Americans in the USA isolate the north economically but not POLITICALLY neither Diplomatically. E) you will find that a ECO-DIPLOMATIC WAR IS MORE ECOLOGICAL? MORE WISER MORE EFFECTIVE? AND IS AN ADVANCE TO THE BRITISH BARBARIANS AS THERE WILL BE VERY LITTLE HUMAN DAMAGE. we ca call it intelligent philosophical warfare.