Saturday, September 07, 2013

» Naval Forces Face Each Other Off Syrian Shores Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Naval Forces Face Each Other Off Syrian Shores Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
you got look at the french warmongers such as  fabius french foreign minister, Alain Juppe, kouchner, the  architect of kosovo, BHL, henri levy the architect of libyan war, they as dangerous as KERRY, perhaps even more. moreover don't forget that it is the coalition that will allow a war no coalition no war, so destroy the coalition you stop the war. and is you the soldier not him kerry the warmonger who will be target kerry is at home eating ketchup and watching tv while americans die, or commit suicide by their policies.

Syrie : Juppé, BHL et Kouchner appellent à intervenir

Syrie : Juppé, BHL et Kouchner appellent à intervenir
ce qui desire la haine contre la france et la mort des français demasque...Plus de deux Français sur trois (68%) sont contre un engagement militaire de la France en Syrie dans l'hypothèse d'une intervention armée internationale, selon un sondage Ifop pour Le Figaro publié samedi. il manque peu pour le 99% car 1% Fabious, BHL, KOUCHNER... et Jupe ce le 1%

Michel Collon - Comment les Medias français nous manipule - YouTube

Michel Collon - Comment les Medias français nous manipule - YouTube

Interview de Michel Collon sur la situation en Syrie -

Libye...Iran ..Syrie...Le complot

A voirr !!! Michel Collon soutient la Paléstine et ridiculise Israel, la...

A voirr !!! Michel Collon soutient la Paléstine et ridiculise Israel, la...

A Warning to the Muslim World by David Duke

CNN Helen Thomas 'Jews don't have the right to take other people's land'

▶ Israel owns the USA - YouTube

▶ Israel owns the USA - YouTube

what the insane washington says is simply they do not recognize the UN  even   less the security council so you have being warn . what america needs is an honest government not the Alcapone bunch they got now! 

The Future of the Europeans and their Culture (part 1/4)

Will Israel Assassinate Obama?

Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel