Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

PressTV - American journalist suggests US occupies Israel to demilitarize Mideast

very good idea bibi once again with holocaust industry why in the 1700 hitler attacked jews, hitler was not around by them..Israel however ISRAEL the murderous so call nation, because is more a UN disaster being at war for the past 60 years and will be unless it goes back to 1967 borders for another 6o+10 additional years !!! he can kill palestinians and create an apartheid state, this israel is a pain in the ass to the world community, the human race and the evolution of mankind. BIBI shape up stop giving the same rhetoric over and over again hitler was not alive in the 1700, so wise boy, and stop lying with all this bs that is incoherent. stupid and does not make any sense at all.. nobody believes you, .........

My Jesus ♰ ♰ Templars of Christ ♰ ♰ ARN - Knight Templar Complete HD Par...

My Jesus ♰ ♰ Templars of Christ ♰ ♰ ARN - Knight Templar Complete HD Par...

Israel Developing New Arrow Missile - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Israel Developing New Arrow Missile - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
practical proof of the washington HITLER regime and its partners however the size of israel, makes it impossible to survive a nuke attack by anyone sense 1000 nukes worldwide are targeting israel what the arrow will do but get things worse. this Hitler piece of land is a curse to the human kind as continues the same foolishness, same path as  HITLER , ethnic cleansing, apartheid, wars, discrimination racism.. look at HITLER'S realm and you will find out inquire!!!! , arms, arms, the only wise move of washington is that the world targets israel and not the master washington. so HITLER does exist today in israel as crazy as it is. but that is reality folks..

PressTV - US owes exceptionalism to qualitative differences

PressTV - US owes exceptionalism to qualitative differences
Warning to Russia Iran and any other nation on the Planet!!!!!!!!! (Washington) is A dysfunctional nations cannot be trusted don't you get it folks.... the usa of america washington does not function properly, they are derange just like HITLER, and their weapons, so beware of this insane monster, why its citizens obey the crazy washington government ask the germans......... why they follow hitler another crazy regime that destroyed europe!!!! there is your answers only this time the mad-nation is a lot more dangerous, and insane......!!!

Israël : la France sacrifie une diplomate - Le Point

Israël : la France sacrifie une diplomate - Le Point
la france humilie puis sur les bottes de le barbarisme sioniste.... (shame)  liberté pour la france, honneur, dignité, respect a une nation millénaire, réel, noble et cultive... ce plus le systeme sioniste que doit de se excuser mais non ce la france caniche de sionisme qui le fait sur les ordres de  Amérique sioniste, AIPAC etc.... save France from the oppression sioniste, 1776..

Monday, September 30, 2013

» Israel claims capture of Iranian spy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Israel claims capture of Iranian spy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
careful with media brainwash in france via liberation or any other newspaper, no war for israel, let them fix their own problems on their own, vote NO TO WAr...

» ‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
 14 novembre 1650 william of orange, john locke and adam smith, mix this with darwin, barney's and freud psychology, and a touch of pavlov ... this is the core of illuminati and zionism "ben gurion" main zionist and dangerous to humanity. those that control and manipulate global economy use israel a platform for media brainwashing, experiments done in israel are then applied worldwide, . israel is the center of attraction not the center of action. that is what most call the british empire from 1650 to today. and what role israel plays is in fact distraction, it is the image of the core, to free america (a) AIPAC and the jewish lobby must be dismantled, (b°) wake up the israeli citizens they are totally on  a dream world, holocaust industry. (C) put pressure on the government, and make him realise that the 2 party system is no longer working find a real president honest an independant one that does not belong to any of the main parties. no democrats neither republicans. 1776 existed before 1789. reason why you are link now to FRANCE. however look at history global history in europe and you will find 1776 and now have a connection, look up greece 1776. ......... them link the alternative media with the lot, and you will have a bash.

Israel Prepares to Drill for Oil in Occupied Golan – New Jersey-Based Genie Energy Granted Drilling Rights | Global Research

Israel Prepares to Drill for Oil in Occupied Golan – New Jersey-Based Genie Energy Granted Drilling Rights | Global Research
where is green peace.. nowhere to be seing, as expected. be honest folks people are not fools any longer.. YOU in bed with CNN and Murdoch, wake up greenpeace you are even worse than Human right watch another ong full of bs..

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Capsula - I Know That I Know

Le comte Giovanni Capo d'Istria (en grec :Ioannis Kapodistrias) est un aristocrate grec très tôt engagé dans la lutte pour l'indépendance. Il participe à un gouvernement républicain dans les îles Ioniennes (ou Heptanèse), après que les Français en eussent été chassés en 1797. Puis, après leur retour, en 1809, il entre au service du tsar Alexandre 1er.

Le temps des Révolutions - Ioannis Kapodistrias( 2 février 1776 - 9 octobre 1831) - Herodote.net

Le temps des Révolutions - Ioannis Kapodistrias( 2 février 1776 - 9 octobre 1831) - Herodote.net

September 27th, 2013 Webcast

global politics are set for an update, politicians worldwide must understand the upgrade if they wish to continue their career as such, as by now this two party confusion must end the 21 century is not 1776, and the founding fathers will agreed to the new coming modern democracy, so hope you folks understand how this will take place. the same for AIPAC and the jewish <Lobby.. is another organization that is obsolete, this idea of everything that takes place on the planet is hitler faults is over, as the holocaust industry, germany is now free of this insane gult promoted by israel and its insane leaders.

▶ Alternative Media Special SEP 28 2013 Coast To Coast AM – YouTube « artslogic

▶ Alternative Media Special SEP 28 2013 Coast To Coast AM – YouTube « artslogic
 the alternative power of the mind..

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

» Government is a Suicide Bomber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government is a Suicide Bomber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

'via Blog this'
Pfeiffer was right – Republicans are terrorists. He just neglected to say that Democrats are terrorists too. In fact, the entire U.S. government, but especially the executive, Congress and the Department of Perpetual War,

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

israel Spying on americans !............This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

Syria...Another War For The Jews

This is not antisemitism, it's REASON vs RACISM

​Blowback's revenge — RT CrossTalk

​Blowback's revenge — RT CrossTalk:

'via Blog this' end of the AIPAC organization and the Israeli lobby will do wonders for the economy the human race and the future of your childrens. so anyone that loves america and hopes for peace must demand the dismantlement of this two very dangerous institutions.

Jean Bricmont analyse l'ingérence de la France, des Etats-Unis et d'Isra...