Monday, November 11, 2013

PressTV – Iran not “East Bank” for Israel or West « artslogic

PressTV – Iran not “East Bank” for Israel or West « artslogic:

'via Blog this'
The situation is comical, there is no international community, is gone, and soon is a 1776, however global! The curios event that will take place globally, is perceive as doing the opposite of a plan By a group of rulers. Logically the international community will have very little inclination into creating a world’s revolution; what can they gain from something like that. What would they gain by perpetual wars on the Middle East; perhaps with perpetual peace but with wars, people getting kill, bombs, destruction! It even spreads to all ranks of societies, the war in Syria is as the war in Athens, in Spain or Egypt; A global chaos; a worldwide military takeover? The international community is disjointed and this incoherence has flown to the public’s minds now they are all incoherent, things cease to make any sense at all, and just imagine that the changes are a surprise to all! The international community them is the people, as they are the majority, and if they globally go haywire, them is not a planned war that guarantees that in the end will be a winner but rather a global revolution. Disintegration, as even the military can-do with without labor, everything demands a hand. Basically is a box, reason slowly trapped on a box; how to get out of the box, perhaps the energy that energy that will mend all the illness, the confusions. Understanding time becomes critical, this is no longer mass and energy, is not even quantic as it exist you cannot perceive by any means however it does has an effect, and quite definite one. The dark matter could be that obscure mind that controls all. However time he controls everything. Einstein, well here there is no speed of light, is the dark matter; it does not exist/ and all matter is on the mind. Unfortunately body and mind are one, and it is the body, that somehow suffers and desires to survive! It indicates that for those that exist on planet earth they should link body and mind, and those that exist on other planets they should do the same if they wish to have fun.

» Oliver North predicts Russians will kill Snowden: ‘He’s a dead man walking’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oliver North predicts Russians will kill Snowden: ‘He’s a dead man walking’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

'via Blog this'always suspicions divisions inciting one against the other, fear.. the usual from Oli, and it looks more the israeli lobby, and AIPAC at work, doing all it can to ignite a war, with anyone so far even american citizens... zionism McCain, republicans fomenting wars danger..

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Mike Rivero ~ All Wars Are Bankers' Wars | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

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il existe de solutions pour le peuple francais, nonobstant, prudence, sagesse, union; les divisions amene suivant encore plus de division, union est dialogue ce la voix de la resistance. if the zionist and bankers are running the planet, they are not doing a very good job, they might even rule france for that matter. so the solution is forward which requires a new hierarchical form, or backwards and correct the past, to create a new hierarchy that is not pyramidal is quite complicated, therefore is easier to return to the past correct the issue and continue with the purpose of constructing a new form of hierarchical values.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

▶ WOW!! Three Suns Shining Over China (And Not One Of Them Is Niburu!) - YouTube

▶ WOW!! Three Suns Shining Over China (And Not One Of Them Is Niburu!) - YouTube

[Fréquence Protestante]Animateur Radio

[Fréquence Protestante]Animateur Radio
nice// Les stars de l'art contemporain sights must read honest partial interesting...

Gary E. Schwartz ~ The Spirit World | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic

Gary E. Schwartz ~ The Spirit World | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE « artslogic
The apple falls into the ground simply because otherwise living organism will not survive on planet earth;  as long as they need food as energy. the problem with science is that it does not understands nature, Einstein did a bit, and reason why academicians despised him.  the reason for this is the mental conditioning that the capitalist banking industrial sphere implanted on the human minds from the 1600.  this created a distorted and false 1776 revolution, as well a illusioned 1789 french revolution, on the other hand it gave foot to the new world order were most of humanity has existed from the petro industrial revolution, up to now. the mechanical technological leap, that has created mental and physical enslavement as well has put the brainless and brutal in control of the planet and has displaced the noble and brave into darkness. today is an upside down world the idiot rules while the wise is put aside and has become a hermit on his own mind. the tables are rapidly turning reality to its proper balance and what you folks perceive "is a confuse world" that does not make any sense at all! the reason for this is that the world order has collapse and you folks are now being let free from the mental conditioning that exist from the 1600 up to now. when a mental slave is set free he is confuse he does not understand his present condition, and remembers his previous enslavement as the natural way of existence! most of humanity has being enslave ever sense, but now the time for freedom has arrived and the barbarians are taking their place as the noblemen are once again returning to their proper role. Certainly the barbarians do all they can to keep their power, they created israel, wars, banks rothschild super billionaires as "democracy" which has being a tool of deception and manipulation! however democracy can indeed exist but it has not being implemented on the planet, neither human rights or decency, all this terms have being distorted and as the mind manipulation has exercise their power, folks worldwide believe on a term "democracy" that when applied it meant slavery. the world has existed officially on a orwellian realm sense. today 2013 the end of this orwellian realm is ending.  and a spiritual and multidimensional reality is appearing to the human minds. 
what i have shown on my paintings is exactly what Gary explains on his writings, however i have a physical proof of that spiritual reality as I can compare what is on the painting with what reality show us. i achive this by a simple method, 1) the painting on canvas and acrylic paint. 2) the subject matter. 3) the subject matter relates to the objective reality of the world,: in other words what is on the canvas is what is taking place on the globe on the micro world as on the macro world. " a view from the moon of the planet and humans behaviour if you like. 4) the viewer will be able to link what he perceives on the canvas and what he perceives on the objective world timeline. 5) when this two elements match to perception and perfection, details show the realm, it means the information on the canvas is the information you are reveled during the time of now, the present. the canvas perception evolves as the objective reality evolves, it is the subjective mind that has the task of discernment! what i do not understand now is how this relationship works, however i do understand that everything is link somehow from the subatomic to the matter from the spirit to the concrete matter. I do not know why and how it is like this, i perceive and accepted but I have no command on it "painting (artwork) canvas". so it is an experiment that does work; only the creator of it does not know how, neither why it has begun working sense 2001 and not before. It is somehow a kind of time machine that has begun its interactivity on 2001! independently of myself the creator of it... as if the object the painting somehow had an existence and a conscious mind of its own.
alfredo bremont N

Thursday, October 31, 2013

G. Edward Griffin – The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

G. Edward Griffin – The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG
Truth tellers are slandered and persecuted.

» China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Architect of Apartheid in Israel: "If we don't kill, we will cease to exist" - Blumenthal Pt4

Architect of Apartheid in Israel: "If we don't kill, we will cease to exist" - Blumenthal Pt4
israel wiping and whipping palestine of and off the map..............

Michio Kaku: Books, Education, Dark Matter, Explorations, Quotes, Religion - Interview (2010) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Michio Kaku: Books, Education, Dark Matter, Explorations, Quotes, Religion - Interview (2010) | DAILY NEWS ON BOOZE

Enquête sur un citoyen au dessus de tout soupçon - Film d'Elio Petri - Critique

Enquête sur un citoyen au dessus de tout soupçon - Film d'Elio Petri - Critique
Selon M. Muenkel, qui a depuis quitté la présidence et se trouve au chômage, le commandant militaire de l'Elysée, le colonel Bio-Farina, aurait exigé de lui qu'il fasse une recherche dans les archives de l'ancien chef de l'Etat, pourtant protégées par un protocole d'accord signé par Nicolas Sarkozy avec les Archives nationales. Les demandes de M. Bio-Farina auraient notamment porté sur Bernard Tapie, Christine Lagarde (ex-ministre de l'économie, actuellement directrice générale du FMI), Claude Guéant (ex-secrétaire général de l'Elysée), François Pérol (ex-secrétaire général-adjoint), Patrick Ouart (ex-conseiller juridique) et Maurice Lantourne (avocat de M. Tapie).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Champagne Bernad Brémont : De la vigne à la flûte

Champagne Bernad Brémont : De la vigne à la flûte

En mongolie.. is it by chance or is just part of the mission....  recommended for high altitudes.. Price and quality perception and vision all on a glass of ...............!