Friday, January 24, 2014

» 20 Early Warning Signs That We Are Approaching A Global Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 20 Early Warning Signs That We Are Approaching A Global Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

is 1776 a 1789, on the new continet world.. were time and space reverse itself to become a new form of perceiving reality. on anew continet world "continet + internet is = to continet... and time ceases to exist as expected. reality takes a new turn while reason lingers. However dont forget those that gave you the power to reason can take it away. and it looks they have send a hint so far

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Les Français accepteraient moins de services publics pour payer moins d'impôts

Les Français accepteraient moins de services publics pour payer moins d'impôts:

le loup de champs des Mars::: est comme la classe moyenne "nouveau bourgeois" (alias BUBU) tue la classe ouvrière est le pauvres. mais malheureusement la classe moyenne se reconverti en classe pauvre donc: ce la ou le désire est la réalité consommatrice font un sensé réel..

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Nano, the Next Dimension - YouTube

Nano, the Next Dimension - YouTube

Swastika Symbol Linked to Advanced Technology | Beyond Science

Swastika Symbol Linked to Advanced Technology | Beyond Science:

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In Saturn's Rings

In Saturn's Rings:


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Red Alert: Operation American Spring Is Exploding & So Is The Organized Opposition | Protests & Demonstrations

Red Alert: Operation American Spring Is Exploding & So Is The Organized Opposition | Protests & Demonstrations:

Le Printemps américain: time travel: if 1776 is 1789, time is travelling backwards, however it is impossible today to return to 1776, however you do indeed can go to 1789. "is a senseless sense" inconceivable if you like; however real, being in 2014. therefore 1776 is somewhere else.  the old new could do something on this time and space.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Que faire de ce que nous apprend Thomas Piketty sur Le capital au XXIe siècle | Mondialisation

Que faire de ce que nous apprend Thomas Piketty sur Le capital au XXIe siècle | Mondialisation:

En effet, en France, en 2013, le 1 % le plus riche détient 25 % du patrimoine total du pays 

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Que faire de ce que nous apprend Thomas Piketty sur Le capital au XXIe siècle | Mondialisation

Que faire de ce que nous apprend Thomas Piketty sur Le capital au XXIe siècle | Mondialisation:

En effet, en France, en 2013, le 1 % le plus riche détient 25 % du patrimoine total du pays 

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▶ VOC- Enfin un americain qui dit la verite - YouTube

▶ VOC- Enfin un americain qui dit la verite - YouTube

crimes against humanity the coming new Nuremberg tribunal, the old one is old fashion.. that will put corrupt criminal presidents in jail,

▶ Des palestiniens se font tirer dessus pour avoir planter des oliviers sur leurs terres - YouTube

▶ Des palestiniens se font tirer dessus pour avoir planter des oliviers sur leurs terres - YouTube:

encore Israel why ask the UN???   they support crimes against humanity..

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

▶ Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky Interview - YouTube

▶ Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky Interview - YouTube

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america and the MIDDLE EAST...also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..

Israël poursuit ses constructions dans les colonies

Israël poursuit ses constructions dans les colonies

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..

Comment les progressistes ont été distancés: Sur l’arriérisme dans des domaines vitaux du savoir | Mondialisation

Comment les progressistes ont été distancés: Sur l’arriérisme dans des domaines vitaux du savoir | Mondialisation

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..

Jobocalypse | The End of Human Jobs and How Robots will Replace Them

Jobocalypse | The End of Human Jobs and How Robots will Replace Them

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..

When Net Neutrality Becomes Programmed Censorship | Global Research

When Net Neutrality Becomes Programmed Censorship | Global Research

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..

Economic Collapse 2014 -- No Jobs, No Recovery, No American Dream | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Economic Collapse 2014 -- No Jobs, No Recovery, No American Dream | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

a new Nuremberg court of law is eminent to have all those criminal presidents in europe as well in america also those lobbies and religious invaders and manipulators of civilization. the UN today A ineffective body of corruption, and brainless leaders !!....... is useless. so revamp of laws lawyers rules and regulations is the 21 century challenge. to save humanity from the incompetent butchers that rule the planet today..