Friday, March 21, 2014

La Crimée de retour au bercail et l’Ukraine sur la voie de la Grèce | Mondialisation

La Crimée de retour au bercail et l’Ukraine sur la voie de la Grèce | Mondialisation

Les patrons français du cac 40 – ceux qui font des affaires (Renault, Peugeot, voire Danone et même les chantiers  navals ne sont surement pas d’accord. La Russie a d'ailleurs annoncé qu'en cas de non livraison des deux bateaux Mistral elle porterait l'affaire en justice en réclamant des intérêts . L'Allemagne a près de 6000 entreprises en Russie et les Allemands pour près de 80 % ne sont pas favorables à des sanctions contre la Russie.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s moking the death of rachel corry israel, stop killing childrens israel...

Symbols Of Rachel Corrie's Murder

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..STOP mocking the death of rachel corrie israel, stop killing childrens israel... stop murdering childrens israel...

iDF post reprehensible Rachel Corrie pancake pictures

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s moking the death of rachel corry israel, stop killing childrens israel...

Rachel Corrie Tribute - YouTube

Rachel Corrie Tribute - YouTube

STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL.. STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL..STOP KILLING AMERICANS ISRAEL...stop killing americans israel, stop killing americans israel, stop killing children s israel..

Dead in the Water (Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) - YouTube

Dead in the Water (Israel's attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) - YouTube

free america from israeli lobby,, stop killing americans israel...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Xavier Moreau sur le référendum en Crimée - Egalite et Réconciliation

Xavier Moreau sur le référendum en Crimée - Egalite et Réconciliation

Dès lors je devins un fantôme
Errant dans le camp de la Mort
Est-ce ainsi que meurent les hommes
Et les femmes iront aux plus forts.

Voulez-vous la guerre totale ? - AgoraVox le média citoyen

Voulez-vous la guerre totale ? - AgoraVox le média citoyen

LE french doctor BHL, et les irrationnelles proche de leur destin finale, dajjal a perdue la guerre, dieu sera t'il clément... a suivre.....

Should Ukraine and West Accept De Facto Crimea Joining Russia? (2/2)

Should Ukraine and West Accept De Facto Crimea Joining Russia? (2/2)

legality to exist the usa of america has to reverse KOSOVO,IRAQ,Libya, syria, and even 9/11, otherwise professor TAKIR will always be wrong clearly to justified unreasonable actions you need or a hitler regime, or just accept lies. so professor TAKIR has a diplomatic touch; all historical references are idiotic do not apply, TAKIR is 100% wrong, plain BS justification.  however it looks that truth has gone above all and it is the fact of truth that determines the outcome no matter what any professors says, or president or judge or religious leader. how this came about I also would like to know!!  and understand but is over folks the $ is gone and as i said this hidden mind of true controls the scene so main media brainwash and all this rhetoric becomes useless.rothschild breed and bilderberg; . on the other hand reasoning no longer works as we know best and you know less, which is the force of oppression on the oppressed...  it could be an invisible god that is running the show, of we poor and small human animals.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Ukraine : jusqu'où ira Poutine ? - Le Point

Ukraine : jusqu'où ira Poutine ? - Le Point

cet un faite accompli par PUTIN nonobstant ce vous la presse arrière qui a fait cet réalité une réalité, après la libye; aussi bien la Russie que la chine; ont compris que l'occident l’Europe suit les ordres de washington, wall street et le FMI.  est cette Occident et pire que Staline, donc: cette bataille et perdue d'avance car elle a été planifie en 2011, BHL le Buffon comme cameroon et Sarkozy ont mordue la piégé, comme en Ukraine, le gouvernement français inefficace avec une DGS inopérante, enfonce en MALI et Centrafrique!!!!...! en fin inefficace crois comprendre, mais le jeux d'échecs et dehors l’intelligence DSG, ministère de la defense.. et le gouvernent. donc le resultat ce le couacs a repetition la désorganisation et la question ce répété  !!!.. il est ou la nation civilisatrice?? ^^^.....:)

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

END OF NATO OTAN pour libéré l'EUROPE du MERKELISME la TROÏKA et le FMI, Ukraine et foutu après BHL, ce la Libye le futur de l’Ukraine... donc: regardes la libye vous avez l’Ukraine ce automatique..

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

PressTV - ‘Obama could trigger World War III’

END OF NATO  --  OTAN pour libéré l'EUROPE du MERKELISME la TROÏKA et le FMI, Ukraine et foutu après BHL, ce la Libye le futur de l’Ukraine... donc: regardes la libye vous avez l’Ukraine ce automatique..

Crimée : l'UE et les Etats-Unis adoptent des sanctions ciblées contre des responsables

Crimée : l'UE et les Etats-Unis adoptent des sanctions ciblées contre des responsables

REVERSE REALITY: more effective than remote viewing:  the hot war can become the blessing peace, as the aim here is soros double agent methods, and the new rich  russians, chinese americans french, venezuelans, worldwide, they are the corrupt bunch, end of petrodollars, will end the saudi kingdom as a dictatorial kingdom, they are in bed with wall street gangsters and bankers, aim is to ruin them, because they are the wall street of today. however a decent market can emerge as a decent honest capitalism. congress AIPAC, jewish lobby are as well a nest of corruption and world troublemakers, jews on the other hand have being misguided and abuse. by this rothschilds breed, and new rich petrodollars lock in scheme. reason why the end of the $ as a reserve currency is not on the benefit of wall street and this gangsters, but it is on the benefit of 99%.. !

as those bankster ruin america made you slave of israel, and are killing american soldiers for wall street and AIPAC, not to defend america but rather to enslave america. surprisingly reverse reality is now functioning, so that is a big help: reverse reality is an upside down of what main media brainwashing does to the american minds and at large the rest of the planet. so the brainwash will be diluted as it is posted by the gangsters.

US v China: is this the new cold war? -

US v China: is this the new cold war? -

free from the IMF at last dump the petrodollars, and enjoy life, as prescribed by your doctor dump the petrodollars, $ get pay in any other currency, or gold.. this is what maduro venezuela, BRAZIL and ecuador,  should do with the help of russia and china, india, and iran qatar and scotland. dump the petrodollars campaign to save the planet now..............scotland get your oil pay in euros and £, will help europe help the UK, and make scotland a very rich nation. dump the petrodollars do not accept them as payment from your oil, free scotland dump the petrodollars. (never waste a good crisis)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Référendum en Crimée : le rattachement officiel à la Russie sera demandé dès lundi - Le Point

Référendum en Crimée : le rattachement officiel à la Russie sera demandé dès lundi - Le Point

Et OBAMA découvre la démocratie, au même temps les américain découvre un état policier... pauvres américain, bizute par la presse et le lavage de cerveau...les européens vrais ce la répétition de la 1 guerre mondial son anniversaire et comme prévue la france lance le bal civilisatrice, napoléon style. bon jour la mort cher compatriotes. la Russie ce ne pas la libye. attention..Hitler a échoue Napoléon aussi.

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

never waste a good crisis: RUSSIANS;  they have a cause! they are under attack by the western morons, on the other hand, this event has a bright side thanks to PUTIN and the idiots of the french foreign policies and BHL, the mentally retarded philosopher. the good news is that now Europe can indeed become a real European union, so european citizens can be united form a real EU union for the people with the people and oust all this funny hypocrites cameroon, barroso, merkel, catherine ashton another" blunder of the human kind" the lot, this folks are way off they have destroyed europe the usa and are on the process of creating a 3 world war.. hollande another wimp, borroso the troika, the imf, the world bank and eventually liberate you folks, in america, this needs a leader (A LEADER)   google facebook all media outlets must cooperate, to block main media junk. and a strategy. unfortunately I personally cannot get involve, "not looking for any post in government or anything of that sort"  however i can perceive and transmit my perception, but you folks do have the opportunity now, remember never waste a good crisis. 1776 is in fact 1789. the new revolution that is sane and wise; let reason prevails over idiocy.

alfredo bremont..

Alonso says Ferrari must improve for Malaysia -

Alonso says Ferrari must improve for Malaysia -

i think is the nose of the car is too wide, prevents the flow of air to be on equilibrium.  a more diamond like structure can let air flow but as well vehicule the air flow in such a way that cools the breaks as well improve balance. you can do two options, one open the nose   and create an inner nose that will slim down inside the wider nose you now see on the picture, the other option is to simply lower it down a bit however the flow of air demands some apertures or shark breathing apertures on the side of the nose. "just a suggestion send input" 

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Northern League 2.0

Northern League 2.0:

venice se sépare de ROME et l’Italie se sépare du sud, ça continue. en Espagne Bretagne puis Ecosse, Quebec, etc. la désintégration et en marche les prochains mois, car ce la tactique destructive de Washington, pour appliquer plus tard le plan Marshall version 2014. donc: l'europe a la merci de banques FMI et Washington, le dirigeants européens eux ce la corruption généralise, et les paradis fiscaux. lll

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Bismarck & the American System - YouTube

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Bismarck & the American System - YouTube:

and the new MERKEL robotic mind...............................

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama and the plan for World War 3 - Best documentary film 2013 - YouTube

Obama and the plan for World War 3 - Best documentary film 2013 - YouTube:

hitler and its new war MERKEL if you like the new HITLER bear in mind that hitler wars destroyed europe not the USA, it enable the creation of israel, the enslavement of the middle east and the triumph of the FED and the rothschild bankers breed. so this war has the same purpose HITLER MERKEL plays the role of HITLER being german and being a slave vessels of washington, hitler did the same, henri ford rockefellers helped hitler gain power kill jews, and them they killed him, same method as satan hussein. the problem here russia has nukes, hitler did not, europe depends on russian gas, and the world depends on the saudi kingdom, blowing up the saudi kingdom will make europe a slave of russia unless they decide to attack russia like HITLER but that will not solve the problem just kill a lot of germans the 99% have a choice. or impeach Obama and here the military has a role or just wait and see, but russia can defend itself and nuke new york, once some cities are nuke them is too late there is no winner, but you lot the 99%. is possible that the government of america is a government that works on the interest of bankers israel AIPAC, not the citizens so if that is so, the plan was drawn by them, sense the military is you the 99% why should they care. f--k the americans the government and congress can say, this americans are dumb and slaves of our will and tv shows,  they are slaves anyway, let them die like dogs; as that is what they are. just dogs...

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