L’hypocrisie impérialiste concernant la Crimée | Mondialisation
la FRANCE devenue "caniche" de washington par nicolas Sarkozy: donc ce cette rapprochement qui ruine la france, et qui a mis La france en danger. SARKOZY a contribue a la destruction de La France et a le danger de une guerre nucleaire avec la russie, puis des problemes economiques gigantesque, psa, renault, et autres desastres. donc: Le moment de quitter l'OTAN ce maintenon. pour le bien de français et de la france comme de la Republique. the moment for FRANCE to exit NATO. Because of FRANCE "OTAN-NATO" involvement, washington permits itself to become aggressive towards russia, however, for the french citizens for the "MADE IN FRANCE" and for Europe as a whole this responsibility "OTAN-NATO" creates a reality by which washington uses FRANCE as its defence and offence "caniche" for washington is pure benefit for FRANCE and EUROPE is a total lost, a disaster, so hope PRESIDENT HOLLANDE will understand that by being inside "OTAN" FRANCE and its citizens do not benefit from anything at all rather the opposite, they are now targets of russian nuclear missiles; this fact is only because of the french enslavement to "NATO-OTAN"...!
Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system.